9th english

9th class english notes | MY CHILDHOOD


9th class english notes




—Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam

Introduction : This lesson entitled
‘my chidhood ‘is the history of childhood of a great personality of India known as Dr .a.p.j .Abdul kalam . As we ail know he became the eleventh president of india on 2 l st July 2002and completed his five year term in July 2007 .
He was born in rameshwaram the religions city of the Hindus in the southern tip of our country in tamilnadu state Dr .kalam had an adventurous life . He did his schools inla rameshwaram then went to madras and specialized in Aeronautical Engineering . He worked for two decades in ISRO and then took up the responsibility of developing indigenous guided missiles at the Defence Research and Development programme. He was responsible for making and lunching of  Prithvi and ‘ Agni ‘ missiles. The nuclear tests in pokhran (Two) was carried under his direction and guidance. Later he took up to teaching as a Professor in Anna University, Chennai in 2001. He has won many awards including civilian prestigious award of this country like Padma Bhushan in 1981, Padma Vibhushan in the year 1990 and the highest award of ‘ ‘ Bharat Ratna ‘ in the year 1997.
This price has taken from his autobiography, ‘Wings of Fire ‘ published only recently.


1. The writer stars by saying that he was born in a middle – class Tamil family in the island of Ramesh warma  in then Madras star. He says that his father Jainulabdeem had not much formal education. He had not much wealth also but he had great inner wisdom and at the same time he was generous by heart. She was my father’s ture and ideal help mate. She used to cook food and serve meal for a large number of family members including guestsb and visitors whose number used to he more than family members put together, daily.
2. In the family there were many children and kalam was one of them. He was of short height. His look was also not impressive thought his parents were tell and handsome, The house in which he lived with his family was an ancestral house, made out of lime and brick and fairly large. This was built in the nineteenth century and was situated on the mosque street in Rameshwarma. The author says that his father always avoided luxurious living but all the necessary of life were met and arranged including medicine, clothes, food etc.
3. When he was of eight years the sound world war broken in 1939. As the war started, the demand for tamarind seeds increased in the market. He could not understand the reason for this sudden increase. He says, he would collect the seeds and sell them to a provision shop. (किराने की दुकान) in the Same Street. He would earn one anna from that sale every day which he felt was quite princely sum. His area was isolated and unaffected by war but his brother-in-law Jallaluddin used to nrrate  to him the stories of the war. Kalam used to confirm the stories from the headlines of the paper named ‘ Dinamani’ . But soon India joined the ‘ Allied Forces ‘ which resulted in the suspension of train service upto Rameshwarma after a state of emergency was declared. Now the daily papers ment for distribution in Rameshwarma had to be collected from the running train from Rameshwarma road Station between Rameshwarma and Dhanushkoti. My cousin used to distribute the daily newspaper in Rameshwarma. The cousin assigned the work to me which I did with pleasure. I earned my first wages through this work which gave me a felling of pride says the author.
4. The author further says that every child inherits some characteristics. He says that he inherited honesty and discipline from his father and mother. Similarly, goodness and deep kindness also come in his personality from his parents. His three brothers and sisters also grew with the same parental qualities. He had three friends in the childhood. They were Ramanadha Sastry. Arvindan and Sivaprakasan all the three were from orthodox Brahmin family. Religious upbringing and faith never came in their way of friendship. In fact one of the friends, Ramanadha Sastry was the son of the high priest of Rameshwarma temple. In fact he took over the priesthood from his father Arvindan went into transport business and Sivprakasan became a catering coordinator for the Southern Railways.
5. During the annual shir Sitaram Kalyanam ceremony, the family of Kalam used to arrange boats with special platform for carrying idols of Lord Ram from the temple to the marriage site situated in the middle of the pond called Rama Tirth which was near his house. The mother and grandmother of boy Kalam used to tell the stories from Ramayana and from the prophet’s life at the bed time.This made a deep impact on his personality building.
