8th english

bihar board class 8th english notes | SLEEP ( सोना )

SLEEP (  सोना )

bihar board class 8th english notes

class – 8

subject – english

lesson 2 – SLEEP

SLEEP (  सोना )


Nobody know why ………and concentrate .

Word meanings : Nobody ( pron ) [ नोबडी ] = कोई ( व्यक्ति ) नहीं । Develop ( v ) [ डेबलप ] = विकसित होना | Healthy ( adj ) [ हेल्दी ] = स्वस्थ । Injuries ( n ) [ इन्जूरीज ] = चोट । Concentrate ( v ) [ कन्सेन्ट्रेट ] = ध्यान देना ।

अर्थ -हम क्यों सोते हैं , इस बात को काई नहीं जानता लेकिन फिर भी सोना हम सबके लिए जरूरी है । सोना हमारे लिए नितान्त आवश्यक है । यह हमारे शरीर और मस्तिष्क को विकास करने में , बढ़ने में मदद करता है । हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ रहने और बीमारियों से लड़ने में मदद करने के लिए नींद लेना बहुत जरूरी होता है । जब हम सो रहे होते हैं , तो उस दौरान हमलोगों की मांसपेशियाँ , हड्डियाँ और त्वचा बढ़ती हैं और विकसित होती हैं । नींद के दौरान हमारी मांसपेशियां , त्वचा और शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में लगी चोट भी ठीक होने लगती है । हमलोगों के मस्तिष्क को भी नोंद जरूरी हो जाता है । यह हमारे दिमाग को तरोताजा रखती है और सोचने – समझने की क्षमता को बढ़ाने में मदद करती है । नींद की खुराक लेने पर हमारी स्मरण – शक्ति भी बढ़ती है । तब हम किसी चीज पर बढ़िया से ध्यान केन्द्रित कर पाते हैं ।

There are no rules ….. during the day .

Word meanings : Rules ( n ) [ रूल्स ] = नियम । Necessary ( adj ) [ नेसेसरी ] = अनिवार्य | Average ( adj ) [ एवरेज ] = औसत । Elderly ( n ) [ एल्डरली ] = उम्रदराज , बुजुर्ग । Nap ( m ) [ नैप ] = झपकी ।
अर्थ – कितनी नींद हमारे लिए आवश्यक है , इस बारे में वैसे तो कोई नियम नहीं है , लेकिन आमतौर पर एक वयस्क आदमी सात घंटे बीस मिनट तक सोता है । करीब 8 प्रतिशत वयस्क पांच घंटे या उससे भी कम नींद से संतुष्ट जाते हैं जबकि 4 प्रतिशत लोगों को दस घंटे या उससे भी ज्यादा देर तक सोने की जरूरत महसूस होती है । 5 से 12 वर्ष तक बच्चों को 10 से 11 घंटों तक नींद की जरूरत होती है । शिशुओं को 14 से 18 घंटे की नींद चाहिए तो बुजुर्गों को उतनी नींद की भी जरूरत नहीं होती जबकि वे जवान थे । बूढ़े – बुजुर्गों को दिन के समय थोड़ी देर के लिए झपकी ले लेने की जरूरत महसूस होती है ।

There are five stages………………. . eyelids rapidly .
Word meaning : Stages ( n ) [ स्टेजेज ) = अवस्था । Cycle ( n ) [ साइकल ] = चक्र । Fall asleep [ फॉल अस्लीप ] = सो जाना । Breathing ( v ) [ ब्रेदिंग ] = सांस लेना । Motionless ( adj ) [ मोशनलेस ] = बिना हरकत के । Rapidly ( adj ) [ रैपिडली ] = तीव्रता से ।

अर्थ – एक सोने के दौर में पाँच चरण होते हैं और इनमें से हर चरण 90 मिनट का होता है । रात भर में यह नींद का चरण 5 से 6 बार दुहराता है । पहले और दूसरे चरण में , तुम सो जाते हो , पर तब तुम गहरी नींद में कतई नहीं होते हो । हाँ , तीसरे और चौथे चरण में तुम गहरी नींद में चले जाते हो । तुम्हारी साँस लेने की गति और हृदय के धड़कन की गति धीमी पड़ जाती है और तुम्हारा जो शरीर है वह बिल्कुल शांत हो जाता है , बिना किसी हरकत के । पाँचवाँ चरण जब आता है नींद का , तो तुम्हारा दिमाग सक्रिय होकर तुम्हें सपने दिखाता है । वह अवस्था जो नींद की होती है , उसे रैपिड आई मूवमेन्ट अथवा रेम ( REM ) कहते हैं | REM के दौरान तुम्हारी पलकों के नीचे , तुम्हारी आँखें हिलने लगती हैं ।

Normal sleep is made … remember your dreams .

