8th english

bihar board class 8 engish solution | BEAT THE CLOCK


bihar board class 8 engish solution

class – 8

subject – english

lesson 12 – BEAT THE CLOCK

( घड़ी को मात देना / हराना )


Rimjhim assured ,

” Don’t………. before bed time .

Word meaning : Assured ( v ) [ एश्योड ) = आश्वस्त किया । Worry ( v ) [ वरी ] = चिन्ता करना । Piece of cake ( phr ) [ पीस ऑफ केक ] = बेहद आसान – सा काम | Marathon ( adj ) ( मैराथन ] = बेहद लम्बा | Yap ( v ) [ यैप ] = जोरों से बातें करना | Realise ( v ) ( रियलाइज ] = महसूस करना । Down the drain ( phr ) [ डाउन द ड्रेन ] = बर्बाद हो जाना , नष्ट हो जाना | Finally ( adv ) [ फाइनली ] = आखिरी तौर पर , अन्ततः । Already ( adv ) [ ऑलरेडी ] = पहिले से ।

अर्थ – रिमझिम ने अपनी माँ को आश्वस्त किया , ” मॉम , चिन्ता की बात नहीं है । मुझे सिर्फ दो पाठ ही तैयार करना है और मुझे ज्यादा वक्त नहीं लगेगा और फिर कल की परीक्ष तो बेहद आसान है । ” अभी शाम के छह ( 6 ) बजे थे और वह अभी पढ़ने बैठी ही थी कि फोन की घंटीउसके लिए बज उठी थी । खूब देर तक फोन पर जोर – जोर से बातें करनी रही थी वह जब समय देखा उसमें तो पाया कि शाम के साढ़े बात ( 7 : 30 ) बज चुके थे । अपने – आप से वादा करते हुए कि अब वह फोन नहीं करेगी , पढ़ने बैठी ही थी वह कि जब पायी कि उसका नोटपैड ( कॉपी ) नहीं मिल रहा है । आधा घंटा और नोट पैड की तलाश में बेकार हो गये । तब तक तो उसके खाने का वक्त हो गया था और फिर जब आखिरकार पढ़ने बैठ गयी तो समय हो गया था रात्रि के नौ ( 9.00 ) बजे और बिस्तर पर जाने में सिर्फ एक घंट ही बाकी रह गया था ।

Are you too …… of your time .

Word meaning : Bitten ( v ) ( बिटेन ] = परेशान होना या बुरी तरह Time – wasting bug ( phr ) ( टाइम – वेस्टींग बुग ] = समय को बर्बाद करने की आदत | Take charge of ( phr ) [ टेक चार्ज ऑफ ] = किसी चीज की जिम्मेदारी लेना । Time – wasters ( adj ) [ टाइम वेस्टर्स ) = समय बर्बाद करने वाले । Take over ( phr ) [ टेक ओवर ) = जीत हासिल करना । To control ( v ) [ टू कन्ट्रोल ] = नियंत्रण करना ।

अर्थ -क्या आप समय को बर्बाद करने की आदत से बुरी तरह से प्रभावित हैं ? तब तो फिर आपके लिए समय अब आ गया है कि समय को बर्बाद करने वाली चीजों को दरकिनार कर दें । आप इसके लिए तो सबसे पहले उन चीजों से दूरी रखें जो समय को बर्बाद करते हैं और अपने समय पर अपना नियंत्रण रखें ।

The Proper organisation …… …………. form of revision .

Word meaning : Proper ( adj ) [ प्रॉपर ) = उचित । Organisation ( n ) [ ऑरगेनाइजेशन ] = संगठन । Planning ( n ) [ प्लानिंग ] = योजना | Avold ( v ) [ अवायड ] = परहेज करना , दूरी बनाए रखना । To chart ( v ) [ टू चाटी = सूची बनाना । System ( n ) [ सिस्टम ] = व्यवस्था । Unless ( conj ) [ अनलेस ] = अन्यथा , नहीं तो ।