6. Kalam Narrate a story of his school days. When used he was student of fifth standard, a new teacher joined his class. Kalam used to sit in the front with Ramanadha Sastry with a cap on his head which made him look like Muslim. This offended the new teacher as he could not tolerated a high priests son sitting with a Muslim boy. He was asked by the teacher to go on the back bench. He felt sad but could do nothing. Sastry also felt I’ll and looked downcast as Kalam shifted to the last seat of the last row. Sastry almost wept at this sudden change. Kalam had a look at the agony of Sastry’s face and this made a deep and lasting impression on Kalam’s mind.
7. After school, they went home and narrated the incident to their parents. Lakshmana Sastry called the teacher and in front of boys clearly told the teacher that he should not spread the poison of communal hatred and Social inequality in the he should not spread the poison of communal hatred and social inequality in the minds of children. He was asked to apologise or quit the school. The teacher did not regret but the strong sense of conviction shown by the high priest ultimately reformed this young teacher.
8. The small socity of Rameshwarma had very rigid outlook. His secince teacher Sivaprakasan lyer though an orthodox Brahmin with conservative wife also thought of bringing a change in the society so that the people from different Social groups could mix up and mingle. For Kalam he had a vision which he used to narrate “Kalam, I want you to develop so that you are on par with the highly educated people of the big cities.”
9. One day the teacher invited his student to have dinner in his house. His wife got horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy taking meal in her pure kitchen. She refused to server meal in the kitchen. Mr. lyer took the initiative and served the meal himself. He also sat by his side to take the meal. His wife helplessly watched from beside the kitchen, door. Mr. Iyer repeated the invitation for the next day’s dinner. Boy Kalam hesitate but Mr. lyer had a firm conviction. He told me not to get upset as if ane has to work for the change in the socity such problems do arise and one has to work for the change in the socity such problems do arise and one has to comfort.
The next day when he come for the dinner Mr. lyer’s wife took him inside the kitchen and served the food from her own hand.
10. Then the world war was over. It was imminent that India will get freedom. Gandhijee declared “Indians will build their own India”. The whole country was filled with joy and optimism. Abdul Kalam asked permission from his father to go to the district headquarters in Ramnathpuram for further studies.

            SUMMARY IN HINDI
