8th english

bseb class 8th english notes | ONE TWO THREE ( एक दो तीन )

ONE TWO THREE ( एक दो तीन )

bseb class 8th english notes

class – 8

subject – english

lesson 5 – ONE TWO THREE

( एक दो तीन )


Once there was ……..with his answer .

Word meaning : Powerful ( adj ) [ पावरफुल ] = शक्तिशाली । Thought ( v ) [ थॉटा = सोचा । About ( ady ) [ अबाउट ] = विषय / बारे में । Wonder ( v ) [ वन्डर ] % आश्चर्य करना । Guess ( v ) [ गेस ] = अनुमान करना । Thought ( n ) [ थॉट ] = विचार | Satisfy ( v ) [ सैटिसफाई ) = संतुष्ट करना ।

अर्थ – एक राजा था । वह बहुत शक्तिशाली था । उसका सोचना था कि पूरी दुनिया में उसके समान शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति कोई नहीं लेकिन इस विषय में उसने किसी से चर्चा नहीं की थी । एक दिन वह सोचने लगा कि क्या कोई यह जान सकता था कि वह क्या सोच रहा है । अतः , उसने अपने तमाम अधिकारियों और नौकरों को बुला भेजा । राजा ने उनसे यह अनुमान करने को कहा कि वह क्या सोच रहा है । यह कोई उसे बताए । कई लोगों ने अनुमान लगाकर अपनी बात कही कि राजा अपने दिल में क्या सोच रहा है । पर किसी भी व्यक्ति के जवाब से राजा संतुष्ट नहीं हो पाया ।

Then the king …… …… said the minister .

Word meaning : Ordered ( v ) [ आर्डड ] = आदेश दिया | Exactly ( adj ) [ एक्जैक्टली = ठीक – ठीक । Come to a close ( phr ) ( कम टू अ क्लोज ] = समाप्त होने लगा । Quite ( adv ) [ क्वाइट ] = बिल्कुल । Desperate ( adj ) [ डेस्पेटेट ] = निराश I Cheer ( v ) [ चीअर ] = खुश होना ।

अर्थ – तब , उन लोगों से निराश होकर राजा ने आदेश जारी किया अपने मंत्री को कि वह कोई ऐसा आदमी जाकर ढूँढ लाये जो कि उसके विचारों को पढ़ सकने में सक्षम हो सके । राजा ने ठीक एक महीने का समय दिया अपने मंत्री को इस काम के लिए । मंत्री परेशान हो गया । हर जगह जाकर उसने किसी वैसे आदमी की तलाश की जो राजा के मन के विचार को पढ़ लें सके । जैसे – जैसे महीने के दिन खत्म होने को आए , मंत्री को निराशा बढ़ती ही चली गयी । लेकिन तभी उसकी बेटी ने उसका हौसला बढ़ाया । वह बोली कि वह वैसा आदमी निश्चित तौर पर हूँ लेगी । मंत्री ने निराशा की अवस्था में ही कहा- ” देखते हैं तुम क्या कर सकोगी ।

” When the appointed ………. the king’s court .
Word meaning : Appointed ( adj ) [ अपॉएन्टेड ] = निश्चित किया गया समय , तय Arrived ( v ) [ अराइव्ड ] = पहुँचा । Shepherd ( n ) [ शेपःड ] = गड़ेरिया । Shocked ( v ) [ शॉक्ड ] = धक्का लगना या आघात लगना । Choice ( n ) [ च्वॉइस ] = पसन्द । Trust ( ) [ ट्रस्ट = भरोसा करना । Court ( n ) [ कोट ) = दरबार । Farm ( n ) [ फार्म ) = खेत ।

अर्थ – जब निश्चित किया हुआ दिन , गजा के द्वारा , पास आया , मंत्री की बेटी एक मूख को पकड़कर घर ले आयी और मंत्री के सामने खड़ा कर दी । वह आदमी एक खेत में काम करता था । वह युवा लड़की अपने मंत्री पिता से बोली कि आप इस गड़ेरिए को आराम से राज के सामने ले जा सकते हैं । अपनी बेटी के द्वारा पसन्द किये गये व्यक्ति को देख मंत्री को आघन लगा । लेकिन वह अपनी बेटी पर खूब भरोसा करता था इसलिए वह उस गड़रिए को राजा । पास दरबार में ले आया ।

The court had . …….. things to him .