अर्थ – अपनी चीजों को सही समय पर करने से और योजना बनाकर और एक सूची बनाकर यदि आप अपना काम करते हो तो आप अपना समय बर्बाद होने से बचा सकते हैं । अपने नोट्स बनाने , होमवर्क ( गृह कार्य ) करने जैसे कामों को करने के पूर्व यदि आप कुछ समय कौन काम कब करना है , कितनी देर करना है , इसकी एक संक्षिप्त सूची बना लें , अपने किसी नोट पैड पर तो आप समय को नष्ट होने से बचा सकते हैं । अपनी चीजों को समय पर करने और अपनी चीजों को स्थान पर रखने से उन्हें ढूँढने का समय भी आप बचा सकते हैं । नोट लिखते समय यदि आप साफ – साफ लिखते हैं और पन्ने के एक ओर थोड़ी जगह छोड़ देंगे तो आपको अपने लिखे को काटने या उस पर फिर से दुहराव का लेखन करने से बच जाएंगे ।

Telephone calls are …… next day .

Word meaning : To set ( v ) [ टू सैट ] = निश्चित कर लेना I Chore ( n ) [ कोर = नित्य कर्म । Folks ( n ) [ फोक्स ] = करीबी लोग , परिवार के सदस्यगण एवं मित्र लोग । Caller ( n ) [ कॉलर ] = फोन करने वाला । Upset ( adj ) [ अपसेट ] = खिन्न , नाराज , नाखुश ।

अर्थ – फोन आना एक अन्य समय नष्ट करने वाली चीज है । एक समय तय कर लें फोन करने का या किसी से फोन पर बातें करने का तो ज्यादा अच्छी बात होगी । अपने मित्रों को उसी समय पर फोन करने को कह दें ।
अगर आप अपने काम में व्यस्त हों , तो अपने परिवारजनों या मित्रों और नौकरों को कह दें कि वे फोन करने वाले को बाद में फोन करने को कहें । साथ ही यह भी ध्यान रखना है कि बाद में फोन करने को जब कहा है तो काम करने के बाद फोन कर ही लें तो बेहतर अन्यथा आपका वह मित्र आपसे खिन्न या नाराज हो सकता है !

Try to keep …….. what you need .

Word meaning : Clutter – free ( adj ) [ क्लटर फ्री ] = अस्त – व्यस्त करने वाली चीजों से दूर होना । Fixed ( adj ) [ फिक्सड ] = निश्चित , तय । Rummaging ( m ) [ रूमेजिंग ] = अनावश्यक वस्तुओं को ढूंढने में होने वाली परेशानी ।

अर्थ – अपने टेबुल को अनावश्यक चीजों से अस्त – व्यस्त न रखें । एक खास स्थान बना लें जहाँ कि आप अपने टेक्स्टबुक , नोटबुक , डायरी और स्टेशनरी की चीजें कलम , पेन्सिल आदि को निश्चित स्थान पर रखने की आदत डाल दें । साथ – साथ आप पुराने नोट्स , पुरानी पत्रिकाएँ आदि चीजों को भी अपने टेबुल से हटाते जाएँ । ऐसा करने पर आपको किसी चीज को खोजने की परेशानी नहीं होगी ।

Be firm about ……. surely understand .

Word meaning : Firm ( adj ) [ फर्म ] = दृढ़ , निश्चित । Interrupt ( v ) [ इन्टेरप्ट ] % = बाधा डालना । Thought ( n ) [ थॉट ] = विचार । Distracting ( v ) [ डिस्ट्रैक्टिंग ] = ध्यान बंटाना ।

अर्थ – इस बात को पक्का कर लें कि आपको अब किसी भी अन्य चीज से परेशानी नहीं होगी न तो आपकी कलम रूकेगी न विचार या आपका ध्यान भी भंग नहीं होगा । जब जरूरत हो तो समय पर ‘ ना ‘ कहना भी सीखें । अपना स्वयं का तरीका खोजें । अपनी बात पर दृढ़ भी होने का साथ – साथ नम्रता भी न छोड़ने का , आपके मित्र समझेंगे ।

Prioritise your tasks …… the work done .