भूमिका एवं सारांश — मेरा बचपन (माइ चाइल्डहुड ) शीर्षक यह प्रस्तुति भारत के एक महान व्यक्तित्व डा. ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलाम के बचपन की कहानी है। जैसा हम जानते हैं, डा.कलाम 25जुलाई 2000 को भारत के ग्यारहवें राष्ट्रपति बने और जुलाई , 2007 तक इस पद पर बने रहे। अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म भारत के दक्षिणी छोर पर स्थित एक तीर्थस्थली, रामेश्वरम में वर्ष 1931 में हुआ था। रामेश्वरम तक तत्कालीन मद्रास राज्य का भाग था। अब्दुल कलाम का बचपन अत्यंत साहसिक घटनाओं से ओत-प्रोत था। उनकी प्रारम्भिक एवं स्कूली शिक्षा के लिये वे मद्रास चले गए जहाँ से उन्होंने वैमानिक अभियांत्रिकी में, मद्रास इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी से विशेषज्ञता हासिल की। तत्पश्चात प्राय: दो दशकों तक उन्होंने इसरो नामक प्रसिद्ध संस्था में काम किया। ‘पृथ्वी ‘ एवं ‘ अग्नि’ मिसाइल का निर्माण एवं प्रक्षेपण तकनीक का निर्माण किया। पोखरण में आण्विक विस्फोट डा. के नेतृत्व में किया गया। बाद में वे चेन्नई के अन्ना विश्वविद्यालय में अध्यापन का कार्य करने लगे।
देश को दी गयी इनकी अमूल्य सेवाओं का मूल्यांकन करते हुए उन्हें प्रसिद्ध नागरिक सम्मान दिये गये । वर्ष 1981मे पद्मभूषण , वर्ष 1990 में पद्मविभूष , वर्ष 1990 में पद्मविभूषण और वर्ष 1997 में सर्वोच्च नागरिक सम्मान ‘ भारत रत्न ‘ से उन्हें विभूषित  किया गया। विंग्स आॅफ फायर ‘ नाम से प्रकाशित उनकी जीवनी से यह रचना ली गयी है। इस पुस्तक का प्रकाशन कुछ दिन पूर्व ही किया गया है।
सारांश —1. लेखक अपनी इस कृति का आरंभ यह कहते हुए करता है कि उसका जन्म इस दिये के दक्षिणी छोर पर स्थित शहर रामेश्वरम में एक माध्यवगीँय तमिल परिवार में हुआ था। यह शहर पहले मद्रास राज्य का हिस्सा था। उनके पिता को बहुत अधिक औपचारिक शिक्षा नहीं मिली थी उनके पास आन्तरिक बौद्धिकता बहुत थी । इसके साथ साथ वे अत्यंत उदार प्रकृति के व्यक्ति थे। उनके पिता का नाम जैनुल आब्दीन था। पिता की सबसे अच्छी सहयोगिनी थी। वे घर के सभी लोगों के लिए भोजन बनाती और स्वयं खिलाती । भोजन करने वालों में अतिथियों की संख्या भी परिवार के पूरे लोगों की संख्या से अधिक होती थी।
2. घर में अनेक बच्चे थे। कलम इनमें से एक थे। ये कद के छोटे और देखने में सुंदर भी नहीं थे। सारा परिवार अपने पुराने पैतृक घर में रहता था जिसका निर्माण ।19वीं शताब्दी में हुआ था। यह ईंट और चूने से बना पक्का मकान था और रामेश्वरम के मस्जिद मार्ग पर स्थित था। मेरे पिता, अनावश्यक एवं विलासिता की चीजें खरीदने में विश्वास नहीं करते थे पर परिवार के सभी सदस्यों के लिए दवा, कपड़ा एवं भोजन की व्यवस्था में कमी नहीं करते थे।
3.जब कलाम 8 वर्ष के थे तब दूसरा विश्वयुद्ध वर्ष 1939 में छिड़ गया था। उस दौरान इमली के बीजों की मांग अचानक बढ़ गयी । इसकी मांग में अचानक आयी वृद्धि का कारण बालक कलाम को समझ में नहीं आया। वह इमली के बीज इकट्ठा करता और उसी मार्ग पर स्थित किराने के दुकान में बेच देता। इससे कलाम को अच्छे पैसे मिल जाते और अपनी कमाई पर बड़ा संतोष मिलता। अचानक एक दिन पता चला कि भारत ने मित्र राष्ट्र की सेना को साथ देने का मान ली है। इसका परिणाम तत्काल यह हुआ कि रामेश्वरम तक ट्रेन सेवा बंद कर दी गई । कलाम ने एक चचेरे भाई रामेश्वरम में दैनिक अखबार बाँटते थे। रामेश्वरम तक अखबार आना बंद हो गया। अब अखबार के बंगलों को रामेश्वरम रोड और धनुषकोटि स्टेशनों के बीच रेल के  लाइन उसके वितरण का कार्य करते । अखबार को रेल लाइन के किनारे से उठाने का कार्य भाई ने कलाम को सौंपा जिसे उसने सहर्ष स्वीकार कर लिया। उस कार्य के लिए कलाम को पारिश्रमिक मिलता। इससे कलाम के मन को आत्मगौरव का अनुभव और आत्मनिर्भरता का पाठ सीखने का लाभ मिला।