Word meaning : Already ( adv ) [ ऑलरेडी ] = पहले से I Assemble ( v ) [ असेम्बल ] = जमा होना । Violently ( adv ) [ वायलेन्टली ] % उग्रता से या जोरों से । Begged ( v ) [ वण्ड ) = निवेदन किया ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद – मंत्री के वहाँ पहुँचने के पहले से दरबार लग चुका था । मंत्री ने उस गड़ेरिए को राजा के सामने पेश कर दिया । उस गड़ेरिए ने जब अपनी नजरों को उठाकर राजा को आँखों में देखा , तभी राजा ने अपनी एक ऊँगली उठा दी । राजा के ऐसा करने पर , गड़ेरिए ने अपनी दो ऊँगलियाँ उठा दीं । फिर राजा ने अपनी तीन ऊंगलियां उठा दी । इस पर उस गड़ेरिए ने बड़ी जोरों से अपने सिर को हिला दिया और वहाँ से नौ दो ग्यारह होने की कोशिश करने लगा । मंत्री को समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि क्या हो रहा है । उसने राजा से आग्रह किया कि वह कृपा कर उसे और दरबार को बताएं कि उन दोनों के बीच क्या बातें हुई ।

” When I held . .but no third . “

Word meaning : Alone ( adj ) [ अलोन ] = अकेला । Holding ( v ) [ होल्डिंग ] = उठाना । Remind ( v ) ( रिमाइन्ड ] = याद दिलाना | Atleast ( phr ) [ एट लीस्ट ] = कम से कम । Deny ( 1 ) [ डिनाई = इन्कार करना । Existence ( n ) [ एक्जिस्टेन्स ] = अस्तित्व । Really ( adv ) [ रिअली ] = सच में , वास्तव में ।

अर्थ – राजा ने मंत्री को बताया , ” जब मैंने अपनी एक ऊँगली उठाई तो वास्तव में मैंने सवाल किया था कि क्या मैं अकेला ही दुनिया में राजा हूँ । उस गड़ेरिए ने तब अपनी दो ऊँगलियाँ उठा दीं । वह कहना चाहता था कि कम से कम भगवान भी हैं जो कि उतना ही शक्तिशाली हैं जितना शक्तिशाली मैं हूँ । फिर मैंने अपनी तीसरी ऊँगली उठाई । मैंने पूछा कि क्या कोई तीसरा भी है । इस पर उस गड़ेरिए ने सख्ती से सिर हिलाकर इन्कार कर दिया था । राजा ने कहा कि इस आदमी ने तो सच में उसके दिमाग में उठ रहे विचारों को आसानी से पढ़ लिया । मैं तो सोचता रहा था कि मैं ही इस दुनिया में अकेला शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति हूँ । लेकिन इस गड़ेरिए ने मुझे बता दिया , स्मरण करा दिया कि भगवान भी हैं जो कि शक्तिशाली हैं और लेकिन तीसरा कोई नहीं है ।

Summary : Once , lived a rich and powerful king . He thought that he was the most powerful in the world . Now , he wondered if anyone could guess his thought . His officers and servants , when asked , failed to guess his thought . Then , the king ordered his minister to bring a man within a month , who could guess his thought . With the help of his wise daughter , he brought a shep herd before the king . The shepherd was able to guess his thought . He answered to the king that God was also powerful , but not the third .
सारांश – कभी , एक अमीर और शक्तिशाली राजा रहता था । वह सोचा करता है कि दुनिया में सबसे ताकतवर वही है । अब , उसने विचार किया कि क्या कोई उसके मन की बात पढ़ सकता है । उसके अधिकारियों और नौकरों ने भी जब उसके मन की बात जानने में अपनी असमर्थता जतायी तो उसने अपने मंत्री को आदेश दिया कि एक महीने के अंदर वह ऐसा आदमी ढूँढ़ लाये जो उसके मन की बात को पढ़ सकता हो । अपने बुद्धिमान बेटी की मदद से मंत्री ने महीने भर के अंदर एक गड़ेरिए को राजा के सामने पेश किया । राजा का विचार उसने पढ़ लिया । उसके राजा को बताया कि ईश्वर भी ताकतवर है , पर तीसरा कोई नहीं ।


