8th english

bseb class 8th english | MY LAND


bseb class 8th english

class – 8

subject – english

lesson 10 – MY LAND

( मेरी मातृभूमि )

She is a rich………. land of mine .

[ Word meaning : Rich ( adj ) [ रिच ] = धनी , अमीर | Rare ( adj ) [ रेअर ] = मुश्किल से प्राप्त , दुर्लभ । Fresh ( adj ) [ फ्रेश ] = ताजा । Native ( adj ) [ नेटिव ] = जन्म स्थान ।

अर्थ -यह एक अमीर और अनूठी भूमि है , यह एक ताजा और सुन्दर देश है , यह एक प्रिय और दुर्लभ देश है , यह मेरी मातृभूमि है ।

No men than ….. my lot divine .

Word meaning : Braver ( adj ) [ ब्रेवर ] = अधिक बहादुर । Waver ( v ) [ वैवर ] = झिझकना , संकोच करना । Divine ( adj ) [ डिवाइन ] = पवित्र ।

अर्थ – इस देश के लोगों सा कोई बहादुर नहीं , यहाँ की औरतें भी संकोची नहीं हैं , मैं इसे बचाने के लिए मरना पसंद करूंगा और अपनी मृत्यु को अपना भाग्य समझूगा ।

She’s not a dull ……..land of mine .

Word meaning : Dull ( adj ) [ डल ] = सुस्त । Warm ( adj ) [ वामी = गर्म । Bold ( adj ) [ बोल्ड ] = साहसी | Native land ( adj ) [ नेटिव लैन्ड ] = जन्मभूमि ।

अर्थ -यह एक सुस्त या ठंढा देश नहीं , नहीं ! यह गर्म और साहसी देश है ; ओह ! यह एक सच्चा और पुराना देश है , यह मेरी जन्मभूमि है ।

Could beauty ever …….within it pine .

Word meaning : Beauty ( n ) [ ब्यूटी ] = सौन्दर्य | Guard ( v ) [ गार्ड ) = रक्षा करना । Virtue ( m ) [ वयूँ = गुण । Still ( adv ) [ स्टिल ] = अब भी । Foe ( n ) [ फो ] = शत्रु । Reward ( 1 ) [ रिवाडी = इनाम देना । Border ( 1 ) [ वाड ) = सीमा ।

अर्थ – सुन्दरता मेरे देश की रक्षा करे , गुण भी मेरे देश को इनाम दे , कोई दुश्मन इसकी सीमा पार न करें , कोई दोस्त उदास न रहे ।

O , she’s a fresh…….. land of mine .

Word meaning : Fresh ( adj ) [ फ्रेश ] = ताजा । Fair ( adj ) [ फेअर ] = सुन्दर । True ( adj ) [ ] = सच्चा । Mine ( pron ) [ माइन ] = मेरा ।

अर्थ — यह एक ताजगी भरा और सुन्दर देश है और यह एक दुर्लभ और सच देश । हाँ , है यह देश दुर्लभ और सुन्दर , यह है मेरी जन्मभूमि ।

Summary :-
‘ My Land ‘ , composed by the English Poet Thomas Davis is a patriotic poem . The poet loves his land too much . He praises hs land’s quality and virtues . He says that his land is rich and rare , fresh and fair , dear and rare . He says that his land’s men are braver and women’s hearts never waver . The poet says that he will freely die to save her and take it as divine .

  सारांश –
‘ माई लैन्ड ‘ ( मेरी मातृभूमि ) अंग्रेजी के कवि थॉमस डेविस द्वारा लिखित एक देशभक्तिपूर्ण कविता है । कवि अपने देश से बहुत प्यार करता है । वह अपने देश के गुणों की सराहना करता है , इस कविता में । वह कहता है कि उसका देश अमीर और दुर्लभ है , ताजा और सुन्दर है , प्रिय और अनूठा है । वह कहता है कि उसके देश के पुरुष अन्य देशों की अपेक्षा ज्यादा बहादुर हैं और स्त्रियाँ भी संकोची नहीं वरन् निडर हैं । कवि इस कविता में यह भी कहता है कि वह अपने देश के लिए मर जाने में गौरव का अनुभव करेगा और अपनी मृत्यु को अपना भाग्य मानेगा ।


Two friends have different thoughts about their country . One wants to serve her motherland after completing her studies . The other , wants to leave the country and settle in another country and work there . Who , in your opinion , is better ? Give reasons for your opinion .
Ans . The one who wants to serve her motherland , after completing her studies , is better of the two . It is our prime duty to serve our motherland where we are born and are nourished .