4. लेखक अपनी आत्मकथा का वर्णन करते लिखता है कि सभी बच्चा अपने माता-पिता से कुछ न कुछ गुण प्राप्त करता है। कलाम ने अपने पिता से अनुशासन और ईमानदारी का गुण पाया। इनके इनके भाई-बहनों में भी गुण माता-पिता की ही देन है। बचपन में कलाम के तीन साथी थे — रामनधा शास्त्री, अरविंद और शिवप्रकासन । ये तीनों ब्राह्मण परिवार से आते थे पर धार्मिक मान्यताओं और  विश्वास में अंतर के कारण उनकी मित्रता पर कभी आँच नहीं आयी। अरविन्दन ट्रांसपोर्ट व्यवसाय में चला गया और वह बाहर से आने वाले तीर्थयात्रियों के लिए परिवहन की व्यवस्था करने लगा। शिवप्रकासन दक्षिणी रेलवे केटरिंग का का ठीकेदार  बन  गया।
7. श्री कलाम अपने बचपन के दिनों को याद करते हुए लिखते हैं कि उनका परिवार, श्री सीताराम कल्यापण समारोह के वार्षिक उत्सव में एक विशेष मंच के साथ नौका का व्यवस्था करता था  जिस पर राम की विशाल मूर्ति मंदिर से रामतीर्थ नाम स्थली ले जायी जाती। यह स्थली एक तालाब के मध्य में स्थित है और यहाँ राम-सिता के विवाह का अनुष्ठान सम्मान किया जाता था। बालक कलाम ने बचपन में अपनी माँ और दादी से रामायण की कथा पैगम्बर मुहम्मद के जीवन की घटनाओं के विवरण सुन रखें थे। रात्रीकाल में सोते समय में काहानियाँ माँ और दादी उन्हें सुनाती जिसका गहरा प्रभाव इनके मन पर पड़ा ।
6. स्कूल  के दिनों की घटनाओं का जिक्र करते हुए कलाम लिखते हैं कि जब वे पांचवीं कक्षा में पढ़ते थे तो एक नये शिक्षक आये । उस समय वे एक टोपी पहनते थे जिससे उनके मुसलमान होने का बोध होता था । कलाम रामनधा शास्त्री के साथ पहली पंक्ति में बैठते थे।  नये शिक्षक महोदय को एक ब्राह्मण लड़के की संगति एक मुसलमान लड़के के साथ नागवार लगी। बालक कलाम ने अपने शिक्षक के  आदेश का पालन किया पर शास्त्री का मन अत्यंत उदास हो गया। शिक्षक के इस अनायास अनावश्यक व्यवहार से वह बहुत दुःखी हो गया।
7. स्कूल से घर वापस आने पर इन दोनों ने अपने-अपने पिता को स्कूल में घटी घटना के बारे में  बताया। लक्ष्मण शास्त्री ने तुरंत शिक्षक महोदय को अपने घर में बुलाया और स्पष्ट शब्दों में कहा कि – बच्चों के दिल और दिमाग में साम्प्रदायिकता और असमानता का जहर फैलाना ठीक नहीं है। शिक्षक महोदय ने क्षमा याचना नहीं की पर लक्ष्मण शास्त्री के दृढ़ निश्चय के आगे उन्हें झुकना पड़ा और उन्होंने अपने विचार और व्यवहार को बदल दिया।
8. रामेश्वरम के छोटे समुदाय के लोगों में रुढ़िवादिता का समावेश बहुत ज्यादा था। कलाम के विज्ञान शिक्षक शिवासुब्रमणि अय्यर यद्यपि सनातन पंथी ब्राह्मण थे और उनकी पत्नी रूढ़िवादी थी पर श्री अय्यर समाजिक परिवर्तन में विश्वास रखते थे। वे चाहते थे कि लोग आपस में मिले जुले और उनमें आपसी सद्भाव हो। कलाम के लिए उनके मन में एक सपना था – वे चाहते थे कि कलाम बड़े शहरों के सबसे शिक्षित लोगों की तरह बने।
9. एक दिन अय्यर ने कलाम को अपने घर में भोजन के लिए आमंत्रित किया। एक मुसलमान को अपने घर की रसोई में भोजन कराना अय्यर की पत्नी को पसंद नहीं था। उन्होंने इनमें झिझक दिखाई । श्री अय्यर ने कलाम के लिये स्वयं उनके साथ भोजन के लिये बैठ गये। श्रीमती अय्यर ने कलाम के लिए स्वयं खाना परोसा और स्वयं उनके साथ भोजन के लिये बैठ गये। श्रीमती अय्यर असहाय होकर रसोई घर के दरवाजे के पीछे से इसे देखती रहीं । श्रीमान अय्यर ने इस क्रम को अगले दिन भी जारी रखा। दूसरे दिन श्रीमती अय्यर ने स्वयं खाना परोसा और अपने साथ रसोई में ले गयीं।
10. दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध की समाप्ति की घोषणा हो गयी। यह निश्चित हो गया कि भारत को आजादी मिल जायेगी । गांधी जी ने घोषणा की — ‘ भारत के लोग अपना भारत स्वयं बनायेंगे।’ भारत के लोगों में उल्लास और उत्साह का संचार होने लगा । श्री कलाम ने पिताजी से आगे पढ़ाई के लिये रामनाथपुरम जाने की आज्ञा मांगी । रामनाथपुरम , रामेश्वरम का जिला मुख्यालय था।

            Glossary: शब्दावली
Accent (n)= बलाघात । Intonation (n): आरोह — अवरोह या स्वर परिवर्तन। Innate (adj): जन्मजात गुण। Casualty (n): दुर्घटनाग्रस्त, क्षति। Inheritance (n): पूर्वजों से प्राप्त सम्प्रति ।  Authority (n): आज्ञा देने का अधिकार।  Apologies (n): क्षमाप्राथी, क्षमा मांगना। Impression (n): स्थायी प्रभाव । Imminent (adj.): अवश्यम्भावी। Perturb(v): चिन्तित होना । Segregation (n): अपने से अलग रखना ।
Confront (v): सामना करना।


A.1. Who is the only scientists to have become the President of India?
Ans. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is the only scientists to have become the President of India.
2. Name any three scholars who have the President of India.
Ans. They are: (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan (c) Dr. Zakir Hussain.
3. Who is called the ‘ Missile Man of India’ ?
Ans. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is called the ‘Missile Man of India.’
4. Do you remember any childhood experience of your own ? If yes narrate the experience.
Ans. It was an unique experience which gave me a lesson not to repeat the same in future. Out of curiosity, I touched a live wire without any proper hand glove. That gave me an immediate shock and I was thrown on the ground but I was saved by God’s grace.
B.1.1. Write ‘T’ for ture and ‘F’ for false statement :
(a) Kalam was born in a high class family. [F]
(b) Kalam was eight year old when the second world war broken out.
(C) India joined the Allied Forces. [T]
(d) Jallaluddin helped Kalam earned his first wages.   [F]
(e) Kalam is now ashamed of how he earned his own money for the first time [F]
(f) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born in a Tamil family at Rameshwarma in Madras.  [T]
B.1.2.  Answer the following questions very briefly :
(a) Who were the parents of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul kalam ?
Ans. His father’s name was Jainulabdeem and mother was Ashiamma.
(b)  When was his ancestral house built ?
Ans. His ancestral house was built in the middle of the nineteenth century.
(c) When did the second  World War breakout ?
Ans. The second world war broke  out in 1939.
B.2.1. Write ‘T’ for  false statements :
1. Kalam had three close friends. Ramanadha Sastry. Arvindan and Sivaprakasan. [T]
2. All the three boys were from orthodox Brahmin  families. [T]
3. The ancestral business of their family was cooking.        [F]
4. Event from Ramayana and from the life of prophet were the bed time stories that his mother and grandmother used to tell the children. [T]
B.2.2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the text :
1. Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest of Rameshwarma temple.
