9th english

bihar board class 9th english notes | A SILENT REVOLUTION


bihar board class 9th english notes

class – 9

subject – english


                                   — Kunal Verma


A small instrument called Mobile has become part and parcel of modern way of life today. It has empowered man to get information at any place and at any time. One always keeps himself connected and thus he is not debarred of information. Short Message service or SMS is a part of global system for mobile communication and it can be sent and received on your mobile, the small instrument which is carried in your pocket easily.
The best part of this is that the message is delivered at the destination even if your mobile is switched off or out of the coverage area. There is a short message Service center [ SMSC ] run by a service provider who stores the message while the mobile is switched off and pushes the message as soon as the mobile gets activated. The receiver gets and alert single to indicate that a message is lending in his Mobile. Then again there is another beauty that even it you are having a talk on your mobile the SMS does not get blocked or is not kept in waiting. This is because, the short message travel over the radio channel used for voice communication. They operate on a separate signalling path and do not come in the way of voice communication. Is it not  something wonderful ?one gets double benifit at the same time, with the the addition of FM radio, digital camera, calculator, world time clock and so many other advantages, a mobile has become a multipurpose instrument. This has brought revolution in the field of personal as well mass communication.
This SMS revolution started from Europe and soon took over the whole world.The first SMS is believed to have been sent in December 1992 from a PC to a mobile phone on the Vodafone GSM network in the United Kingdom.
When  we look back, it gives surprise as to how this revolution in the field  of communication has silently entered into our life.
This story of A Silent Revolution has been written by Kunal Verma and  was published in the Hindustan Times of Patna  edition.

            SUMMARY IN HINDI
मोबाइल नामक एक छोटा-सा यन्त्र आधुनिक जीवन का अभिन्न अंग बन गया है।इस यन्त्र ने मनुष्य को किसी भी स्थान और समय पर सूचना प्राप्ति और प्रदान करने की क्षमता दी है। इसके माध्यम से व्यक्ति सदा अपने को  सूचनाओं से जोड़े रख सकता है और वह अपने -आपको अछूता नहीं पाता है। लघु सन्देश सेवा या एस एम एस, मोबाइल सेवा का ही एक अंग है। यह एक वैश्विक सेवा और सुविधा है और इसका उपयोग कहीं भी और कभी भी हो सकता है। सबसे बड़ी बात है कि यह मोबाइल यन्त्र एक छोटा-सा यन्त्र है जिसे आप अपने पाँकेट या बैग में आसानी से रख सकते हैं।
एस एम एस के माध्यम से भेजा वाला सन्देश अपने गंतव्य पर स्वत: पहुँच जाता है। आपका मोबाइल अगर बन्द है तो भी आपके द्वारा भेजा सन्देश, सेवा प्रदान करने वाले केन्द्र पर आपके मोबाइल के क्रियाशील होने तक प्रतीक्षारत रहता है। जैसे ही आपका मोबाइल जीवन्त हो उठता है, सेवा प्रदान करने वाला  केन्द्र आपके मोबाइल की तरफ उस सन्देश को संचलित कर देता है। सन्देश को संचरित कर देता है। सन्देश प्राप्तकर्ता को एक सिग्नल द्वारा सन्देश के आगमन की पूर्व सूचना भी दी जाती है ताकि वह सचेत हो जाय।
इस लघु सन्देश सेवा की अगर अपने मोबाइल पर सन्देश प्राप्ति के दौरान किसी व्यक्ति से वार्तालाप कर रहे होते हैं, उस स्थती  में लघु सन्देश मार्ग में अवरुद्घ नहीं हो जाता या उसे प्रतीक्षारत नहीं रहना पड़ता । इसका कारण यह है कि वार्तालाप हेतु मोबाइल एक रेडियो तरंग ज्का उपयोग करता है जबकि एस एम एस के सिग्नल संचरण हेतु एक अलग सिग्नल मार्ग का उपयोग करते हैं। इससे आपके वार्तालाप में व्यवधान नहीं उपस्थित होता ।
आज  का मोबाइल अब बहुउद्देशीय हो रहा है। इसमें एफ एम रेडिओ, डिजीटल कैमरा, कैलकुलेटर, विश्व के देशों के स्थानीय समय जानने  की सुविधा उपलब्ध हो रही है। इसने व्यक्तिगत संचार और लोग संचार (mass communication) की दुनिया में क्रान्ति ला दी है।
जब पीछे मुड़कर देखते हैं तो आश्चर्यचकित रह जाते हैं कि कैसे दबे पाँव से इस अदभुत आविष्कार ने हमारे जीवन में प्रवेश किया । एस एम एस क्रान्ति का सूत्रपात दिसंबर 1992में युरोप में हुआ था जब लिखित एस  एम एस [लघु संदेश] वोडाफोन नेटवर्क के माध्यम से एक मोबाइल पर भेजा गया था।
‘द साइलेंट रिवोल्यूशन ‘ शीर्षक यह आलेख, ‘ द हिन्दूस्तान ‘ नामक अंग्रेजी पत्र के पटना संस्करण में प्रकाशित हुआ था। इसके लेखक हैं कुणाल वर्मा ।

