8th english

bihar board class 8th english solution | FIRST ROLE IN LIFE


bihar board class 8th english solution

class – 8

subject – english


( जीवन की मेरी पहली भूमिका )

I was in class……… a flowing river .

Word meaning : Role ( n ) [ रोल ) = भूमिका | Experience ( n ) [ एक्सपीरिएन्स ] = भूमिका । Performance ( n ) [ परफॉर्मन्स ] = प्रस्तुति । Character ( n ) [ कैरेक्टर ] = पात्र । Spectacles ( n ) [ स्पेक्टकल्स ] = चश्मा । Impress ( v ) [ इम्प्रेस ] = प्रभावित करना । Capa bilities ( m ) [ कैपेबिलिटिज ] = योग्यताएँ । Command ( m ) [ कमान्ड ] = निर्देश । Decorate ( v ) [ डेकोरेट ] = सजाना ।

अर्थ –मैंने जब नाटक में अपनी पहली भूमिका निभायी तब मैं उस समय कक्षा चार में पढ़ रहा था । नाटक का नाम था ‘ श्रवण कुमार ‘ जिसमें कि मैं श्रवण कुमार यानी नायक की भूमिका निभा रहा था । नाटक का निर्देशक था दसवीं कक्षा का एक छात्र । जो चश्मा वह पहना करता था उससे मैं उसकी क्षमता को लेकर प्रभाव में रहता था । उसी के निर्देश पर हम सभी छात्र जो नाटक में काम कर रहे थे अपने – अपने घरों से अपनी माँ की साड़ी या अपनी – अपनी बहनों की साड़ी और धोती लेते आए थे । इनसे मंच को सजाया जाना था जिससे कि बहती हुई नदी का प्रभाव दिखना था ।

A bucket full ……. many a time .

Word meaning : Full of ( phr ) [ फुल ऑफ ] = भरा हुआ । Fetch ( v ) [ फेच ] = ढूँढकर लाना । Instructed ( v ) [ इन्स्ट्रक्टेड ] = निर्देश दिया । Slide ( v ) [ स्लाइंड ] = फिसलना ।

अर्थ – जिस स्थान पर श्रवण कुमार अपने बूढ़े और अँधे माता – पिता के लिए पानी ढूँढ़ने जाता , वहाँ पर एक बाल्टी पानी रख दिया गया था । दो लड़के ही श्रवण कुमार की माँ और पिता की भूमिका को निभाने का काम कर रहे थे । उन दोनों लड़कों को निर्देश दे दिया गया था कि वे मंच के बीच में बैठकर दर्शकों के सामने अपना मुँह रखेंगे पर अपनी आँखों को बंद करके रखेंगे । उन दोनों लड़कों में से एक का नाम था बोधराज । वह श्रवण कुमार की माँ बना हुआ था । वह एक साड़ी पहने हुए था जिसका आँचल उसके कंधे से कई बार गिर जाता था ।

The curtain rose ….. the river water ?

Word meaning : Curtain ( n ) [ कर्टेन ] = पर्दा । Rose ( v ) [ रोज ] = उठा । Com mand ( m ) [ कमान्ड ] = निर्देश । Thirsty ( adj ) [ थस्टी ] = प्यासा | Twisted ( ) [ ट्विस्टेड ] = मरोड़ा , ऐंठा । Quiver ( n ) [ क्विभर ] = तरकश । Pollute ( v ) [ पॉल्यूट ] = प्रदूषित करना ।

अर्थ – पर्दा उठ गया था । अपने अँधे माता – पिता द्वारा पानी मांगे जाने पर – ‘ बेटा श्रवण कुमार , हमलोग प्यासे हैं ” -मैंने एक लोटा उठा लिया , फिर उनके पैरों का स्पर्श करके नदी की आर बढ़ने लगा । पर्दे के पीछे से राजा दशरथ आए । उन्होंने अपनी मूंछ को मरोड़ दी । कुछ आवाज उनके कानों में पड़ी । उन्होंने अपने तरकश से तीर निकाला और आवाज लगाये ” कौन जानवर है जो नदी के पानी को गंदा कर रहा है ? ”

I saw the …………fetching water .