Word meaning : Prioritise ( v ) [ प्रायरिटाइज ] = अपनी प्राथमिकताएँ तय करना । Particular ( adj ) [ पर्टिकुलर ] = खास | Instead ( adv ) [ इन्स्टेड ] = अन्यथा । Battling ( v ) [ वैटलिंग ] = लड़ना । Elsewhere ( adv ) [ एल्सवेयर ] = कहीं और ।

अर्थ —अपनी प्राथमिकताएं तय कर लें , कौन – सा काम कब करना है , इस बारे में । यदि आप अपनी बनाई सूची के अनुसार किसी काम को पहले नहीं करना चाहते हैं तो कोई बात नहीं । पहले किसी और काम को कर लें फिर उस काम को बाद में कर लें , पर करें जरूर । यदि आपका दिमाग कहीं और लगा हुआ है तो किसी काम को जबर्दस्ती करने में कोई फायदा नहीं बल्कि इससे नुकसान ही है ।

Do not spend …….. these time wasters .

Word meaning : Spend ( v ) [ स्पेन्ड ] = बिताना । Trivial ( adj ) [ ट्रिविअल ] = तुच्छ चीजें , महत्वहीन | Tend to ( phr ) [ टेन्ड ट्रा = साबित होना ।

अर्थ – तुच्छ चीजों पर ज्यादा समय नष्ट न करें ; एक बड़ी तस्वीर काम की , दिमाग में बना लें और तुच्छ एवं महत्त्वहीन चीजों के बारे में ज्यादा सोचना या उनके पीछे लगे रहना भी समय को बर्बाद करता है ।
अत : काम करें , करते जाएँ लेकिन समय बर्बाद करने वाले तत्वों से सावधान रहें , उनसे दूरी बनाये रखें ।

Summary :
There are many things which wastes our time . Phone calls are one of them . We should fix a time for phone calls or should not be engaged on phone during our tasks or study time . Another thing to avoid wasting time is to keep our things neatly and properly . We should make a to do list and fix our priorities . We should also keep our table free from old things and keep our things on some fixed place .

सारांश –
कई चीजें हैं जो हमारा समय बर्बाद करते हैं । फोन करना या किसी के फोन का आना भी उनमें से एक है । हमें फोन करने या किसी से फोन पर बातें करने का एक समय निश्चित कर लेना चाहिए या फिर यह तय कर लें कि पढ़ाई के समय , महत्वपूर्ण कार्य के दौरान फोनप्राप्त न करें । इस सम्बन्ध में अपने मित्रों को भी सूचित कर दें और काम खत्म होने के बाद उन्हें फोन कर लें । अपने पढ़ने के टेबुल को साफ – सुथरा रखें । उस पर पुरानी या व्यर्थ की चीजें न रखें । साथ ही अपनी चीजों को एक निश्चित स्थान पर रखें तो समय बर्बाद होने से बचता है ।


Beat the clock suggests that you finish your work before a particular time . That could also mean that you are punctual . So long as you are at school you are expected to do every thing as per the time table . Discuss , why it is important to do everything in the school according to the time table .
Ans .
Ravi : I think that with doing everything in the school according to the time table , we become punctual .
Pranav : Yes , you’ve right . Then we have enough time to do our other works .
Rashmi : If we do any work in time , then we can do more work and in time . It helps us to grow better in life .

Answer the following questions briefly :

Q. 1. How can we avoid wasting time ?

Ans . By preparing a to – do list and keeping our table clutter – free , we can avoid wasting time .
Q. 2. Why should we keep our table clutter – free ?
Ans . To avoid disturbances of finding things .
Q. 3. What stag should we take to do the most important things first ?
Ans . We should fix our priorities . Then , we should make a to – do list . When to do which work .
B.2.1 . Write ‘ T ‘ for true and ‘ F ‘ for false statements .
1. Rimjhim was able to study according to her plan .
2 There are many things that disturb us and waste our time .
3. Proper organisation and planning can help avoid wasting time .
4 . It is not necessary to have separate notebooks for different subjects .
5. During study time we should avoid talking to our friends on telephone and mobiles .
6 . It saves time if we keep the study table clean and free from unwanted things .
7. We should never say ” no ” to our friends .
8. Preparing a list helps us to do important things first .