2. During the annual Shrisitaram Kalyanam ceremony our family used to arrange boats with special platform for carrying idols from the temple to the marriage site.
3. Kalam used to wear a cap which marked him as Muslim.
4. He used to sit in front row next to Ramanadha Sastry.
B.2.3. Answer the following questions very briefly :
1. What quantity did he inherited from his parents ?
Ans. He inherited honesty an self discipline from his father and form mother he inherited goodness and deep kindness.
2. What was the occupation of this family ?
Ans. One of his cousin brothers used to distribute Newspapers in Rameshwarma.
3. How did the new teacher behave with Kalam and what did he do ?
Ans. The new teacher could not tolerate that a Muslim boy would be sitting with a Hindu priests son. So he asked him to sit on the last seat of the back bench. Abdul Kalam narrated this episode to his father and his friend to his priests father who called the teacher and asked him not to spread this poison of communal hatred and Social y in the minds of innocent children.
4. What performance did his three friends adopt on growing adult ?
Ans. Ramanadha Sastry took over the priesthood from his father. Arvindan went into the business of arranging transport for the visiting pilgrims and Sivaprakasan became a catering for the Southern Railways.
5. How many brother’s and sisters did Kalam have ?
Ans. His father had children. Mr. kalam was one of them apart from other three brothers and one sister.

B.3.1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text :
1. Kalam’s father Jainulabdeem possessed great innate wisdom band a ture generosity of spirit.
2. The second World War broke out in 1939.
3. Rameshwarma his birth place is an inland town in the erstwhile Madras state.
4. He had a very secure childhood both materially and emotionally.
5. Samsuddin helped Kalam to earn his first wages.
6. Kalam’s ancestral house was built in the middle of nineteenth century.
B.3.2. Answer the following questions briefly :
1. Points out the modes and manners of Sivasubramania lyer, Kalam’s science teacher.
Ans. Thought lyer was an outhobox  Brahmin, he did not have faith in caste barriers and wanted to eradicate such Social vices so that people from varying backgrounds could mingle easily.
2. Who was the eleventh President of India ?
Ans. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was he eleventh President of India.
3. Who was the man whose projects in space defence and nuclear technology guided India into the twenty first century ?
Ans. He was none but Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam whose scientific approach technological advancement and vision guided India to advance towards 21st century with pride and strength.
4. Where did Kalam go for his higher studies after leaving Rameshwarma ?
Ans. Kalam want to Ramnathpuram the district headquarter of Rameshwarma for higher studies.
B.3.3. Answer the following questions very briefly :
  1. Why did Sivasubramania lyer invite Kalam to his house ? What was the reaction of lyer’s wife ?
Ans. Mr. lyer invited Kalam for dinner in his house. His wife got upset in seeing a Muslim having dinner in his ritually pure kitchen. Actually Mr. lyer wanted to break the barrier of caste, creed and religion which divides man from in our social set up.
2. When was India’s freedom declared imminent ?
Ans. After the world war was over. India’s freedom was imminent. Gandhijee said ” India’s will build own India.”


Q.1. Elucidate the circumstances landing to a materially and emotionally secured childhood of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Ans. Dr. kalam was born in a middle class Tamil family of Rameshwarma. He lived with  his parents in. their ancestral house which was made of brick and like stone. It was a large pucca house. His father used to avoid inessential comforts and luxuries but was very much particular about arranging food, clothes and medicine. So Dr. Kalam always felt that his childhood was secured both materially and emotionally because apart from good living he was lived and cared by his parents.
Q.2. Describe the circumstances which helped Kalam in earning his first wages during the outbreak of the second World War.