           Glossary : शब्दावली
Conceived (v): कल्पना करना, सोचना , Alphanumeric (adj) : लगातार, Access (n) : प्रवेश, Recipient (n): प्राप्तकर्ता , Simultaneous(adj): लगातार,Vista(n): वृक्ष की पंक्तियों के बीच का संकरा होता मार्ग, Tedious (adj): थकाने वाला, Deter (v): रोकना, Compatible (adj): अनुकूल, संगत , योग्य, Buoyed (v): तैरते रखना, प्रोत्साहित होना

B. Answer the following questions briefly:
1. What does SMS stand for?
Ans. It is the short form of three words i.e.
S for Short
M for Messaging
S for Service
2. How was it conceived ?
Ans. SMS was conceived as a part of the global system for mobile communication.
3. What ability does it have ?
Ans. It has the ability to send as well as receive text messages at a mobile phone.
4. How are message sent and routed ?
Ans. Message are sent directly from the sender to the receiver but are routed through a short messaging service center run by the service provider.
5. What ensures that the message is delivered at the destination Mobile Even it is switched off or out of the coverage area ?
Ans. The message is delivered at the destination Mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area. The SMSC stores the message and forward it when the mobile is switched on or enters the network area.
6. What does SMSC stand for ?
Ans. It stand for short messaging service center.
7. What is its function ?
Ans. The SMSC stores the message and forward it , when the mobile is switched on or enters the network area.
8. On What account may be delivery of a message be delayed ?
Ans. Message are delivered instantly but at time there can be delay for some time due to congestion of the route.
9. What is the beauty of SMS ?
Ans. The beauty of SMS is that message can be sent and received while making voice calls.
10. What is a voice call ?

Ans. a voice call a communication on mobile thaught voice. It passes on pre determined, dedicated radio channel.
11. How  does it  differ from SMS ?
Ans. SMS is a text communication which is one way while in voice call, there is instant talk and is a two way communication.


1. How has SMS brought a silent revolution ?
Ans. The introduction of SMS on mobile telephone brought a silent revolution in the field of communication. At the beginning when it was started in Europe, no body had thought that it will capture the whole world one day. Encouraged by the success of short messaging service or SMS as it is called the service provider are going for multi media communication on mobile which would transmit pictures, sound,even long text of message apart from telephone talk through this small instrument.
Is it not wonderful ?

2. How do you think that SMS has now become the most preferred option for communication ?
Ans. Because it can be used for both inter personal communication as well as mass communication .it is Omni present and can be carried easily without any difficulty. It keeps one connected all the time and all places.

3. What is the attractive feature of SMS ? How does voice call differ from SMS ?
Ans. The beauty of SMS is that message can be sent and received soon while making voice calls. A voice call is a two way communication, while SMS is a one, way traffic. One can reply to a SMS message but it is not automatic or instantaneous.