Word meaning : Arrow ( n ) [ एरो ] = तीर | Fell flat ( v ) [ फेल फ्लैट ] = नीचे गिरा । Cruel ( adj ) [ क्रूएल ] = क्रूर , निर्दयी । Harm ( n ) [ हाम ] = नुकसान । Bosom ( n ) [ बॉसम ] % छाती । Wretched ( adj ) रिचेड ] = दुष्ट ।

अर्थ — मैंने देखा कि राजा दशरथ का छोड़ा हुआ तीर छत की ओर गया और फिर सीधे नीचे मंच पर आ गिरा और मैं तभी रोना शुरू कर दिया ।ओ निर्दयी ! क्या नुकसान किया था मैंने तुम्हारा ? मेरी छाती में क्यूँ कर तुमने तीर घुसा दिया ? आखिरकार मैंने क्या गलत काम तुम्हारे साथ किया ? बदमाश ! जब मैं पानी ढूँढने आया था यहाँ तुमने मुझे क्यों मार डाला ।

The high pitch of …….. had already done .

Word meaning : Pitch ( n ) [ पिच ] = स्वर की ऊँचाई । Voice ( n ) / वोएस ] = आवाज । Uninterruptedly ( adv ) [ अनइन्टेटरेडेली ] = बिना बाधा के । Meanwhile ( adv ) [ मीनवाइल ] = इस बीच । Bow ( n ) [ बो ] = धनुष | Facing ( v ) [ फेसिंग ] = सामने होना ।

अर्थ – जब मैं खूब तेज आवाज में बोला था तो हॉल में उपस्थित सारे दर्शक खामोश हो गाये । मैं तो लगातार अपना गीत गाता ही रहा लेकिन गीत इतना लम्बा था कि लग रहा था कि खत्म ही नहीं होगा । इस बीच में राजा दशरथ एक पैर आगे और एक पैर पीछे करके मूर्ति की तरह चुपचाप खड़ा रहा । वह मेरे गीत के खत्म होने का इंतजार कर रहा था । उसका धनुष मेरी तरफ था । अगर वह दूसरा तीर छोड़ देता तो उसने जो पहले ऊपर की ओर तीर चलाने की गलती की थी , वह गलती सुधर जाती । लेकिन निर्देशक ने तो उसे एक ही तीर चलाने की अनुमति दी थी जो वह चला चुका था इसलिए वह चुपचाप खड़ा रहा और मैं अपनी छाती में तीर लगने का इंतजार करते गाता रहा ।

I had hardly….. sung opened his eyes .

Word meaning : Hardly ( adv ) [ हार्डली ] = मुश्किल से | Hoarse ( adj ) [ होस ) = आवाज का भर्रा जाना । Giggling ( v ) [ गिगलिंग ] = मूर्खता से हँसना । Remark ( v ) [ रिमार्क ] – टिप्पणी करना ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद – मुश्किल से मैंने आधा ही गीत गाया था कि मेरी आवाज बैठने लग गयी । मुझे दिख रहा था कि हॉल में उपस्थित दर्शक हँसना शुरू कर दिये थे । श्रवण कुमार के अँधे माता – पिता के लिए देर तक अपनी आँखें बंद रखना मुश्किल हो रहा था । कभी उनमें से एक अपनी आँखें खोल देता था तो कभी दूसरा अपनी आँखें खोल देता । यह सब देखकर दर्शक हँसने लगे थे । वे बोल रहे थे , ” देखो , देखो वह अपनी आँखें खोल दे रहा है , फिर से अपनी आँखें खोल रहा है ।

Suddenly the audience……..he can see . 

Word meaning : Suddenly ( adv ) ( सडनली ) = अचानक । Burst out ( phr ) [ वर्ट आउट ] = हँसी का फूट पड़ना । Shaven ( adj ) [ शेवेन ] = मुँडा हुआ सिर । Visible ( adj ) [ विजिबल ] = दिख पड़ना , स्पष्ट दिखना | After a while ( phr ) [ ऑफ्टर अव्हाइल ] = थोड़ी देर के बाद ।