Ans. Actually when the second World War broke out in 1939 the demand for tamarind seeds suddenly increased. Boy Kalam used to collect tamarind and sold those to a provision store in the mosque  street. That one day’s collection used to fetch him a sum of one anna which was considered a princely sum in those days. The second occasion Alos followed the first. The cousin brother of  Abdul Kalam used to distribute newspaper in Rameshwarma. After the World War broke the movement of train upto Rameshwarma was suspended. Now news paper had to be collected from a place at Rameshwarma Road station throw. Out of the running train in bundles between Rameshwarma Road and Dhanushkoti stations. His cousin assigned this work to Kalam. For this he was paid and thus his cousin helped him to earn his first wages. Even today he feels the pride of self ee rning.
Q. 3. What relationship did Kalam have with his three friends_ Ramanadha Sastry, Arvindan and Sivprakasan ?
Ans.  He had three close friend is the childhood. They were Ramanadha Sastry,Arvindan and  Sivaprakasan. All the three were from orthodox Hindu  Brahmin families but they never had any feeling of difference amongst themselves because of difference of caste or religion.
Q. 4. Describe the circumstances that led to Kalam’s punishment by his new teacher when he was in standard fufth.
Ans. When he  was in fifth standard a new teacher joined the class. Kalam used to sit in the front row with   Ramanadha Sastry. Kalam used to cover his  head with a cap which gave him a firm Muslim look. The new teacher finding a Brahmin and a Muslim boy sitting together could not tolerate the scene. He was immediately ordered by the teacher to sit on the last seat of the last bench. Kalam felt bad about this behaviour of the teacher but carried out the instruction. Ramanadha Sastry looked down cast when kaiam shifted to the last row and his image was that of a weeping boy totally hurt by this unkind behaviour of his teacher. This creates a lasting impression on the mind of kalam.
Q. 5. How was the teacher compelled to withdraw the punishment inflicted on A. P. J. Abdul Kalam ?
Ans. On being reported, Lakshman Sastry the high priest of Rameshwarma temple and father of Ramanadha Sastry, summoned the new teacher and told him in very clear terms that he should not plant poison of communal hatred and social inequality in the minds of innocent children. The teacher was asked to apologise or quiet the school. The teacher did not regret his behaviour but the strong sense of conviction conveyed by Lakshman Sastry ultimately reformed the young teacher.
Q. 6. How did Kalam’s science teacher, Sivasubramania lyer, try to break social barriers  in the small town of Rameshwarma ?
Ans. Mr. lyer though an orthodox Brahmin whit a conservative wife  was of rebellions mind. He did his best to break social barriers so that people from varying background could mingle. On day he invited Kalam for dinner in his house. Seeing a Muslim boy coming to the house for dinner disturbed his  wife.  How can she do that in her pure kitchen. Finding the hesitation in the behaviour of  his wife, Mr. lyer himself served the dinner and sat with Kalam to have dinner. The same thing was repeated the next day but this time his wife had reconciled herself with the changed situation and served the meal without any hesitation. This was how Mr. lyer tried to break the age old barrier which had made a grip in the society.
C.2. Discuss the following in groups :
1. Should there be discrimination on the basis of casted and creed ?
Points for discussion :
(a)  All human being are one and they have been created by be one and the same almighty.
(b) Caste and creed have been created by man for their own benefit.
(C) Every body has equal right to survive.
(d) There are some human rights which must be followed in true spirit.
(e) Nothing is above human values.
C.3. Write letter to your friend describing Kalam’s childhood and how it inspired you to path of success ?
Ans.                    Patna,The 16th
Aug. 2009
Dear Ramanuj,
Hope this will find you in good health and spirit. You may get surprised on finding my letter after a long gap.
I was compelled to write to you after reading the autobiography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam entitled ‘ Wings of Fire ‘. This book has resulted  been published. You know that part from being the President of our country. Dr. Kalam is famous as a great nuclear scientist. His contribution in the field of  science and technology are many. We feel so proud of him.