Ans . 1. ( F ) . 2. ( T ) , 3. ( T ) , 4. ( F ) , 5 . ( 1 ) . 6. ( T ) , 7. ( F ) , 8. ( T ) .

B.2.2 . Answer the following questions in about 70 words .
Q.1 . Why couldn’t Rimjhim study as much as she wanted to do ? Have you ever faced such a situation ? What did you do ?
Ans . Rimjhim could not control herself talking to a friend on phone for a long time . The phone call killed her lot of time . So , she could not study as she wanted to . Yes , I have faced such situation a many times . I couldn’t save my time being spoiled . As Rimjhim , I too had to suffer to not to study as much as I wanted to.
Q. 2. List the dos and don’ts which can help you save your time ? Do you agree with these ways ?
Ans . Do’s – that can help us save our time –
( i ) Keep our table clutter – free or neatly .
( ii ) Avoid phone calls during study time .
( iii ) Being in control of our time .
( iv ) Fix separate notebooks for different subjects .
( v ) Study according to our plan .
( vi ) Proper organisation and planning of work to be done .
Don’ts — to help us save our time –
( i ) Don’t spoil your time .
( ii ) Don’t do phone calls during study . ( iii ) Don’t receive phone calls during tasks .
( iv ) Don’t talk to your folks during work .
( v ) Don’t chat with your servants while studying .
Q. 3. Telephone and mobile often waste our time . List some of the ways in which we can use them properly .
Ans . Telephone and mobile often waste our costly time . We should use them properly . During our study time we must not attend our phone calls . We should fix time for phone calls . If very necessary , we should talk only impor tant things while on tasks . We should tell the caller to call later after the study time . Or we should self phone to them but after studies .
Q. 4. How does a chart / list of things to be done help us use time prop erly ? Discuss .
Ans . A chart or list of things fix our mind to do things in their important order . Before starting our studies our mind is clutter free about what to do first and what to do next . Priorities have been fixed only while preparing a chart or a list . If helps us to do our work smoother , faster and with a clear status of mind . We are then in no confusion .


C.1 . Encircle the words with wrong spellings and correct them :
sistam      marathon      grammer writing      necessary       particular different     debris          inturupt
crazy         shuttle           trevial

Ans .
Wrong  words            Correct  words Sistem                        system
Intrupt                         Interrupt
Grammer                   Grammar
Trevial                         Trivialplead

C.2 . Read the lesson again and pick out the synonyms of the following words , and write them down in the space given below :
tidily    anxiety    correct     discipline assist     afterwards    strong     certainly

Ans .
Words        Synonyms
anxiety          worry
discipline       control
correct           right
tidily               neatly
assist              help
afterwards        later
plead                 request
strong               firm
certainly           surely
insignificant     trivial

C.3 . Use the following phrasal verbs from the text you have just studied in your own sentences :
sat down     take over     call up
speak over    take up

Ans . Phrasal verbs : Use in sentences ( 1 ) Sat down ( to taking rest ) -As they were tired , they sat down for some time to take rest .
( ii ) Take over ( to win / snatch ) -He took over his things forcely .
( iii ) Take up ( to pick or to choose ) – He took up to become a doctor .
( v ) Call up to contact on phone ) -I had to call him up in no time .
( v ) Speak over ( talk on ) He had to speak over the matter publicly .

C.4 . There are many compound words used in the text . Here are two of them :
Notepad , homework
Pick two more compound words from the lesson . Add ten more such com pound words to the list . What do these compound words consist of ! For ex ample , notepad consists of note + pad ( 61 + n ) . Analyse the compound word in the list in the same way .
Ans .
Dinnertime      Dinner + time    ( n + n ) Bed time           Bed + time        ( n + n ) Time wasters  Time + wasters ( n + adj ) Notebook         Note + book     ( n + n ) Textbook.        Text + book        ( n + n ) Lunch time       Lunch + time     ( n + n ) Pencil box       Pencil + box        ( n + n ) Lunch box        Lunch + box       ( n + n ) Shoe brush      Shoe + brush     (  n+ n)
Child care.       Child + care.      ( n + v )  Life time            life + time           ( n + n ) Every time       Every + time     ( ady +n

