9th class poem | THE GRAND MOTHER
9th class poem
class – 9
subject – english
lesson 1 – poem – THE GRAND MOTHER
— Ray young Bear
Introduction: About the post: This poem has been written by Ray young Bear who was born in 1950. Ray young Bear comes from Mesquaki Tribe of North America. He grew up in Mesquaki Tribal settlement in Lowa. He first started to write in Mesquaki tribal lauguage and then switched over to English. He was encouraged by his maternal grandmother to learn English.
Perhaps, the affection and love of his grandfather inspired him to write this poem or her. He draws a picture of his grandmother in this poem who was all loving and inspiring. He nicely say in the poem that he can even have the smell of his grandmother, as he is in the root of his family.
The poem has been written in blank verse and pays tribute and respect to poet’s grandmother who was so loving and caring. She was source of inspiration to the poet feels her presence all the time. In different lines he has drawn a vivid picture of his grandmother.
The poet says that he can recognize the shape of his grandmother from even a mile away. While going to the market, she would be in purple scarf with a with a plastic bag in her hand. If his grandmother puts her hand on his head he would not be mistake that those are grandmother’s hands of warmth and affection. The hands of grandmother on my head takes me to the roots of my family say the poet. Now again the poet has indepth feeling of the voice of his grandmother. It flows inside his heart like a light kindled by some one very much affectionate and loving to him. If someone stirs the sleeping fire, it gives a glow from inside. The felling of presence of grandmother awakens his sleeping memories and thoughts, the same way.
कवि के बारे में : ‘ द ग्रैंड मदर ‘ शीर्षक यह कविता ‘ रंग यंग बियर ‘ नामक एक आदिवासी कवि द्वारा लिखी गयी है और है जिनका जन्म वर्ष 1950 में , उत्तरी अमेरिका के ‘मेसक्वाकी’ आदिवासी जनजाति में हुआ था। उत्तरीय अमेरिका के ‘ लोवा’ क्षेत्र के मेसक्वाकी आदिवासी बस्ती में वहपला और बड़ा हुआ। सर्वप्रथम उन्होंने मेसक्वाकी जनभाषा में लिखना आरंभ किया और बाद में अंग्रेजी में लिखने लगे जिसकी प्रेरणा कवि को अपनी दादी से मिली थी।
दादी से मिले प्यार, दुलार से अभिभूत होकर कवि ने यह कविता उन पर लिखने को सोची होगी । इस कविता के माध्यम से कवि ने अपनी दादी का एक चित्र उपस्थित किया है जो अत्यंत प्रेरणादायक है। दादी के जीवन से। निकली सुगंध को कवि सहज में आत्मसात करता है क्योंकि दादी ही उसके वंशवृक्ष की मजबूत जड़ है।
कविता का सारांश : यह कविता अतुकान्त है और कवि ने इसके माध्यम से अपनी दादी के प्रति श्रद्धा व्यक्त की है। कवि को अपनी दादी बहुत प्यारी थी । कवि के लिये उसकी नानी प्रेरणा की स्रोत थी और कवि को ऐसा लगता है कि उसकी दादी उसके इर्द-गिर्द सदा उपस्थित रहती है। कवि ने कविता को अलग – अलग पंक्तियों में अपनी दादी का संजीवन चित्रण किया है।
कवि कहता है कि वह अपनी दादी को एक मील के दूरी से भी अच्छी तरह पहचान सकता है। बाजार जाते समय दादी के साथ में एक प्लास्टिक बैग होता है और गले में वह उसको पहचानने में गलती नहीं करता क्योंकि दादी के हाथों में प्यार की गर्मी होती और उसका एहसास उसे तुरंत हो जाता। नानी की आवाज कवि ने कानों में अनुगूँज पैदा करती है। ऐसा लगता है कि किसी ने उसके वक्षस्थल की गहराई में एक रोशनी जला दी है। यह रोशनी उसकी खोई हुई यादों को जगा देती है जैसे किसी ने जलती आग के ऊपर पड़ गयी राख को अंदर तक कुरेद कर जीवित कर दिया है।
इस आग की ज्वाला उसके अंतय प्रकाशित करती है और वह अभिभूत होकर स्मृतियों में खो जाता है। उसकी दादी की यादें सदा— सर्वदा उसके साथ रहती हैं और उसका मार्गदर्शन करती है।
Glossary :शब्दावली
See(v): देखना। Shape (n): बनावट , आकर। Purple (adj): बैंगनी रंग। Scarf (n): दुपट्टा । Damp (adj): भींगा या गिला। Smell (n): गंध । Root(n): जड़ें । Rock(n): पहाड़ी। Inside (n): सतह। Light (n): रोशनी। Stirring (v): उकसाना। Night (n): रात, रात का अंधेरा।
A. Answer the following questions orally :
1. What do you call your mother’s or father’s mother ?
Ans. We call mother’s mother as material grandmother (Nani) and father’s mother as grand mother (Dadi).
