8th english

bihar board class 8th english note | ICE – CREAM MAN


bihar board class 8th english note

class – 8

subject – english

lesson 4 – ICE – CREAM MAN

( आईसक्रीम वाला )
        – RACHEL FIELD


When summer’s in…………… down the street .

Word meaning : Brick ( n ) [ ब्रिक ] = ईंट । Blaze ( n ) [ ब्लेज ] = प्रदीप्ति , आग का दहन । Cart ( n ) [ काट ] = छकड़ा , दो पहियों वाली छोटी ठेलागाड़ी । Trundle ( v ) [ ट्रन्डल ] = लुढ़कना ।

अर्थ– शहर में जब गर्मी का मौसम होता है , और ईंटें गर्मी से दहकने लगती हैं , अपने छोटे छकड़े को सड़कों पर लुढ़काता हुआ , आइसक्रीम वाला आता दिख पड़ता है ।

Beneath his round ………. brown and white .

Word meaning : Beneath ( prep ) [ बीनिथ ] = नीचे । Oh ( interj ) [ ओह ] = ओह । Joyfull ( adj ) [ ज्वॉयफुल ] = आनन्द भरा । Sight ( n ) [ साइट ] = दृश्य । Fill ( v ) [ फिल ] = भरना । Mound ( m ) [ माउन्ड ] = ऊपर को उठा हुआ ढेर , उभार । Cooling ( adj ) [ कूलिंग ] = ठण्डा करने वाला ।

अर्थ– उसके छकड़े पर के गोल छाते तले , क्या ही बढ़िया नजारा दिखता है , उसे सॉफ्टी के खोल में भूरे और सफेद , बर्फ – मलाई उभार कर भरते देखना ।

Vanilla , Chocolate ………..white , or pink .

( Word meaning : Vanilla ( n ) [ वनीला ] = एक प्रकार का आइसक्रीम । Drinks ( n ) [ ड्रिंक्स ] = पेय पदार्थ । Drink ( v ) [ ड्रिंक ] = पीना | Frosty – fizz ( n ) [ फ्रॉस्टी – फिज ] = शीतल पेय ।

अर्थ – वनीला , चॉकलेट , स्ट्रॉबेरी या पीने को शीतल पेय पदार्थ , हरे , नारंगी , सफेद व गुलाबी रंगों के , बोतलों में भरा शीतल पेय पदार्थ ।

His cart might ………….as honey bees .

Word meaning : Might ( v ) [ माइट ] = संभव होना । Be ( v ) [ बी ] = होना । Way ( n ) [ वे ] = तरीका । Honey bee ( n ) | हनीबी ] = मधुमक्खी । Thick ( adj ) [ थिक ] = घना ।

अर्थ– लगता है जैसे उसका छकड़ा फूलों की सेज हो , गुलाब के फूलों का और मीठे मटरों का , कैसे बच्चे घेर लेते हैं उसको , जैसे कि मधुमक्खियों का जमावड़ा हो ।

Summary : ‘ Ice – cream Man ‘ is a real child’s poem . The beautiful poem is penned by the English poewt , Rachel Field . The poet says in this poem that in the summer season , in the city , the ice – cream man is the most desiring person . Children gather around his cart as thick as honey bees . They ask different kinds of ice – cream and cold drinks from him . In the hot summer , in the city , the ice cream man brings some cold enjoyable moments .

सारांश – ‘ आइस – क्रीम मैन ‘ खास कर बच्चों के लिए लिखी गई कविता है । इस सुंदर कविता के कवि हैं , अंग्रेजी भाषा के कवि रैचेल फील्ड । कवि प्रस्तुत कविता में कहता है कि गर्मी के मौसम में , शहर में , आईसक्रीम वाला सबसे ज्यादा अपेक्षित व्यक्ति होता है । उसकी माँग सबसे ज्यादा होती है । बच्चे उसके ठेले के चारों और मधुमक्खियों की तरह झुण्ड बनाकर उसके इर्द – गिर्द जमा हो जाते हैं । उसके चारों ओर मँडराते रहते हैं । वे उससे भिन्न प्रकार के आइसक्रीम और शीतल पेय पदार्थों की मांग करते रहते हैं । गर्मी के मौसम में , शहर में , यह आइसक्रीम वाला ही है जो कि कुछ सुहावने ठंढे आनन्द लेने वाले क्षणों को लेकर आता है । .



Q. 1. List the occasions when you eat ice – cream ?
Ans . In summer and in parties .
Q.2 . Which ice – cream do you like most ? Name some of the flavours that you have tasted ?
Ans . I like Vanilla Ice – cream most . I also like chocolate flavour and strawberry .
Q. 3. Where do you go to buy ice – cream ?
Ans . I go to a ice – cream parlour to buy ice – cream . The parlour is near to my home . Ice – cream man also comes to my school . I purchase ice – cream with him too .
Q.1 . Who sells ice – cream ?
Ans . The ice – cream man.
Q. 2. Where does the ice – cream man go ?
Ans . Street to strect and near schools .
Q. 3. What does the ice – cream man have over his head ?
Ans . Umbrella .
Q. 4. Who feels joy to see the ice – cream man ?
Ans . Children .
B.2.1 . Answer the following questions briefly .
Q. 1. What are the buyers of ice – cream compared to in the poem ? What does the comparison suggest ?