D.1 . Read the following sentences carefully .
1 . Try to keep your study table clutter free .
2 . Be firm about not letting other things interrupt you .
3. Prioritise your tasks .
All the sentences given above begin with Verbs ( Try , Be , Prioritise ) . So these sentences are imperative sentences . An Imperative sentence is a sentence which conveys an advice / order / command / request etc. and it begins with a verb . In such a sentence , the subject ( you ) is silent and understood .
D.2 . Change the following imperative sentences into statements with an object pronoun plus an infinitive . Example : The mother says to her daugher , ” Close the door ” . She wants her to close the door .
1. The teacher says to her students , ” Write an essay ” . She wants ……….
2 The mother says to her children , ” Turn off the T.V. ” She wants
3. The father says to his son , ” Don’t come home late ” . He doesn’t want …………….
4. The father says to his children , ” Study hard ” . He encourages ………….. 5 . The teacher said to the girl , ” Read good story books ” . He advised ……… 6 . The student said to the teacher , ” Repeat the word please ” . The student wanted .
7. I said to my sister , ” Help me on Sunday ” . I would like …………..
Ans . 1. She wants them to write an essay ,
2. She wants them to turn off the T.V.
3. He doesn’t want him to come home late .
4. He encourages them to study hard . 5. He advised her to read good story books .
6. The student wanted him to repeat the word .
7. I would like her to help me on Sunday .

D.3 . Modals
All the auxiliary verbs except be , do and have are called modals . Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form ; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence . They are verbs which help ‘ other verbs to express a meaning : it is important to realise that ” modal verbs have no mean ing by themselves . A modal verb such as would has several varying functions : it can be used , for example , to help verbs express ideas about the past , the present and the future . It is therefore wrong to simply believe that would is the past of will ” : it is many other things .
The modals auxiliaries are : can , could , shall , should , will , would , may , might , ought to .
* Use a base form of the verb after a modal . He should leave now . ( NOT : should to leave ; NOT : should leaving )
* Modals never have an – s / -es . -ed , or – ing ending . She can speak English well . ( NOT : She cans )
* Don’t use two modals together . You will have to go to school . ( NOT : You will mist go to school . ) I might have to leave early . ( NOT : I might must leave early . )
* Compare affirmatives , negatives and questions with modals :
Affirmative : Anuj can speak Tamil . Negative : Anuj can’t speak Tamil . Yes / No Question : Can Anuj speak English ?
Short answer : Yes , he can / No , he can’t .
WH – Question : Why can’t Anuj speak Tamil ?
Subject question : Who can speak Tamil ?
To express an obligation or necessity for an action in the present of the future we can use must or have to . There is a difference in meaning ,
( a ) Must is used when the authority comes from the speaker . You must eat vegetables and fruits . I insist .
( b ) Have to is used when the authority comes from outside the speaker . You have to eat vegetables and fruits . The doctor said you need more vitamins .
Must does not have a past , a future or non – finite forms ( infinitiving or participles ) so it can not we used in tenses or constructions that require those forms Inastead we have to use have to . Have to can be used in present , past and future tenses .
I can’t talk to you now , I have to go to school .
Anuj had to go to his village to see his ailing mother .
The rainy season has arrived , I will have to buy an umbrella .