अर्थ -अचानक ही दर्शकों के बीच से जोरों के हँसने की आवाजें आने लगी जबकि उन्होंने देखा कि बोध राज नामक लड़के के सिर से ‘ पल्लू ‘ गिर पड़ा , जो कि श्रवण कुमार के अँधे माँ का रोल कर रहा था । ‘ हुआ यह था कि बोधराज का सिर मुंड़ा हुआ था । पल्लू गिर जाने से उसका मुड़ा हुआ सिर स्पष्ट दिखने लगा था । तभी उन लड़कों में से जो अँधे माता – पिता को भूमिका कर रहे थे , एक ने अपनी आँखें खोल ली तो दर्शकों के बीच में से एक चीख उठा : ‘ देखो , देखो , वह फिर से देख रहा है ।

” Time and again …… brother is doing ? “

Word meaning : Time and again ( phr ) [ टाइम एण्ड अगेन ] = रह – रहकर , थोड़ी – थोड़ी देर बाद । Laughter ( n ) [ लाफ्टर ] = हँसी । Applauded ( v ) ( एपलाउडेड ] = तारीफ किये ।

अर्थ – रह – रहकर हॉल में हँसी के ठहाके फुटते रहे और दर्शक रह – रहकर ताली पीटते रहे । तब आखिर मैंने अपना गाना खत्म किया और अभिनय करने लगा कि जैसे कि मैं दर्द से मराBut I got जा रहा हूँ । पूरा हॉल तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट से गूंज उठा और यह तालियाँ मेरी तारीफ के लिए बज रही थीं । एक शिक्षक मेरे जो कि हॉल में बैठे थे , मेरे भाई बलराज से कह रहे थे , ” देखो , तुम्हारा भाई क्या काम कर रहा है ?

After my death keep lying .

Word meaning : Death ( n ) [ डेथ ] = मृत्यु । Dialogue ( n ) ( डायलॉग ] = संवाद । Cursing ( v ) [ कर्सिग ] = श्राप देना । Taunted ( 1 ) [ टॉन्टेड ) = कमेन्ट या टिप्पणी करना ।

अर्थ — मेरी मौत के बाद श्रवण कुमार के रूप में , कुछ और संवाद होने थे , राजा दशरथ को मेरे बूढ़े , अँधे माता – पिता से कुछ बोलना था और मेरे बूढ़े माता – पिता द्वारा राजा दशरथ को श्राप दिया जाना था । पर मैं यह सब कुछ भूल गया और अचानक से उठ खड़ा हुआ । दर्शकगण हँसने लगे और उनमें से किसी ने कमेन्ट किया , ” लेटे रहो , लेटे रहो ।

“But is got ……… role in life ..

Word meaning : Confused ( adj ) [ कन्फ्यूज्ड ] = भ्रमित होना , चक्कर में पड़ता कि क्या करें क्या न करें । Lay down ( v ) [ ले डाउन ] = लेट जाना । Led to ( phr ) [ लेड टु ] = कारण बन जाना । Whistling ( v ) [ विसलिंग ] = सीटी बजाना | Sorts ( n ) [ सार्ट्स = प्रकार ।

अर्थ– लेकिन मैं इतना भ्रमित हो गया कि मेरी समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि क्या करूँ और क्या न करूं । फिर से मैं लेट पड़ा । मेरी इस हरकत से हॉल में तालियाँ फिर से गूंजने लगी जो कि खत्म होने का नाम ही नहीं ले रही थीं । सीटियाँ बज रही थी , तालियों का शोर और हँसी – ठहाके और कई प्रकार की आवाजें आनी देर तक जारी रहीं । यह जीवन में मेरी पहली भूमिका थी , पहला नाटक का अभिनय था ।

Summary :
The author Bhisma Sahni had acted the first time in his school when he was studying in class IV . The name of the play was ‘ Shrawan Kumar ‘ . The author did his role as Shrawn Kumar . The director of the play was a student of class IX . The actors , acting in the play made many mistakes . This made the audience to whistle , giggle , burst out in laughter . They made a lot of noise and enjoyed the play with its mistakes .