Word meaning : Normal ( adj ) [ नामल ] = सामान्य । Made up of ( phr ) मेड अप ऑफ ] = बना हुआ | Alternating ( adj ) [ ऑलटरनेटिंग ] = क्रम से , एक के बाद दूसरा । Involve ( v ) [ इनवॉल्व ] = शामिल करना । Usually ( adv ) [ युजुअली ] = सामान्य रूप से | Occur ( v ) [ ऑक ] = घटित होना । Varying ( adj ) [ वेरिंग ] = भिन्न । Period ( n ) [ पीरिअड ] = काल ।

अर्थ — सामान्य रूप से हम नींद को दो भागों में बाँट सकते हैं — पहला भाग होता है नोंद का जबकि कोई सपना नहीं आता । यह चरण नींद का , रात्रि के प्रथम भाग में होता है , यानी शुरुआती समय में । नींद के दूसरे भाग में सपनों का आना होता है । यह अक्सर रात के बाद के हिस्से में होता है जो थोड़ी – थोड़ी देर के बाद होता है । यानी रह – रहकर सपने आते – जाते रहते हैं । यदि तुम इस दरम्यान जग जाते हो तो देखा हुआ सपना तुम्हें याद रह जा सकता है ।

When we sleep …….. in the afternoon.

Word meaning : Certainly ( adv ) ( सर्टेनली ] = निश्चित रूप से | Bodily ( adj ) [ बौडिली ] = शारीरिक , शरीर का । Function ( n ) ( फंक्शन ] = कार्य । Normally ( adv ) [ नॉर्मली ] = आम तौर पर ।

अर्थ -नींद के दरम्यान , हमारा शरीर शिथिल पड़ जाता है । हमारे शरीर का तापमान भी कम हो जाता है । ऐसा होने का कारण है कि हमारे शरीर में 24 घंटे के दौरान विभिन्न चक्र स्वतः चलते हैं जिसमें कि कुछ निश्चित अवधि के दौरान हमारे शरीर का तापमान कम ज्यादा होता रहता है । सामान्य तौर पर , रात के मध्य में हमारे शरीर का तापमान सर्वाधिक होता है ।

When you get …….. brothers and sisters .

Word meaning : Enough ( adv ) [ एनफ ] = पर्याप्त । Attention ( n ) [ अटेन्शन ] = ध्यान । Idea ( n ) [ आइडिया ] = विचार । Decision ( n ) [ डिसीजन ] = निर्णय ।
अर्थ — तुम अपेन स्कूल में जयादा बढ़िया से अपनी पढ़ाई में ध्यान तभी लगा सकते हो जबकि तुम अच्छा प्रकार से सो पाते हो । तभी तुम नये विचारों को सोच – समझ सकते हो , रचनात्मक विचार तुम्हारे दिमाग में उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं । अच्छी नींद लेने पर तुम स्वस्थ रहते हो । अपनी बीमारियों से भली – भाँति मुकाबला कर सकते हो । तभी तुम्हारा मूड यानी मिजाज अच्छा रहता है और परिवार एवं मित्रों के साथ तुम्हारी अच्छी बन सकती है । जब कभी भी तुम्हें अच्छी नींद की खुराक नहीं मिलती है , तुम चिड़चिड़े हो जाते हो , जो सीखा भूल जाते हो , सही निर्णय नहीं ले पाते , खेलने तक में दिक्कत का सामना करते हो , माता – पिता और शिक्षकों की बातों पर ध्यान नहीं दे पाते और मित्रों , भाइयों और बहनों के प्रति भी तुम्हारा व्यवहार शांत नहीं रह पाता ।

Sometimes you have becomes deranged .

