bihar board 9th class english notes | DHARAM JUDDHA
bihar board 9th class english notes
class – 9
subject – english
-Arjun Dev Charan
This story of ‘Dharm Juddha’ has been writing by Mr. Arjun Dev Charan, a teacher by profession. The Story rendered in dialogue form revolves round a young girl. Her name is Padma. Padma had little schooling and the education she got was thought ancient scripture like the Ramayana and the mahabharat etc. But as she grows and gains wisdom, she feels aggrieved about the position of a woman in the society. Sometimes she questions her teacher and her parents about the identity of a woman and her rights. She asks- Does a woman gains status only thought marriage?
धर्मयुद्ध की यह कथा श्री अर्जुनदेव चरण द्वारा लिखी गयी है| श्री देवचरण मूलतः एक शिक्षक हैं| धर्मयुद्ध की यह कथा एक युवा बालिका की कथा है, जिसे पढ़ाई के लिये विद्यालय जाने का सौभाग्य कम मिला। उसकी शिक्षा पारम्परिक ढ़ंग से घर पर ही हुई जिसका आधार पैराणिक धर्मग्रंथ थे जैसे ‘ रामायण’, महाभारत आदि। पदमा जब बड़ी होती है और उसकी बुद्धि का विकास होता है तो वह एक महिला की मौलिक पहचान जानने को आतुर हो उठती है। आखिर समाज में महिला की पहचान क्या और कब बनती है? क्या एक महिला की सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा का प्रतिक उसका वैवाहिक जीवन ही बनता है ? क्या इसके अतिरिक्त उसकी स्थिति नगण्य है? इन प्रशनों के साथ पदमा कभी-कभी अपने अभिभावक और शिक्षक के सामने भी उपस्थित है। भारत में महिलाओं की सामाजिक स्थिति पर यह कथा प्रकाश डालती है और बालक-बालिका को एक समान समझने का संदेश देती है।
पदमा : Mother, what is the identity of a woman?
माँ ! एक महिला की पहचान क्या है?
पदमा : Why do you ask that?
ऐसा तुम क्यों पूछती हो ?
माँ : You are my daughter, our only child and your father’s darling.
तुम मेरी पुत्री हो। हमारी अकेली संतान और अपने पिता की दुलारी।
पदमा : Father cares more for money then for me. It takes a heart to bestow love.
पर पिता तो मुझसे ज्यादा पैसे से प्यार करते हैं।प्यार की उपज तो ह्रदय से होती है।
माँ : For whom does he save? He does all this only for you sake. You should not think that I have no heart.
पर धन का संग्रह वे किसके लिए करते हैं ? वे यह सब मात्र तुम्हारे लिए करते हैं। तुमको यह कदापि नहीं सोचना चाहिए कि मेरे पास ह्रदय नहीं है।
पदमा : But I did not say it of you.
पर मैंने ऐसा तुम्हारे लिए नहीं कहा!
माँ : I am not in any way different from him. My identity is linked with his and I cherish the bond .
मैं उनसे अलग नहीं हूँ। मेरी पहचान उनके (पति के ) साथ बनती है और इस अटूट बंधन में मेरी आस्था है।
[पदमा के पिता का प्रवेश ]
पिता : What is the talk about the bond, Parma’s mother ?
पदमा की माँ ! इस अटूट बंधन की चर्चा कैसी है ?
माँ :Here is your father. Ask him whatever you want to know.
लो , तुम्हारे पिता आ गये। अब तुम जो भी जानना चाहती हो, उनसे पुछ लो।
पिता : What is it, my child ?
बताओ बच्ची, क्या बात है?
माँ : She wants to know what is the identity of a woman.
वह जानना चाहती है कि एक महिला की पहचान क्या है?
पिता : You will know it, dear, when you are married.
मेरी प्यारी बच्ची ! तुम यह सब विवाह के बाद जान जाओगी ।
पदमा : Does marriage bend identity to a woman ?
क्या एक महिला की पहचान उसके विवाह से बनती हैं ?
माँ : What is a woman without a husband ?
बिना पति के एक महिला की स्थिति क्या है ?
पदमा : What if one does not get married ?
पर एक लड़की विवाह नहीं भी तो कर सकती है ?
माँ : why do you allows ask such senseless questions ?
पर तुम इस प्रकार के बुद्धिहीन एवं अनर्गल प्रश्ण क्यों पूछती हो ?
पदमा : What about a woman whose husband is dead ?
पर उस महिला का क्या होगा जिसका पति मर जाता है ?
माँ : Life is hell for her .
उसका जीवन नरक बन जाता है ।
पदमा : That’s injustice !
पर यह तो अन्याय है ।
माँ : You needn’t talk of justice and injustice here .
तुम्हे न्याय और अन्याय की बात नहीं करनी चाहिये ।
पदमा : Why ? क्यों
माँ : Over here woman don’t have the right to ask question .
महिलाओं को इस सम्बन्ध में प्रश्ण पुछने का अधिकार ही नहीं है ।
पदमा : What right do they have then ?
फिर उनका अधिकार क्या हैं ?