Ans . The buyers are compared to honeybees . The comparison suggest that they make crowd around him .
Q. 2. ” Beneath his round umbrella Oh , what a joyful sight ” Who says these words ? Which expression suggests the attitudes of the speaker ?
Ans . A child , the speaker of this poem says these words . The following expression suggests the attitude of the speaker ” To see him fill the cones with mounds of cooling brown and white .

” B.2.2 . Answer the following questions in about 30 words .
Q. 1. Why do you feel joyful to see the ice – cream man in summer ? Give reasons .
Ans . We feel very hot in summer . Ice – cream eating makes us cool for some time . So , we feel joyful to see the ice – cream man in summer .
Q. 2. List different flavours of ice – cream mentioned in the poem that the ice – cream man sells . And some more to the list .
Ans . The ice – cream man sells these different flavours of ice – cream – Va nilla , Chocolate , strawberry , some more flavours are — Butter – scotch Ice – cream , mango , litchi , pineapple flavoured ice – cream etc.


C.1 . Pick out the words / expressions that convey the idea of intensity of heat in summer .
Ans . And brick’s blaze of heat ‘ .
C.2 . Pick out the word that means ‘ a huge amount ‘ .
Ans . Mounds .
C.3 . When you hear the words ‘ winter ‘ and ‘ summer ‘ , what are the things that come to your mind ? Write them down in the circles .
(      a      )
(       b      ).                   (      c     )
(        d      ).                  (      e      )

(   Sweater   )
(       f     ).                         (     g       )
(      h      ).                         (      i      )
Ans . (a) A.C.
(b) Lassi
(d) Cold Drinks
(e) Ice – Cream
(f) Hot Tea
(g) Coat
(i)Room – Heater
D.1 . Look at the following pairs of words :
Heat – street
Sight – white
You have already been told that the pairs of words that end with a similar sound are called rhyming pairs / words .
Line circle words that rhyme with the words given in bold in each box . One has been done for you .

stag           prize       leg      acries
Fry.           dry.        body    forty
Ans . fry – dry

bought.     night.   right.      eight.
Ans . night – right

rope     rate     ripe.     fate.
Ans . rate – fate

shut    man     run      sun
Ans . run-sum

some.   lamp      dump.      plum
Ans. Dump-plum

Orange.   range.      strange     sponge  Ans . range – strange

Crash.      fresh.      brush.     clash.
Ans. Fresh – clash

Cross.      Suppose.     broke.   opppose
Ans.  Suppose-oppose

Caught.    laughed.      bought.     bright
Ans.  Caught- bought

Study the following lines .
” The children cluster around
As thick as honeybee ”
Here , children are compared to honeybens . Such obvious comparison us ing’as ‘ are known as similes .
Look at some more examles :
as white as snow ( the colour of snow is compared to white ) as red as blood ( the colour of blood is compared to red ) as hot as fire ( the heat of fire is com pared to hot ) .
         Now complete the following similes by choosing appropriate words from the box :
[ coal , elephant , statue , giraffe , sky , grass , pig , ice , banyan , cotton , diamond , honey] .
1 . as blue as…….
2 . as tall as…… ….
3. as green as……..
4. as black as………..
5 . as fat as …………
6. as hard as ………
7. as huge as………
8. as sweet as ……….
9 . as cool as……….
10. as dumb as………
11. as old as………
12. as soft as……..
Ans . 1 . as blue as sky .
2. as tall as giraffe .
3. as green as grass .
4. as black as coal .
5 . as fat as pig
6. as hard as diamond .
7 . as huge as elephant .
8. as sweet as honey .
9 . as cool as ice .
10. as dumb as statue .
11. as old as banyan .
12. as soft as cotton .

D.3 . Speak aloud the following words and notice whether you can hear the ” Z ” sound at the end of each of these words .
blaze                               roses
Read the poem aloud and encircle the words which end with the sound ” z ” . Ans . Blaze , frosty – fizz , peas , honeybees .

Work in groups
1 . Children like to eat and drink lots of cold things in summer . Nama some of them .
2. Name some of the things that you and your friends do in the rainy season 3. Name some of the interesting and enjoyable things that you and your friends do in winter .
Ans .
Anil : In summer , when it is too hot , we like to eat ice – cream , most .
Sunil : We also like to have cold drinks . Mohit : I prefer to lassi the most .
Anil : In rainy season we all like to play and be wet in the rain .
Sunil : Yes , I too like rain – bath .
Mohit : In the winter season we enjoy hot tea and coffee . We enjoy sitting near the fire .

The Managing Committee of your school has decided to organise an inter school kabaddi tournament in your school on its Foundation Day . As the Secre tary of the Sports and Games Committee of the school circulate letters of invi tation to the headmasters of different schools of your locality to send their teams to take part in the tournament . Time , date , place and procedure of registration must be mentioned in it .
Ans .
Govt . High School , Sonpur
May 03 , 2012
To ,
The Principal ,
School’s name ……..
Respected Sir ,
The Managing Committee of our school has decided to organise an Inter school Kabaddi tournament in our school . We would like to in form you to send your schools best team to participate in the said tournament . Please let us know your kind consideration soon .
The Kabaddi tournament will be organised on 25th May from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in our school’s campus . Virendra Kumar
Secretary ,
( Sports and Games )

Q. Translate the poem in Hindi or your mother tongue .
Ans . Hindi translation of the poem is given before the exercise .

1 . Consult an encyclopaedia and write down the recipe for making va nilla ice – cream / custard at home .
2. Follow the procedure and taste the ice – cream / custard you make .
Hints : Do the activity work yourselves .

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