Q. 1. Name the qualities of the speaker’s native land .
Ans . The qualities of the speaker’s native land are as following rich , rare , fresh , fair , dear , warm , bold , true , old .
Q. 2. Tell the qualities of men and women who live in the land of the land of the speaker .
Ans . The men of the land of the speaker are braver in comparison to people of other land and the women are not waver but bold .
Q. 3. What is the wish of the poet ?

Ans . The poet wishes to die freely to save his motherland from her enemies .

B.1.2 . Say whether the following statements are ‘ True ‘ or ‘ False ‘ .
1. The poem is about a fresh and fair land .
2. The speaker is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his motherland .
3. The poet doesn’t talk about the virtue and beauty of his birthplace .
4. According to the speaker , no enemy can cross the border of his native land . 5. The poet is proud of his motherland . Ans .
1. ( T ) , 2. ( T ) . 3. ( F ) , 4. ( T ) . 5. ( T ) .


B.2.1 . Tick the most appropriate option to complete the following state ments .
1 . There title of the poem ‘ My Land ‘ does not indicate
( a ) A fresh and fair land
( b ) A dull and cold land
( c ) A dear and rare land

2. The poet says that his native land is guarded and rewarded by
a . The grace of God
b . Its beauty and virtue
c . Some unknown power
3. ” No men than hers are braver ” . The word ‘ her ‘ here refers to
a . common men
b . common women
c . native people

Ans . 1. ( b ) , 2. ( b ) , 3. ( c ) .

B.2.2 . Write the answer of the following questions in about 70 words .

Q. 1. Justify the title of ” My Land . ” Suggest another suitable title .
Ans . The poem’s title ‘ My Land ‘ is quite perfect . The poet has based his poem on his land or country . So , the title suits to the poem . The other title could be ‘ My Native Land ‘ .
Q. 2. Write the main idea of the poem ” My Land ” .
Ans . The poem , ” My Land ” is based on the patriotic feelings of the poet . The poet loves his motherland too much . He wants to die freely for his mother . land . As a great patriotic he only counts the qualities of his land . He believes that his native land is by all means superior to any of the other lands .
Q.3 . .Do you agree with the views of the poet ? Give reasons .
Ans . One has to agree with the views of he poet . One who loves his country has all the right to count all the qualities of his motherland . The poet is also doing the same in his poem . He wants to die freely for his country . He wants his country to be always free and free from its enemics . I agree with the views of the poet .
Q. 4. What , according to the poet , are the qualities of one down coun try which one ought to be proud of ?
Ans . The qualities of one’s own country for which one should be proud of are as such – the country is rich , rare , fresh , fair , dear , warm and bold according to the poet.

Look up the poem again and pick out the words that mean the oppo . site of the following words . Write these opposite words next to ech of the words listee here .
common     stale.     foreign
attack.      punish.     friend
evil        intelligent.      timid

Ans .
Words.                  Opposite words from
    the poem
common ———–rare
stale ————–fresh
foreign ————native
attack————- save
punish————- reward
friend  ————-foe
evit—————- divine
intelligent ———–dull
timid————— brave

Sit in a group of four or five . Talk about what you like / don’t like in your country ,
Ans .
Amit : I like my country to be at the top .
Neha : I don’t like my country’s defeat in the cricket game .
Moni:  I like my country to be very rich and its people prosperous .
Sonu : I don’t like my country to be let down by any of the country ,

You are Saket , the Secretary of the Cultural committee of your school .Your cultural committee is going to stage a drama on the occasion of the Independence Day  .

Write a notice on the notice board in this connection inviting students and their parents to watch the play being staged . Date , time , name of the play and place must be mentioned in it . Look at the format of a notice :

Name of the School
Notice :
Date ….
Subject Heading

Body …….What,when ,where, by whom Signature with Designation

Ans .

Govt . High School , Sonpur
Jan. 15 , 2012
This is to inform you that the Cultural Committee of our school is going to stage a drama in our school campus in the meeting hall at 6.30pm . We are going to play Satya Harishchandra ‘ . All the students and their parents of our school are invited to see the drama . We invite you to view the stage performance and enjoy the evening .

Secretary , Cultural Committee
Govt . High School , Sonpur


Translate the poem into your mother tongue .
Ans . Translation of the poem is given before ‘ Summary ‘ .
Colour the boxes that have rhyming word :
braver       put        come         men waver       cut        dome          hen

no             fair        log              do
To               are        fog             so

Fresh         our        fell            name
Fair            tour       fail             fame

Root          mine      land          ten
Roost        nine       band         tin

Ever           did         bat            kind
Never        sit           bar           mind

Hard         well        shank       mine
Reward    wall        shape       fine

Ans . Rhyming words in the boxes :
braver – waver.come – dome , men — hen.log – fog , name — fame , mine — ninc , land – band , ever — never , kind – mind , hard – reward , mine – fine .
Hints : Colour the boxes of rhyming word yourselves .

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