Word meaning : Difficulty ( n ) [ डिफिकल्टी ] = कठिनाई , परेशानी । Miss ( v ) [ मिस ] = खोना । Couple ( n ) [ कपल ] = जोड़ा । Irritable ( adj ) [ इरिटेबल ] = चिड़चिड़ा , परेशान | However ( adv ) [ हॉवएवर ] = किसी प्रकार से । Stay awake ( phr ) स्टे अवेक ] = जागे रहना । Strangely ( adv ) [ स्ट्रेंजली ] = विचित्रता से | Ability ( n ) [ एबिलिटी ] योग्यता । Judgement ( n ) [ जजमेन्ट ] = निर्णय । Impair ( v ) [ इम्पेअर ] Deranged ( adj ) [ डिटेज्ड ] = असामान्य ।

अर्थ — कभी – कभार ऐसा भी होता है कि तुम्हें सोने के दौरान कठिनाई हो । तुम कुछ घंटे के लिए न सो पाओ । इससे कोई दिक्कत नहीं होती । अगले दिन ऐसे में तुम थकावट महसूस कर सकते हो । पर , तुम्हारा शरीर नींद न लेने के नुकसान की भरपाई स्वयं ही कर पाने में समर्थ है । किसी प्रकार से , यदि तुम रात पर रात यदि जागे रह जाते हो , तो तुम असामान्य रूप से व्यवहार करना शुरू कर देते हो । ऐसे में तुम्हारे ध्यान लगाने की योग्यता और निर्णय लेने की योग्यता कमजोर पड़ जाती है । तब तुम्हारा व्यवहार असामान्य हो जाता है और तुम विचित्र चीजों की कल्पनाएँ कराना प्रारम्भ कर देते हो ।

  A lot of people…….. and remove it .

Word meaning : A lot of ( phr ) [ अ लॉट ऑफ ] = ढेर सारे । Serious ( adj ) [ सीरिअस ] = गंभीर | Number of ( phr ) [ नंबर ऑफ ] = ढेर सारे । Cause ( n ) [ कॉज ] = कारण । Depression ( n ) [ डिप्रेशन ] = दबाव , एक मानसिक बीमारी | Common ( adj ) 1 कमजोर पड़ना ।[ कॉमन ] = आम । Environment ( n ) [ एनविरोनमेन्ट ] = वातावरण । Affect ( v ) [ अफेक्ट ] = असर करना । Surroundings ( n ) [ सराउन्डिंग्स ] = आस – पास का वातावरण । Tempo rary ( adj ) [ टेम्पररी ] = क्षणिक , अस्थायी । Sleepnessness ( n ) [ स्लीपनेसनेस ] = अनिद्रा , नींद न आना । Seek ( v ) [ सीक ] = ढूँढना । Addicted ( adj ) ( एडिक्टेड ] = लत लग जाना । Insomnia ( n ) [ इनसॉमनिया ] = नींद न आने की बीमारी । Avoid ( v ) [ एवोएड ] = बचना । Identify ( v ) [ आइडेन्टिफाई ) = पहचान करना ।

अर्थ– कई सारे लोगों को नींद न आने की बीमारी लग जाती है । कुछ लोगों को सोने में दिक्कत होती है । कुछ लोग रात के मध्य में जग जाते हैं । कुछ लोग बहुत सवेरे ही जग जाते हैं । ऐसे कई कारण हैं जिनके चलते यह होता है । उन कारणों में से चिन्ता करना और दबाव महसूस करना प्रमुख है । हमारे आस – पास वातावरण में कई ऐसी चीजें हैं जो हमारी नींद में बाधा पहुंचाती हैं , जैसे – शोर , प्रकाश , गर्मी , ठंढ या नया स्थान । दर्द और बीमारी भी लोगों के जागने का कारण बन जाते हैं । कई लोग अस्थायी तौर पर नींद न आने की समस्या को बिना किसी की मदद मांगे बर्दाश्त कर लेते हैं । कई लोग नींद की गोली लेने लगते हैं ।
लेकिन नींद न आने की बीमारी को नींद की गोलियाँ ठीक नहीं कर पाती । बढ़िया होगा कि हम नींद की गोलियों को न लें । ज्यादा अच्छा होगा कि हम उन कारणे को पहचाने लें जिनसे हमें नींद नहीं आती और उन कारणों को ही दूर करने का प्रयास करें । तब हमें स्वतः नींद आने लगेगी । फिर स्वत : नींद न आने की बीमारी दूर हो जायेगी ।