Q. 1. Some people use their body language ( e.g. , fingers , eyes , facial expressions etc. ) to express themselves . Have you met such persons ? If yes , where did you meet them ?
Ans . Yes , I have met such deaf and a dumb persons who talk between them using their body language . They live in our muhalla .
Q. 2. Did you get a chance to interact with any one of them ? How do you think persons communicate without human language ?
Ans . Yes , I have interacted with them . I also talked to them with body language . Persons who can’t speak or hear econmunicate among themselves using body language .

Q. 1. What did the king think of himself ?
Ans . He thought himself rich and powerful .
Q. 2. What did the king want his officers and servants to find out ?
Ans . A person who could guess him thought .
Q.3 . How much time did the king allot to his minister ?
Ans . A month’s time .
Q.4 . How many fingers did the king raise the second time ?
Ans . Three fingers .

B.2.1 . Write ‘ T ‘ for true and ‘ F ‘ for false statements .
1. The king was indeed rich and powerful .
2. The minister’s daughter helped her father .
3. The minister was confident that the shepherd would guess cor rectly what was there in the kng’s heart .
4. The fool could really read the king’s mind .
Ans . 1. ( T ) , 2. ( T ) , 3. ( F ) , 4. ( T ) .

B.2.2 . Answer in two or three sentences .
Q. 1. What impression do you form of the king ? Give your reasons for your answer .
Ans . I form the impression about the king that he was very rich and pow erful . So , he thought himself the most powerful person in the world .
Q. 2. Did the fool understand the king ? Give reason for your answer .
Ans . Yes , the fool understood the king . He answered well to the questions of the king . His answer was silent , in body language .
Q. 3. Do you see any change in the king’s view about himself in paper 1 and 6 ?
Ans . In para l the king thinks that he is the most powerful in the world . Whereas , in para 6 he thinks that God is also powerful , but not third .

B.2.3 . Answer the following questions in detail .

Q. 1. What did the king was to convey when he raised one finger ? What was the shepherd’s response to it ?
Ans . When the king raised his one finger , he meant to say that he was along powerful . The shepherd’s response to it was there was God also .
Q. 2. Why did the shepherd raise two fingers ? What did the king conclude from this ?
Ans . The sheherd raised two fingers so as to say that the king was alone not powerful . There was the second one also . And that is God . He is also powerful . The king rightly concluded from this what the shepherd wanted to convince .
Q. 3. What did the king mean when he raised three fingers ? How did the fool respond to this ? What does it show about his ability to guess ?
Ans . The king raised three fingers to ask was their any third as powerful as he . The fool denied it shaking his head . He had great ability to guess .
Q. 4. What made the king think that others could guess what he was thinking ? What does it show about his character ?
Ans . With the right answer of the shepherd , the king thought that others could guess what he was thinking . It shows that he was of good character . He was well appreciating .
Q.5 . Why do you think the minister’s daughter chose the shepherd for the task ?
Ans . In my opinion , the minister’s daughter would have heard about the guessing ability of the shepherd from others . So , she chose the shepherd for the task .
Q. 6. How can you say that the king was satisfied with the shepherd’s answer ?
Ans . The king himself explained to his minister about the guessing abil ity of the shepherd . That he had rightly guessed his thought and answered to it perfectly . If shows that the king was satisfied with the shepherd’s answer .