पिता : Rights are for equals, dear .
अधिकार तो समान व्यक्तियों ( जानों ) के लिये होता है।
पदमा : Why is a home Considered a place for bargaining ? One shouldn’t live in such a place.
पर, घर को मोलभाव की जगह क्यों समझा जाता है ? फिर तो ऐसी जगह पर रहना ठीक नहीं है।
पिता : You will get the same replies to these questions wherever you go.
तुम जहाँ भी जाओगी , ऐसा ही उत्तर पाओगी ।
पदमा : But the identity of a woman is the identity of the human race. A society sens woman .
लेकिन एक स्त्री की पहचान तो मानवजाति की पहचान है। फिर समाज उसकी अवहेलना क्यों करता है ?
पिता : That’s why they say that marriage lends this identity.
इसीलिए तो कहा जाता है कि विवाह के कारण ही एक स्त्री की पहचान स्थापित होती है।
पदमा : So if girl does not get married she has no identity ! Why is it that an unmarried man is venerated and called a saint while an unmarried woman is called immoral and wanton ?
इसका मतलब तो यह हुआ कि एक अविवाहित बालिका की कोई पहचान नहीं है। ऐसा क्यों है कि एक अविवाहित पुरुष को संत, जबकि एक अविवाहित महिला को अनैतिक, व्यभिचारिणी और कुलटा माना जाता है।
Glossary : शब्दावली
Identity (n): पहचान, Darling (n): प्रियपात्र, प्रेमी , Bestow (v) : प्रदान करना , देना, Cherish (v) : ह्रदय में रखना, आँख की पुतली मानना , Senseless (adj) : बुद्धिहीन, मूर्ख , Sans ( prep.): विहीन, उसके बिना , Venerate(Adj.) : आदर देना, आदरणीय, Saints ( n) : संत, Immoral ( Adj) : अनैतिक, Wanton ( Adj ) : व्यभिचारी ,व्यभिचारिणी ( स्त्री )
Q.1. What was the questions that Padma wanted to know from her parents?
Ans. Padma wanted to know from her parents as to what the identity of the woman was?
Q.2. How many brother and sisters did Padma have ?
Ans. She was the only child of her parents.
Q.3. Why was Padma unhappy with her father’s ?
Ans. She was unhappy with her father has she thought that he care more for money then for her.
Q. 4. For whom is life hell according to Padma’s mother ?
Ans. According to Padma’s mother. Life is hell for the woman whose husband is dead.
Q. 5. What according to Padma, is the identity of the human race ?
Ans. According to Padma, the identity of the human race is the identity of a woman.
Q.1. Father cares more for money then for us. Why does Padma say so ? Have you ever felt like Padma? Explain.
Ans. Padma has a feeling that in Indian society , girls are not given proper care . The family takes more care of a male child then that of a girl child. The money power is given more importance then the human power in the form of a girl child.
This is still very much prevelent in our society even today.
Q. 2. What according to Padma’s father is the identity of a woman? Do you agree with him ?
Ans. According to the Padma’s father, marriage leads to the identity of a woman. And Padma will know this only when she is married. The question of agreeing to this ideology doesn’t arise as find that slowly and silently the thinking of society and that too of an individual is changing today.
Q. 3. What questions did Padma ask that her mother calls Senseless? Why did Padma’s mother call it senseless? Explain.
Ans. Padma told her mother that if the identity of a woman depends on her marriage then what would be the position of an unmarried girl. This reply of Padma provokes her mother to call her senseless .
Q. 4. What is injustice that Padma talked about ?
Ans. Injustice that Padma talked is that of discrimination towards girl child in the family and society. A male child always gets preference compared to a female child in the family.
Q. 5. Sketch the character of Padma.
Ans. Padma is courageous girl who wants to lead a life of dignity, self respect and honour. She is not ready to accept that the girls are in any way inferior to boys and the recognition of a girl is only through marriage.
Q. 6. Padma’s mother is the true image of a typical traditional woman. Elaborate.
Ans. It is true that Padma’s mother represents the traditional values of Indian society. She has faith in the old traditional way of life and wants that her girl should follow the same path.
Q. 7. Discuss the Main idea contained in the text.
Ans. The main idea in this text is to draw the attention of the society towards giving equal status to a girl child. They should be allowed to grow independently and should be bestowed with honour and power as that to a male child.
Q. 8. Why is the lesson called ‘ Dharam Juddha ‘ Give reasons.
Ans. ‘ Dharam Juddha’ depicts the fight of Padma, a girl child towards injustice, discrimination prevalent in our society. This is a war against the traditional way of social system which requires immediate change so that the growth of a female child is natural and per the changes taking in today’s world.
C. 2. Group Discussion:
1. An unmarried man is venerated and called a saint, while an unmarried woman is called immoral and wanton. Is it
2. Both men and women are equally important for the human society. Do you agree?
[To be arranged by the teacher in
the class-room.]