सारांश — 
प्रस्तुत पाठ के लेखक भीष्म साहनी ने जीवन में किसी नाटक में अपनी पहली भूमिका तब निभायी थी जब वह कक्षा चार के विद्यार्थी थे । नाटक का नाम था श्रवण कुमार और लेखक श्रवण कुमार की भूमिका में था । नाटक का निर्देशक नवीं कक्षा का विद्यार्थी था । नाटक में काम करने वाले छात्रों ने इतनी गलतियाँ की कि दर्शक सीटी बजाते रहे , हँसते रहे और तरह – तरह की आवाजें निकालते रहे । पर उन्होंने नाटक की तमाम गलतियों के साथ – साथ नाटक का मजा भी लिया ।


Have you ever acted in a play ? When and where was it ? What role did you play ? Share your experience with your classmate .
Ans . I had also acted in a play . Then I was in class VI . The play’s name was ‘ Raja ka Baja ‘ . I had acted the play of ‘ Raja ‘ , the fool king . Ienjoyed acting the role of the foolish king .

Answer the following questions in a word or phrase .
Q. 1. What was the name of the play ?

Ans . Shrawan Kumar .
Q.2 . Who played the role of Shrawan Kumar ?
Ans . The author .
Q.3 . Name the director of the play .

Ans . A student of class IX .
Q.4 . From where did King Dasharath appear on the stage ?
Ans . From behind the curtain .
Q.5 . Who were playing the ole of the blind parents of Shrawan Kumar ?
Ans . Two boys . One of them was Bodhraj ..
B.2.1 . Tick ( the right answer from the options given :
1. The lead character of the play was : ( a ) Dasharath ( b ) Shrawan Kumar ( c ) Balraj          ( d ) Bodhraj
2. Bodhraj played the role of :
( a ) father ( b ) mother
( c ) uncle ( d ) grandfather
3. The blind parents were :
( a ) nervous ( b ) hungry
( c ) tired ( d ) thirsty
4 . The high pitch of Shrawan Kumar’s voice was :
( a ) pleasing ( b ) annoying ( c ) stunning ( d ) charming

Ans . 1. ( b ) , 2. ( b ) , 3. ( d ) 4. ( c ) .

B.2.2 . Answer the following questions very briefly :
Q.1 . What role did the writer play ? What impressed the writer most and why ?
Ans . The writer played the role of Shrawan Kumar . The spectacles that the director of the play wore impresed the writer most . Wearing the spectacles , the director , who was a student of class IX , looked like an intelligent person . It impressed the writer most .
Q. 2. How was the stage decorated ?

Ans . The stage was decorated by dhotis and sarees to give the look of a flowing river . The dhotis and sarees were brought by the students who acted in the play from their homes .
Q.3 . What did the director ask the two boys to do ?
Ans . The directors asked the two boys to keep their eyes closed all the time and sit in the middle of the stage facing the audience . The two boys were play ing the role of the old blind parents of Shrawan Kumar .
Q. 4. What did king Dashrath think Shrawan Kumar to be ?
Ans . King Dashrath thought that an animal might be drinking water in the river . He thought Sharwan Kumar to be the animal .

B.2.3 . Answer the following questions in about 70 words :
Q.1 . How do you think the boy might have felt on getting the lead role ? What efforts did the actors of the play put in ?
Ans . The boy , the author , should have felt very nice on getting the lead role of Shrawan . The actors used dhotis and sarees , brought from their homes , to produce the effect of a flowing river .
Q. 2. Why were the audience giggling in the middle of the play ?
Ans . The actors made so many mistake . In the middle of the play , the two boys , acting as Shrawan Kumar’s old blind parents opened their eyes time and again . One of the boys who acted as the mother , his sarees pallu fell down and his shaven head became visible . This made the audience giggle in the middle of the play .
Q. 3. Why did the boy playing Shrawan Kumar get up in the middle of the play ?
Ans . He forgot that king Dashrath had to say something to his old blind parents . And his parents had to curse him . He forgot all the dialogues to be con tinued and he got up in the middle of the play . This also made the audience laugh .
Q.4 . If you were in the role of Sharwan Kumar , how would you have reacted to the giggling of the audience ?
Ans . In such a awkward situation any artist would become nervous . I think , I would also have become nervous at the giggling of the audience .