2. How do you behave with your grandmother ?
Ans. We give high regards to our grandmother and pay respect to her.
3. What is the role of a grandmother in a family?
Ans. She is the root of the family tree and has got the bonding effect on the family . She is the Superman body of the joint family.
4. Is your grandmother alive? How much are you attached with her?
Ans. Yes, She is living and is source of the energy to the family. My attachment with grand mother is deep. She take so much care of me.
B.1. Write ‘T’ for Ture and ‘F’ false statement :
1. The speaker see his grandmother from two miles away. [F]
2. The grandmother’s scarf was red, [F]
3. The Shopping bag was made of jute. [F]
4. The poet felt bands on his head.[T]
5. The grandmother’s hands were too hot. [F]
6. Her hands were warm with smell of rock.
6. I would know her words would flow.
B.2. Fill in the blanks on the basis of your reading of the poem:
1. If I were to see her shape from a mile away.
2. I would know so quickly that it would be her.
3. If I felt hands on my head.
4. I would know that those were her hands.
5. If I heard a voice coming from a rock.
6. I would know her words would flow.
B. 3. Answer the following questions very briefly :
1. From what distance does the poet recognise his Grandmother ?
Ans. He could recognize his grandmother from a mile away.
2. What is the colour of grandmother’s scarf ?
Ans. The colour of grandmother’s scarf is purple.
3. What material the shopping bag is made of ?
Ans. The shopping bag is made of plastic.
4. What are the two things in first eight lines which the speaker associates with his grandmother?
Ans. The two things are purple scarf and plastic shopping bag.
5. In the poem, the poet feels the tender touch of his grandmother. Explain the lines.
Ans. The poet feels the hands of his grandmother on his head. This tender touch on his head gives him a feeling of warmth with deep affection. Then again the tender touch takes the poet to the roots from which he took birth and grew to this age.
6. From where was the voice coming ?
Ans. The voice of grandmother echoed from the rocks. It was resounding and penetrating through his ears.
7. Where do the words of grandmother flow in the poet ?
Ans. The poet could feel the words of grandmother entering his heart like the light coming out of sleeping fire after it has been stirred by someone.
1. The purple scarf and the plastic shopping bag suggest the social position of the speaker. Explain.
Ans. Yes. It suggests that the grandmother came from an average middle class family. The family was not very much affluent and a plastic bag indicated her social status.
2. How does the poet express the close and emotional relationship with his grandmother ? Discuss.
Ans. It was so emotional that the poet could even fell her presence from a mile away. She was so close and dear to him.
3. Explain the expression : ‘ With the smell of roots’.
Ans. The smell of roots in this poem takes poem takes the poet to the roots or the origin of his family of which the poet is a apart. The poet has inherited the qualities of his grandmother for which he feels indebted to grandmother.
4. Why does the speaker say ‘a voice coming from a rock’. When does a voice come from a rock ? Have you ever experienced your sound back to you ?
Ans. This means that the voice of his grandmother is still vibrating in the valley which he could hear clearly . It is an echo of voice coming to the from the past. We can also experience this echo of sound if we speak loudly down a hillock . The sound comes back after it strikes the hill.
5. What does the ‘ Sleeping fire ‘ suggest in the poem ? Explain.
Ans. It means the old reminiscences which are still alive like the ‘ sleeping fire ‘. The fire is living and burning in the heart and can be ignited at the stroke of your memory.
6. What are ‘ stirring ashes ‘ in the the poem. Explain.
Ans. It means flowing out the dust [ashes] from the memory so that the fire of the old memory reappears and one can feel the warmth of that sleeping fire reignited.
7. ‘ Her words would flow inside me ‘ shows the poet’s intense closeness with the grandmother. Comment on the relation with his grandmother.