His childhood was also no less inspiring . He was a loving child of his parents and never felt small in doing small things. He was always ready to help his friends and relatives. The last part that he never felt of leading a luxurious life which he learnt from his father. His life has been inspiring and the children of today should follow the footsteps of kalam to bring  success in there life.
Please do write to me.        Yours
D.1.  Correct the spelling of the following words :
Incorrect                        Correct
1. Rabel                              Reble
2. Marriege                     Marriage
3. pilgriem                       Pilgrim
4. Tample                        Temple
5. Luk                                 Look
6. Allide                              Allied
7. Wajes                            Wages
8. Bussiness                   Business

Synthesis me the combination of two or more simple sentences into one new sentence which may be Simple, Compound , or Complex.
As, since, while, than, unit/ till,  just/ then, because, unless, lest, before, after, when,but, so/ therefore, if , as soon as , as long as, otherwise, although/though are used to connect sentences.
There are also some pairs of words which are used to combine sentences :
Either-or                 Neither-nor
Neither-nor             Nor-but
Not only – but also    As /so-as
Though-yet               As-so
So-that            I hardly- when/before
No sooner-than

With the help of conjunctions make five sentences :
1. He was a good student but he failed in the final examination.
2. Shyam is good at studies than others.
3. It started raining so he did not go to school.
4. No body will love you as long as you do not leave your bad habits.
5. We will finish the work till he comes.
E.  Synthesis
Ex. 1. Combine the following pairs of sentences using appropriate conjunctions.
1. He worked hard. He felt tired.
He worked hard so he felt tired.
2. He drew his sword. He rushed at his enemy.
He drew his sword and rushed at his enemy.
3. The agreement was signed. All were satisfied.
The agreement was signed therefore all were satisfied.
4. The editors were ruited . The bank was looked.
The creditors were ruited hence tha bank  was looked.
5. He made a promise. He kept it also.
He made a promise and kept it also.
6. He has lost his health. It has added to his difficulties.
He has lost his health which has added to his difficulties.
7. He is a wise man. This is well known.
This is well known that he is a wise man.
Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable sentence/ connectors/ conjunctions :
1. She sang and danced at the same time.
2. He can’t walk as he is very weak.
3. Although he is poor, he is honest.
4. He can’t buy a flat as he has no money.
5. She is afraid to go out alone because the streets are unsafe at night.
6. I would rather die than beg.
7. Milk is more wholesome than bread.
8. Let us wait till the train stops.
9. Many stars are larger than the sun.
10. He fell asleep while he was doing his home work.
F. Activities :
Give subject as 1 and 2 at F. To be arranged by the class teacher
G. Translation :
      Translate the Following sentences into English:

1. ज्योंहि मेरे पिताजी आये वर्षा  शुरू हो गई।
   As my father arrived, it started raining.
2. यदि वर्षा होगी तो मैं बाहर नहीं जाऊँगा।
I will not go out if it rains.
3. सुबह में टहलो नहीं तो बीमार पड़ जाओगे।
You will fall sick if you do not walk in the morning.
4. हमलोग जानते हैं कि सुबह की हवा दिनभर की दवा है।
We all know that morning walk is medicine for the whole day.
5. सुभाषचन्द्र बोस को अब तक लौट जाना चाहिए था।
Subhash Chandra Bose should have returned by this time.
6. डा. कलाम मध्य वर्गीय परिवार में जन्में थे।
Dr. Kalam was born in middle class family.
7.  वह पढ़ना चाहता है पर उसकी आर्थिक स्थिति सन्तोषप्रद नहीं है।
He wants to study but his financial condition is not satisfactory.
8.  मैं चल भी नहीं सकता पर तुम दौड़ जाते हो।
You are running, while  I can’t even walk.
9. यद्यपि उसे सब कुछ है तथापि वह पढ़ नहीं सकता।
Although he is having everything , but he can’t read.
10. यद्यपि तुम तेज हो तथापि गृहकार्य नहीं करते।
  Although you are sharp, you do not finish your home work.

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