   Summary :
Sleep is necessary for all of us . Our body needs sleep to stay healthy and fight sickness . Our body develops and cures the injuries during sleep . Our brain too freshen up while sleeping . Average adult sleep for seven hours and twenty minutes . Children of 5 to 12 years need 10 to 11 hours sleep . Babies need 14 to 18 hours sleep .
In the first part of night we fall asleep but deep sleep we get in later night . Then , we dream too . Good does of sleep helps us to be active bodily and men tally . Sleeping pills are no remedy to insomnia or the disorder of sleepness . Its better to identify the problem with affect our sleep and remove the problem . Then , we will have natural sleep .
     सारांश –
सोना हम सबके लिए आवश्यक है । स्वस्थ बने रहने और बीमारियों से सामना करने के लिए हमारे शरीर के लिए नींद जरूरी हो जाता है । सोने के दौरान हमारा शरीर विकसित होता है और कई जख्म भी इस दरम्यान भर जाते हैं । सोने के दौरान हमारा मस्तिष्क भी ताजा हो जाता है । एक औसत वयस्क दिन में सात घंटे और बीस मिनट तक सोता है । 5 से 12 वर्ष के बच्चों को 10 से 11 घंटे के नींद की जरूरत महसूस होती है । शिशुओं को 14 से 18 घंटा सोना जरूरी होता है ।
रात के शुरुआती दौर में हम सो जाते हैं पर गहरी नींद हमें लगती है रात के आखिरी हिस्से में । तब , हमें सपने भी आते हैं । अच्छी नींद की खुराक लेने से हमारा शरीर और दिमाग दोनों चुस्त – दुरुस्त रहते हैं । नींद न आने की बीमारी या समस्या का उपचार नींद की गोलियाँ कदापि नहीं होती । बेहतर है कि हम नींद न आने की समस्या के कारणों की खोज कर उसे दूर करें । फिर हमें स्वतः नींद आने लगेगी ।


Q.1 . Why do we sleep ? Do all persons sleep for the same amount of time ? Do you ever have dreams ? If yes , narrate the dreams which you like / dislike most . Why do you think we have dreams ?
Ans . We sleep to freshen up our mind and body and to gain energy . No , all persons don’t sleep for the same amount of time . Yes , I have seen dreams for many times . I like dream of good things . I dislike ghosty dreams . I think that we have dreams because we think of them in day time , someday or the other . Our unfulfilled desires come in our mind as dreams .
B.1.1 . Answer the following questions orally :
( a ) For how long does an average adult sleep ?
Ans . Seven hours and twenty minutes .

( b ) What are the most common causes of sleep problems ?
Ans . Worry and depression causes sleep problems .
( c ) Tell some of the factors which affect sleep . Also add some new things which are not mentioned in the passage .
Ans . Noise light , heat , cold and fear or tension .
( d ) When do the bodily functions get slow ?
Ans . In the middle of night .
B.2.1 . On the basis of reading the lesson , try to complete the data given : Five stages in one sleep cycle and two alternating phases :
……………..   Not in deep sleep
Stage 3 and 4    …………………….
………….  You r brain is active and…….. Phase 1               ………………..
Phase  2              ………………..
Ans .
Stages 1 and 2 – Not in deep sleep . Stage 3 and 4 – Deep sleep .
Stage 5 – Your brain is active and you dream .
Phase 1 – Involves no dreaming , normally it occurs in the early part of the night .
Phase 2 – Involves dreaming ; it occurs mostly in the later part of the night for varying periods of time . If we wake up during this phase , we will certainly remember our dreams .
B.2.2 . Write the answers to the following questions in about 50 words :