Ans. The words of grandmother ha s been great source of energy for the poet . It inspired the poet to write this poem in her memory. He feels indebted to his grandmother for all the virtues he inherited from her.
8. The speaker has shown his intimate relation with his grandmother using all his five senses. How ? Explain.
Ans. The use of five senses in this poem are :
(a) If I were to see. [ Seeing ] — [Eye]
(b) Hands on my hand. [Touching]— [Skin]
(c) With the smell of.[ Smelling] — [Nose]
(d) If I heard a voice.[Hearing] — [Ear]
(e) A voice coming from [ Speaking or speech ] — [Tongue]
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Distance does not affect intimate relation.
Point for discussion:
1. Distance incites the urge to be close.
2. Relation is a thing which cannot be wiped out due to distance.
3. Intimacy in relation is a permanent sensual phenomenon.
4. Being away from your near and dear increases the feeling of intimacy till the time one is again united.
C.3.1 Writes letter to your grandmother expressing deep love to her.
Ans. The format of letter writing has been given in the exercises of previous chapter. The only change in this letter would be in the expression, you would use in the start of the letter for your grandmother. Regarding expression of love you can pick up enough points from this poem. Try and show that to you teacher.
You can address like this:
Dearest Dadi, Nani or grandmother whichever suits you, ending the letter with regards :
(Sonu, Avkash, or who so ever
writes it )
C.3.2. A telegram to your mother regarding illiness of your grandmother asking her to come soon.
Jyotsana Mishra, 120 Kailash Apts
Gomati Negar, Lucknow
Not to be telegraphed
D.1. Word Study :
Correct the spelling of the following words :
D.2. Write a synonym for each of the following words:
1. Away Distance
2. Quick Fast
3. Damp Wet
4. Ash Burnt out
5. Scarf Muffler
In English grammar can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought, and need are known as model auxiliaries. The multiple meanings of would is given below :
(i ) Expressing futurity [ भविष्य – कथन]
(ii) Expressing volition [ इच्छा शक्ति, संकल्प]
(iii) Expressing probability [ संभावना ]
1. He wrote to say that he vould be back on Friday.
2. Would you pass the salt please.
3. The English people would be having a holiday.
E2. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition given below:
1. I feel hands on my head.
2. Her hands were warm and damp with the smell of roots.
3. I hear a voice coming from a rock.
4. Her words will flow inside me.
5. Someone is stirring ashes from sleeping fire at height.
F. Activities :
1. Draw a diagram of family- relation.
F.2. Match the sence organs with the phrases from the poem:
Sense organs Poems line
1. Eye Purple scarf and
Plastic shopping bag
2. Ear A voice coming from
a rock [e]
3. Nose Smell of roots [c]
4. Tongue From a rock [b]
5. Skin Her hands warm and
damp [g]
G. Translation
Translate the Following sentences into English :
1.यदि मैं पक्षी होता तो आकाश में उड़ता।
If I would have been a bird, I would have flown in the sky.
2. यदि मैं राजा होता तो प्रजा की खूब सेवा करता।
If I would have been king, I would have served my people properly.
3. यदि मैं संत होता तो शांति लाता क्रान्ति नहीं।
If I were a saint, I would have brought peace not revolution.
4. यदि तुमने भयादोहन करने की कोशिश की होती तो मैं पुलिस को सूचित कर दिया होता।
If you had tried to blackmail me, I would have informed the police.
5. यदि उसने परिश्रम किया होता तो परीक्षा में सफल हो जाती।
She must have passed the examination of she would have laboured hard.
6. यदि मैं वित्तमंत्री होता तो देश की आर्थिक स्थिति सुधार देता।
I would have improved the economic condition of the country if I would have been the Finance Minister.
7. यदि मैं इस विद्यालय का प्रधानाध्यापक होता तो छात्र परिषद् का गठन करता।
I would have formed the students Union if I were the principal of the school.
8. यदि तुम प्रधानमंत्री होते तो गरीब के हित में क्या करते।
What would you have done for the poor, if you were the prime Minister ?
9. यदि वह वहाँ होती तो मैं उसे पिता की बात मानने पर मजबूर करता।
I would have compelled her to obey her father, if she would have been here.
10. यदि मेरे पास तुम्हरा पता होता तो मैं तुम्हें अवश्य पत्र लिखता।
I must have written you a letter If your address would have been with me.