C. 3.1 Write a paragraph in about 100 wards about the status of woman in our society.
Ans. After independence India is fast changing. There are social changes, economic process and advancement in the field of education too. More and more number of girl are going to the school today. They are also getting higher education including technical education . politics is another field in which woman are excelling. They have occupied the highest executive posts of the country like the president and prime Minister. They are becoming doctors, Engineers, military personnel, civil servants, good teachers and even astronauts.
In fact the woman folk of India of today are breaking the old traditions and are coming out of the bondage, breaking the shackles which did not permit them to come out of the four walls of the house.
C. 3.2 Write a letter to your friend emphasising equality between men and women.
Ans. A Letter to a Friend
Parmod Kumar,
C 129, Greater Kailash
New Delhi
My dear Pradeep,
Hope this will find you in good health and happiness. You must have been enjoying your holiday over there. But remember we will be having our exam.After the school reopens. Hence pay your attention towards studies also.
Here, I want to share my thoughts with you regarding men and women in the social set up . Both men and women are born from the same mother. Both men and women are part of the same nature and both are essential part of creation. Life cannot expand without a woman. Think of a society where there is no woman or a society without a man. How the universe will grow ? It would become lifeless. A girl child is as important in a house as a male child. The society should welcome both. I feel sorry that now a days the liking for a male child has increased and the girl child are ignored or are not welcome in the family.
We should work against this vice in our society. We are the future of this great country and we should make India progressive and place of pleasure where both man and woman are equally treated.
Give my regards to your parents.
Your sincerely
Ex 1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
Ex.2. Write at least two meanings of the following words – the one in which it used in the lesson and the other which is more common.
Money — Wealth , Rupee
Save — Keep money as reserve, spend economically
Child — Baby [Boy or Girl ] Infant
Husband — Spouse, Married partner of a woman
Hell — A place where the band Souls are sent after death.
Venerated — To give respect, reverend
Saint — pious , holy
Wanton — Unchaste , immoral
D. 2 Word Formation : Make ten words by using the suffix ‘Less’ :
Shameless, Thoughtless, Jobless, Restless, Painless, Meaningless, Breathless, Moneyless, Characterless, Dowry less, Cheerless.
D. 3. Word Meaning
Find out the words from the which have the following meanings :
1. A person of great holiness— Saint
2. Unchaste — Wanton
3. Treated with respect — Married
4. To hold as dear — Cherish
5. Individuality — Identity
6. Unreasonable — Senseless
D. 4. Phrases
Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentence in which the following phrases have been used. Then use these phrases in sentence of your own —
1. Care for : Line -5 : One Should
care for his studies
2. In any way : Line – 8 : In any way I
3. For equals : Line – 25 : Law
should be one for equals.
4. What if : Line – 16 : What if I do
not agree with you ?
5. A place for bargaining : Line – 26 : The world should not be made a place only for bargaining.
Use of infinitives
Kind of infinitives etc.
[ To be learnt from the exercise protion of the text book : Case no.1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 5 ]
F. Activities :
F.1. Find out the safeguards given to the woman by the Indian Constitution grants rights of equality to woman at par with man. Both enjoy citizenship right of the country my birth.
The others rights are —
A. Right of freedom
B. Right against exploitation
C. Right to constitutional remedies
D. Cultural education rights
E. Right to constitutional remedies.
F. Right to constitutional remedies
Both men and women enjoy these rights equally and there is no discrimination before the law of the land in this Regard.
F. 2. Find out the name of at least five persons who tried to reform the condition of woman. The names are —
1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
2. Dyanand Saraswati
3. Annie Basant
4. Mother Teresa
5. Kasturba Gandhi
G. Translation
Translate the Following sentence into English :
1. चोरी करना पाप है।
Stealing [ Theft ] is a sin.
2. बिना टिकट यात्रा करना दंडनीय अपराध है।
Travelling without ticket is a punishable offence.
3. भूल करना मानवीय है; क्षमा करना दैवीय है।
It is man’s nature commit mistake while it is Godly act to pardon .
4. तैरना एक अच्छा व्यायाम है।
Swimming is a good exercise.
5. सुबह में टहलना स्वास्थ के लिए लाभदायक है ।
Morning walk is good for health.
6. बड़ो का आदर करना हमारा धर्म है।
It is our pious obligation to respect our elders .
7. सिगरेट पीना स्वास्थ के लिए हानिकारक है।
Smoking is injurious to health.
8. गणित सिखना कठिन नहीं है।
It is not difficult to learn mathematics.
9. दुसरों की साहायता करना हमारा फ़र्ज़ है।
It is our duty to help others.
10. बिना हेलमेट पहनें स्कूटर चलाना खतरनाक है।
It is dangerous to drive scooter without a helmet on your head.

Bihar board ka guide h usmai answers alag h aur phone me dusara h guide me dekho ge toh long type questions bahut long long h mean 27 line ka aur phone me dekho ge toh bas 10 lines ka 27 dekne me toh bahut chota number h lekin book me dekho ge toh long h but me toh phone se he yaad kar rhe hu
Phone se hi revision karo
O nice and thanks for u’r advice
Hi Very Nice Shivani Ji
Ya ans bhot short hai had bhi bhot jald ho jyga