Q. 1. Do all adults require the same amount of sleep ? Find out how much sleep people of different age group require .
Ans . An average adult sleeps for seven hours and twenty minutes . About 8 % of adults sleep for 5 hours and some sleep less than that , 4 % of the adults need 10 hours or more sleep . So , all adults do not require the same amount of sleep . Children of 5 to 12 years need 10 to 11 hours sleep each night . Babies need to sleep for 14 to 18 hours . Elderly people need less sleep than they were young They often take a nap during the day time .
Q. 2. Why does the author not favour sleeping pills ? Pick out the line that shows that the author does not favour them .
Ans . Sleeping pills make people addicted to them . It creates another prob lems than sleep . So , the author does not favour sleeping pills . The line that shows that the author does not favour them , from the text is – ” It is better to avoid them if we can . It is much better to identify the problem and remove it . ”
Q. 3. Have you ever felt sleep problems in your life ? Discuss in pairs and write down the possible causes of sleep problems .
Ans . Rakes : Have you ever felt sleep problems in your life ?
Harish : Yes , once I was sick . I had severe headache . I could not sleep till mid night .
Manu : When I hear loud noise in my surroundings , I can not sleep .
Kanti : When its too hot or too cold , I feel uneasly in sleeping . I get to be awake for late night .
Pallavi : When I go to some new place . I can’t sleep for long in the new surrounding.
Q. 4. What are the consequences of regularly missing sleep for long periods of time ?
Ans . The consequences or the results of regularly missing sleep for long periods of time are very bad . The affected person becomes abnormal . He begins to behave strangely . His ability to concentrate on things or studies and his judge ment ability gets impaired .
C.1 . There are six words connected with sleep . Find them out from the grid . You may use the clues below .
1. happening by turns , first one and then the other ( para 3 )
2. old people ( para 2 )
3 . state of being sad or gloomy ( para 8 )
4. weakened ( para 7 )
5. abnormal ( para 7 )
6. used to ( para 5 )
Note : Pick out only those words that have been used in the text .
Ans . 1. Cycle , 2. Elderly , 3. Worry . 4. Impaired , 5. Deranged . 6. Addict .
C.2 . Read the following sentences carefully .
( a ) The elderly need less sleep .
( b ) When we slee the bodily functions slow down .
( c ) You soon begin to behave strangely .
In the above sentences words with ‘ -ly ‘ have different functions to per form . In sentence ( a ) ‘ the elderly ‘ means the elderly people and it functions as a noun . In sentence ( b ) the word ‘ bodily ‘ is describing the ” functions ” which is a noun . Therefore , bodily is an adjective and that’s why in this case it comes before the noun . In sentence ( c ) the word ‘ strangely clearly qualifies the verb ” behave ‘ and therefore it functions as an adverb . Notice that ‘ y ‘ of ‘ body ‘ is changed to ‘ i ‘ in ‘ bodily .
( i ) Now , try to find out what different functions the ‘ -ly ‘ words per form in the sentences given below :
( a ) The easterly winds bring rain .
(b) He visit us rarely nowadays .
( c ) The lion was vastly amused .
( d ) This restaurant provides us homely meals .
( e ) His monthly salary is very high . ( f ) The student has solved this sum correctly .
( g ) The children danced happily .
( h ) He read the book thoroughly . Ans . ( a ) In sentence ( a ) ‘ Easterly ‘ qualifies the whole sentence . Which wind brings rain ? The answer is ‘ easterly ‘ . So it functions as an adverb . So , ‘ easterly ‘ is an adverb .
( b ) In sentence ( b ) the word ‘ rarely ‘ qualifies the verb ‘ visits ‘ and therefore it functions as an adverb .
( c ) ‘ Vastly qualifies the adjective word ‘ amused ‘ so it is an adverb .
( d ) homely’is describing ‘ meals which is a noun . Therefore , homely is an adjective.
( e ) ‘ monthly describes the noun ‘ salary ‘ so ‘ monthly ‘ is an adjective . ( f ) ‘ correctly qualifies the verb ‘ solved ‘ so it is an adverb .
( g ) ” happily ‘ qualifies the verb ‘ danced ‘ so it is an adverb .
( h ) thoroughly ‘ qualifies the verb ‘ read ‘ so it is an adverb .
( ii ) Pick out words from the text to which ‘ -ly ‘ can be added to form new words are-
Ans . The words from the text to which -ly ‘
Can be added to form new words are Sleep — sleeplessly .
Need – Needily .
Healthy – Healthily .
Attention – Attentively .
Necessary — Necessarily .
Disorder – Disorderly .
Average- Averagely .