C.1 . Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with the suitable words from the box : fool , shepherd , rich , denied , reactions , powerful , pleased , guess Once there was a king who was …………. and …………..
2. Many people tried to …………. what was in the king’s mind .
3. The minister’s daughter brought home a …………. He was a ……….
4. The fool ………… the existence of a third king .
5. The king was very …………. on the fool’s ………..
Ans . 1. rich , powerful ,
2. guess ,
3. fool , shepherd ,
4. denied ,
5. pleased , reactions .

C.2 . Rearrange the letter in the following groups to form meaningful words and use them in sentences of your own :

fewpluor , shperde , adwrer , vointle , asslembe

Ans .
Jumbled letters           Meaningful words fewpluor                         powerful shhperde                        shepherd adwrer                            reward
vointle                              violent asslembe                        assemble

Sentences from the Meaningful words .
Powerful -He was a powerful king . Shepherd -The shepherd was able to guess other person’s thought .
Reward -The shepherd was rewarded .
Violent- A violent storm rose . Assemble -The class had assembled .

C.3 . Pick out words from the story that match the following :
Example : left with no hopes ( para 2 ) desperate
1. made some one happy ( para 2 )……
2. surprised ( para 3 ) ……..
3 . believed ( para 3 ) ………
4. gathered ( para 4 ) ………
5. held up ( para 4 ) ………..
6. paid something for doing some good ( para 4 )……..
Ans .
Words.                  Matching words from
the story
1 . made someone happy- cheered
2. surprised       –     shocked
3. believed        –      trusted
4. gathered        –       assembled
5. held up.          –       lifted
6. paid something for doing
some good.    -reward


D.1 . Use of ‘ already ‘ and ‘ all ready ‘ .
Look at the following sentence .
The court had already assembled . ‘
Already ‘ is used to say that something had happened earlier than expected or earlier than it might have happened .
More examples :
You’re already late .
The meeting has already begun .

All ready ” is not he same as ” already ” . It simply means fully read or prepared ( ” All is / are ready . ” )

Compare :

When is your friend coming ? He has already come .
Are you all ready ? Yes , we’re .
Now make two sentences each with ‘ already ‘ and ‘ all ready differentiat ing between the two .
Ans .
Already : ( i ) She was already in the class .
( ii ) He had already started to run .
All ready : ( i ) He was all ready .
( ii ) They were all ready .

D.1.2 . Insert ‘ already ‘ at the appropriate places in the following sentences :

1 . She is late for the train .
2 . The patient had died before the doctor arrived .
3. Have you finished the work ?
4. They had been enjoying the benefits of winter since their childhood .
5. He had not exhausted the funds when he received the lottery money .

Ans .

1. She is already late for the train .
2. The patient had already died before the doctor arrived .
3. Have you already finished the work ? 4. They had been already enjoying the benefits of winter since their child hood .
5. He had not already exhausted the funds when he received the lottery money .
D.2 . Use of simple past ( or past indefinite ) tense
Read the following paragraph :
Once there was a rich and powerful king . He thought that no one in the world was as powerful as he was . But he told no one about it . One day he began to wonder whether other could guess what he was thinking . So he called all his officers and servants and asked them to tell him what thought was in his heart . Many of them made guesses . But no one could satisfy the king with his answer .
The words in bold in the above paragraph are in Simple Past Tense . You should notice that in the simple past tense regular verbs are usually formed by -ed ending . It is the same for all persons , singular and plural .
The Simple Past is also used for the following :
1 . For activities or situations that were completed in the past at a definite time .
Example : I came home at 6 o’clock .
2. For repeated activities .
Example : Anuj : I walked to school everyday .
3. ( Sudden ) actions taking place in the middle of another action .
Example : I was sitting in a meeting , when my mobile suddenly rang .
4. I stories to describe events that follow each other .
Example : The man entered the hall and looked around . He took off his coat and put it on a chair . He was at home . In the above sentences , the verb forms express the simple past or past indefinite tense .