D.3.1 . Complete the following sentences with appropriate modals .
1 . We …………. visit them in Birmingham for the summer holidays . 2. I …….. leave now as they are waiting for me .
3 . You …………. brush your teeth after breakfast .
4 . We ………… leave very early tomorrow or we will be late .
5 . All of us …………. attend a meeting now .
6 . You look tired . You …………. go to bed now .
7 . You touch burning items .
8 . You drive too fast in the city .
9. They ….. go out later when the weather improves .
10. She …………. been asleep when the burglar entered the house .
11. We …………. do the training in order to be eligible .
12. You are coughing loudly . You ………….. see a doctor .
13. He …………. see the doctor every month to treat his skin disorder .
14. The police think he ………… seen the robbery and are looking for him . 15. Students …………. leave the classroom before the ring bells . 16 . ……… you pass my pencil to me ? 17. You …………. talk aloud in the library .
18. I….. seen my parents for a long while .
19. If you don’t start working harder , you ……….. repeat the course next year .
20. I have no time . I …………. leave now or I …………. miss the bus .
21. I wish I …………. buy a new mobile phone but I don’t have enough money . 22. …………. I go to bathroom , please ? 23. Anwesha is not at home . She …………. have gone to Patna , I don’t know .
24. Anita …………. play cricket quite well .
25 . ………… we go out tonight , please ? Yes , but you …………. be late . 26. I haven’t decided yet where I ………… go in my next hoildays . I think I ………… go to Sikkim .
27. What do you want to do ? Well , we …. have a picnic , but it looks like rain .
28. Phone her now . She ………… home by now .
29 ……….. you water my plants while I am away ? If they don’t get enough water they …………. certainly die .
30. We …………. pay the fees at the fixed time .
31. You …………. clean your room more often
. 32. If it rains on Saturday , we …………. go to the beach . 33 …………. you speak Bengali ? No , …………..
34. According to the forecast on the TV , it . rain tomorrow .
35. ……… you help me move this table ?
36. You …………. remember to do your homework ?
37. This …………. be a great idea , but it’s definitely not !
38. I ………… move the table . It was too heavy .
39. I have lost my pen . I ………….. to buy a new pen .
Ans . 1. would 2. should 3. should 4. will 5. should 6. may 7. shouldn’t 8. should not 9. might10. might have 11. should 12. must 13. should 14. might have 15. should 16. will 17. shouldn’t 18. haven’t should 19. might 20. should , might 21. would 22. may 23. might 24. can 25. might , shouldn’t 26. would , should 27. would 28. would be 29. could , would 30. should 31. must 32. would 33. can , can’t 34. might 35. could 36. must 37. might 38. couldn’t 39. ought .

Work in groups and talk about the things that waste your time . Then make a list and share with other groups .
Ans .
Priyanka : To watch many T.V. programmes wastes our time .
Amar : Talking with friends wastes our time .
Ginni : Gossip wastes too much of our time .
Ankit : Chatting with friends too wastes our lots of time .
Amrit : Talking on phone with friends waste our lots of time .
Samriddhi : Shopping and roming over too wastes our expensive time .

Prepare a chart of ” Do’s and ‘ Don’ts for ‘ Saving Your Study Time ‘ .

Do’s                Don’ts

Ans . For ‘ Saving our study time ‘ . Do’s :
( 1 ) To fix our priorities .
(ii)  To make a to do chart .
( iii ) Make our table clutter – free .
( iv ) Plan our studies
( v ) To write notes in our right notebooks
( vi ) Keep our notes neat and leave space for extra notes to be written . ( vii ) To chart a system for our notes , homework etc.
( viii ) Write notes in the right note book .

Don’ts :
( 1 ) We should not keep our study table crowded with all the new and old things .
( ii ) We should not attend phone calls during our studies .
( iii ) We should not keep our table cluttered .
( iv ) Between studies we should not chatter with our folks .
( V ) We shouldn’t write in any note book but keep separate note books for separate subjects .

हमें अनुशासनबद्ध होना चाहिए । समयबद्धता भी अनुशासन का ही एक प्रकार है । समय को बर्बाद करने का अर्थ है – खुद को बर्बाद करना । इसलिए हमें समय को बर्बाद नहीं करना चाहिए । समयबद्ध इन्सान ही सफलता प्राप्त करता है ।
Ans .
We should be disciplined . Puncuality is also a kind of discipline . To spoil the time means to spoil ourselves . So , we should not spoil the time . Punc tual person can only succeed .

Often you’ll find yourself overstocked with work , most of the time you don’t even know where to begin . What you have to do , to actually get some work done , is to organise yourself and schedule your work for the day . Write down on a sheet of paper what you believe are the core tasks you need to finish today and afterwards . Expand the list with subtasks and other miscellaneous things .

Ans .
To avoid confusion , I will fix my priorities . I will make a to do chart or list . What to do first and what to do next . If I don’t feel in right mood to do the first thing , I will do the second or third thing , then I will move for the top priority . Doing the main task I will go for other things . Then I will do my subtasks and other miscellaneous things . I won’t chat or talk to a friend in friend in between my studies .

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