4. ” The launch of SMS has opened a new vista in the field of communication.” Explain.
Ans. This has given a new opening in the field of written communication. This was earlier being provided thought written letters etc. In this was earlier being provided thought written letters, hand letters etc. In SMS the communication is instant and the message is clear. Now the whole industry is gearing up for more advanced way of communication and provide multimedia messaging service to the people in which many things would be combined in one.
   C.2. Group Discussion:
Discuss the following in group or pairs :
1. With the introduction of SMS and E- mail writing a message on paper (letter writing) and sending it to others has come down. Do you agree ?
2. The  current phase of rapidly changing world conditions is a good sign or a bad sign for humanity.
[To be arranged by the teacher in the class room.]

1. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘ The mobile as a companion.’
Ans. Mobile has become a part of today’s fast life. The communication bas become key to one’s success in life. How well one is informed ? The world has become more competitive and the mobile is the source of fast information. It has become one’s companion and is always ready to provide you information thought tip of your finger. You  service to connect you to your relative, your friend, your business boss or with any body you are connected with.
C.4. Writing of Memo

Ashokh soni
Manager.        Dated 8th Sept,2009
Soni Sports,
Dear Mr. Jain,
Thank you very much for your having given us opportunity to have interview with you for selection to the post of Asstt.
Manager in our concern on 31.8.2009.
We are extremely sorry to inform you that it has not been found possible for the board to recommend your name for the above post.
Please note that this letter of refusal does not in any way reflect on your personality and your intelligence in any manner.
Thanking you.

                                                                                                               Yours faithfully

                                                                                 [Ashokh soni]
Mr.S.P. Jain
House No. 35, Road No. 6
Rajendra Nagar, Patna- 800016

                 WORD STUDY
Correct the spelling of the following words:-
Incorrect                       Correct
Messege                      Message
Recieve                         Receive
Concieved                    Conceived
Converege                    Coverage
Enthosiasts                  Enthusiasts
Begining                        Beginning
Addres.                          Address
Seagnaling                   Signaling
Arriveal                          Arrival

D.1.2 Find out words from the lesson which have the following meaning :
Meaning                               Words
1.means of access.         – Communication media
2.information                  –  message
3.occuring immediately –  instantly
4.tiresomely long.           –  tedious process
5.encouraged.                   –  Judging by success
6.handed over                 –    beginning
7. Formally introduce.     – advertise
8.time place at which.       –  launching
anything begins
D.2. Add ‘ ity ‘ to the following words to make Nouns :
1. Durable                    durability
2. Sensible.                 Sensibility
3. Flexible                     flexibility
4. Inable.                       Inability
5. Possible                    possibility
6. Accessible               accessibility
7. Feasible                   feasibility
D.3. Phrases
Find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used in the text and them in sentence of your own.
1. Even        para- 2 Even it rains,
Mera will go to school.
2. At times   para- 2At time I do not
fell like working.
3. Come a long way para- 7 The int-
reduction of mobile has
come a long way in the field of
mass communication.

  What do these word mean ?Use ‘it can ‘ or ‘ it can’t’ to explain the meaning of each of the words given below :
1. Washable   : It can be washed.
2. Unusable    : It can’t be used.
3. Edible          : It can be eaten.
4. Readable    :  It can be read.
5. Eligible      :  It can be fit to be
6. Invisible      : It can’t be seen.
7. Inexplicable : It can’t be
8.Disposable   : It can be disposed

9. Audible        : It can be heard.
10. Inaudible   : It can’t be heard at
F. Activities :
To be arranged and worked out through teacher in the class room.
G. Translation
Translate into Hindi/ your mother tongue
The beauty of SMS is that message can be sent and received even while making voice calls. This is possible because a voice call take over a dedicated radio channel for the duration of the call, while the short message travel over and above the radio channel using the signalling path.
एस एम एस की सबसे बड़ी विशेषता यह है कि उसके माध्यम से वार्तालाप के दौरान भी संदेश भेजें और प्राप्त किये  जा सकते हैं।
ऐसा इसलिए संभव हो पाता है क्योंकि वार्तालाप एक निर्धारित रेडियो तरंग पर संचरित होता रहता है जबकि एस एम एस उस दौरान अपने निर्धारित (सिग्नलिंग पाथ) पर यात्रा करता है जिसका आकाशीय विद्युत पथ , रेडियो तरंग से अलग होता है।

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