D.3 . Complete the sentences with the simple past forms of verbs . Remember that you may need to use past continuous forms in some cases . Verbs in their present forms have been given in brackets .
Everyday Anshu travels to Patna . Yesterday he wa driving his car , when he ( see ) a dog in the middle of the road . The dog ………… ( watch ) the car . Anshu ……… ( stop ) and ………. ( get ) out of his car . As he was getting out , the dog ……… ( run ) away . Anshu ……… ( go ) back to his car . While he …….. ( get ) in the car , the dog …….. ( appear ) again and ………… ( sit ) down in the middle of the road . Anshu …….. ( start ) the engine , but the dog ………… ( not move ) , Anshu ……… ( jump ) out of the car and ……… ( shout ) at the dog . The dog ……….. ( bark ) at him and ……….. ( start ) to run . Anshu ………… ( follow ) the dog . Suddenly he ……….. ( see ) a woman lying on the grass . She was bleeding .

Ans . Everyday Anshu travels to Patna , yesterday he was driving his car , when he saw a dog in the middle of the road . The dog watched the car . Anshu stopped and got out of his car . As he was getting out the dog ran away . Anshu went back to his car . While he got in the car , the dog appeared again and sat down in the middle of the road . Anshu started the engine , but the dog didn’t move . Anshu jumped out of the car and shouted at the dog . The dog barked at him and started to run . Anshu followed the dog . Suddenly he saw a woman lying on the grass . She was bleeding ..

D.4 . Make a question and a negative answer .
Example : We saw a monkey on the roof .
Question : Did you see a monkey on the roof ?
Negative : We did not see a monkey on the roof .
1 . She lost her pen .
Q : ……………. her pen ?
N : She …. …………… her pen .
2. Ayesha drove her car slowly . Q : …….. slowly ?
N : Ayesha ……………. slowly .
3. They were making noise in the classroom .
Q : …………… noise in the classroom ? N : They …. ……. noise in the classroom .
4. My mother came early from office . Q : …………….. early from office ?
N : My mother …………….. early from office .
5. Kumar was sleeping in the chair . Q : ….. …….. in the chair ?
N : Kumar in the chair .
6 . He ran away .
Q away ?
N : He ….. away .
Ans . 1. She lost her pen .
Q : Did she lose her pen ?
N : She did not lose her pen .
2 . Ayesha drove her car slowly .
Q : Did Ayesha drive her car slowly ?
N : Ayesha did not drive her car slowly .
3. They were making noise in the classroom .
Q : Did they make noise in the classroom ?
N : They did not make noise in the classroom .
4. My mother came early from office . Q : Did my mother come early from office ?
N : My mother didn’t come early from office .
5. Kumar was sleeping in the chair .
Q : Did Kumar sleep in the chair ?
N : Kumar didn’t did not sleep in the chair .
6 . He ran away .
Q : Did he run away ?
N : He did not run away .


Discuss in groups :
Think of an incident in your life when you became arrogant , proud , over confident or angry . Share your exerpience with your classmates . What was the result ? Do you think these are good qualities in a human being ? Justify .
Ans .
Raman : When I came first in the class I had become arrogant . I had stopped talking with some of my friends . Later , I thought I was wrong .
Kamal : I become angry very soon . I know it is my bad habit .
Renu : Our friends , the good qualities of a human beings are not to be arrogant , proud , over confident or angriness but mercy , pity , love , co – operation etc.

Write a paragraph on the following :
” Power makes people arrogant ‘ .. You can take examples from the story you have just read .
Ans .
Its the power that makes people arrogant . We sea that many so called leaders who newly fight for elections are so meak and gentle . But when they come in power , they become very arregant or proud . They think that they are all powerful . As we see in the following story , in which , the king thinks , he was most powerful in the world . So , its the riches and power that make people arrogant .

Translate the fourth paragraph in your mother tongue .
Ans . See Hindi Translation of the Chapter .


H.1.Divide the class into groups . All groups will work in pairs . One stu dent from one group will make a sign and the students of the other group in the pair will try to find out what it means or suggests . Stu dents of the group who succeed in dispersing the sign more times will be the winner . Similarly , the other pairs of group will play this game .
H.2 . Visit a deaf and dumb school . List some of the way in which they communication with each other .
Hint : Do this self . .


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