D.1 . Simple . Compound and Complex sentences . Read the following sentences-
( a ) A lot of people have serious sleep problems .
( b ) You lose the ability to concentrate and your judgement gets impaired . ( c ) When we sleep , the bodily functions slow down .
Here in sentence ( a ) there is only one subject ( a lot of people , and a finite verb ( have ) ; therefore , it is a simple sentence . On the other hand , the sentence ( b ) and ( c ) have more than one subject and finite verb . so they are either com pound or complex sentences .
In sentence ( b ) we see that the two simple sentences ( i ) You lose the ability to concentrate and ( ii ) your judgement gets impaired are linked with ‘ and’a co ordinating conjunction . And hence it is a compound sentence . Other coordinat ing conjunctions are : but , or .
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses that are gener ally linked with co – ordinating conjunction like ‘ and ‘ ‘ but ‘ ‘ or ‘ . The important thing to remember is that the two clauses that we join together should be either similar or contrasting .
Sentence ( c ) has one main clause ‘ the bodily functions slow down ‘ and one subordinate clause ‘ we sleep ‘ . Therefore , it is a complex sentence , as both the clauses are joined with a subordinate conjunction ‘ when ‘ . Other subordinating conjunctions are :
while , who , which , that , since , after , if , unless , however , as
Read the text again and find one example of each type of sentence . In the compound and complex sentences , encircle the clauses and name them . e.g .. independent clauses , subordinating clauses , co – ordinating clauses .
Ans . ( a ) Simple sentence – Our brain needs sleep .
Subject – Our brain .
Finite verb – needs .
( b ) Compound sentence — There are no rules about how much sleep is necessarys but an average adult sleeps for seven hours and twenty minutes . Two simple sentences in this example are :
( i ) There are no rules about how much sleep is necessary .
( ii ) An average adult sleeps for seven hours and twenty minutes .
Co – ordinating conjunction – but .
( c ) Complex Sentence – If you don’t get enough sleep , you can forget what you learnt .
Main clause– You can forget what you learnt .
Subordinate clause – You don’t get enough sleep .
Subordinate – conjunction – If
D.1.1 . Read the following extract and identify the types of sentences simple , compound and complex .
The Rose Ringed Parakeet
One of the most beautiful birds is the rose – ringed parakeet . Parakeets are brilliant green . When perched on a tree they are hardly visible as their colour mingles with the green of the leaves .
The male bird has a rose – pink and black collar round his neck . Both the male and female birds have large brilliant red bills .
These birds eat fruit and grain , and they cause much destruction . A large part of the fruit goes waste as the birds leave it half – eaten . The mother bird lays four to six almost white round eggs , usually between February and April . She places them in hole in a tree or wall . Both parents look after the eggs .
Ans .
– One of the most beautiful birds is the rose – ringed parakeet . ( Simple sentene )
– I Parakeets are brilliant green . ( Simple sentence )
– When perched on a tree they are hardly visible as their colour mingles with the green of the leaves . ( Complex sentence )
– These birds eat fruit and grain , and they cause much destruction . ( Com pound sentence )
– A large part of the fruit goes waste as the birds leave it half – eaten . ( Complex sentence )
– The mother bird lays four to six almost white round eggs , usually be tween February and April . ( Simple sentence ) – Both parents look after the eggs . ( Simple sentence )

Word in groups of four and talk about your sleeping habits . You can ask the answer the following questions : ( a ) How many hours of sleep do you take normally ?
( b ) Do you fall alseep as soon as you go to bed ?
( c ) Do you have any sort of sleep problems ? If yes , what are they ?
( d ) When do you find it difficult to sleep ?
( e ) What happens to you when you keep awake for a longer period of time .
(f) ……………………………………………….
Now one student from each group will share the views of the group with the rest of the class .
Ans .
Pranav : How many hours of sleep do you take normally ?
Ranjit : Normally . I take eight hours sleep .
Pintu : Do you fall asleep as soon as you go to bed ?
Mohit : No , it takes some time for me to fall asleep .
Raju : Do you have any sort of sleep problems ? If yes , what are they ? Ragini : I can’t sleep when the light is on . And when it is too hot or too cold then also it takes time for me to sleep . Renu : When do you find it difficult to sleep ?
Kanti : When there is loud noise around me , I find it difficult to sleep ,
Golu: What happens to you when you keep awake for a longer pe riod of time ?
Karan : Then , I feel disturbed for a long time in the following days.I become irritated .
Mini : And how do you feel having a sound sleep ?
Karan : Having sound sleep I feel fresh and happy for whole day .

Write a short paragraph in 100 words on ” The Importance of Sound Sleep ” .
Before you get down to write your final paragraph you must jot down your points and organise your points in the correct sequence . Prepare a rough draft and check whether all the points that you had noted down have been included and are organised in their proper order . You must also check the spellings of words , punctuation marks and capital letters .
Ans . The Importance of Sound Sleep
A sound mind rests in a sound body . And sound sleep gives us both . The person who enjoys sound sleep is a happy person on the earth . It helps us to become fresh and energetic . Having a sound sleep we can concentrate on our studies betterly . Then , we can get good mood and get along well with our friends and our family members . Sound sleep is a boon for us . It is necessary for all of us .
G. Translation :
Translate the first two paragraphs into Hindi or your mother tongue :
Hints : See ‘ Hindi translation of the Chapter ‘ .
Watch the sleep habits of your family members . Fill in the grid given below the sleeping habits of your family members . Analyse the grid and see the relationship between the sleeping habits and health of the family members .
Name of family members:-
time to go to bed:-
Time to wake up:-
hours of sleep:-
Condition of health (healthy ,ill ,seriously ill, unhealthy):-.

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