C.1 . Correct the spelling of the following words :
performence thristy stoped audiance imediately arow stoodent apeared claping kurtain sudenly whisling

Ans .
Incorrect wards         Correct words Performence             Performance Thirsty                         Thirsty
Stoped                        Stopped
Audiance                    Audience Imediately                   Immediately
Arow                            Arrow
Stoodent                    Student
Appeared                    Appeared
Claping                        Clapping
Kurtain                         Curtain
Whisling                      whistling

C.3 . Find out the words from the lesson which are the opposites of the following words . Then , use these above words in sentences :
bless , denounced , later , remembered , fell
Ans .
Words             Opposite words
Bless.                     Curse
Denounced           Applauded
Later                      Earlier
Remembered       Forgot
Fell.                         got up

Use of these words in sentences  .

Bless- Being pleased with him , he blessed him .
Curse- Being angry on him , he cursed him
Denounced -His acting was poor , so he was denounced .
Applauded -His acting was good , so he was applauded .
Later- He will come later , let’s go . Earlier- You came earlier than the fixed time .
Fell -The boy fell down on the road . Got up -The boy who had fallen , got up soon .

C.4 . Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box . You can change their form as needed .
spectacles , command , fetch , laughter , immediately , parents , giggle

1. She ………….. at my jokes .
2 My father can’t read the newspaper without his ………
3 He came to me ……….. to help me . 4.The commander must ………….. in a loud and clear voice .
5. Let me introduce you to me …………..
6. I saw a clown in the circus and burst into…….
7 . In the remote villages of India , people still …………. water from the well .
Ans . 1. giggled , 2. spectacles , 3. immediately , 4. command , 5. parents , 6 . laughter , 7. fetch .

D. GRAMMAR Read the following sentences carefully :
1 . I was in class IV when I gave first stage performance at my school .
2. A bucket full of water has been where Shruwan Kumar goes to fetch water for blind parents .
You see there are two simple sentences in sentence 1. They are ( 1 ) I was in class IV and ( 2 ) I gave first stage performance at my school . They have been combined by using a conjunction ‘ when ‘ . Similarly sentence 2 also consists of two sentences . They are ( 1 ) A bucket full of water has been put and ( 2 ) Sharwan Kumar goes to fetch water for his blind parents . They have been combined by cusing another conjunction ‘ where ‘ . Genrally , we combine two or more sen tences by using these conjunctions . They are – and but , or , because , as , so , therefore , when , where , that etc. Relative pronouns such a who , which and that are also conjunctions .

D.1 . Combine these sentences into one by using appropriate conjunctions :
1. She is poor . She is honest .
2. He worked hard . He passed the examination .
3. I’ll phone you . I arrive .
4. The boys sang . The girls danced .5 . Do. I do .
6. I have a friend . He is an engineer .
7. She thanked me for the book . I gave her .
8. He lives in a house . The house is very small .
Ans .
1. She is poor but honest .
2. He worked hard so he passed the examination .
3. When I’ll arrive , I’ll phone you .
4. The boys sang and the girls danced . 5. Do as I do .
6. I have a friend who is an engineer . 7 . She thanked me for the book that I gave her .
8. The house he lives in is very small .

Talk about your favourite actor or actress .
Hints : name – famous films – style / mannerism – dress etc.
Ans .
Amit : Amitabh Bachhan is my favourite actor . I like many of his films . His films Don , Sholey , Agneepath , Pa and many other films are very nice to watch .
Rashmi : Talso like Amitabh ji . His T.V.show ‘ Kaun Benega Karorpati ‘ is a superb show . All may family love watching the show .
Kamya : Ilike Ritik Roshan’s mannerism . His film Krish ‘ , I have watched many time .
Soni : I like Sharukh khan most . His film Don – 2 is very nice . I watched it ten times .


Write ten sentences about a student of your shool who has the poten tial to become an actor . You may take the help of the following clues : Tall and smart – black and curly hair – clear voice – good memory – expressive body language .
Ans . Raman is a talented boy of my class . He has the potential to become an actor . He speaks well . He is call and smart . His hair is shining black and curly . He has clear voice . His memory is very good . He can remember big dialogues very well . He has expressive body language . He also know dancing . He can prove to be a good actor .
G. TRANSLATION : Translate the following sentences into your mother tongue :
1. The spectacles that he wore was enough to impress me with his capa bilities .
2. A bucket full of water had been put where Shrawan Kumar went to fetch water for his blind parents .
3.One of them , Bodhraj , who was playing the role of mother , was wearing his mother’s sari .
4 . I saw the arrow going straight towards the roof .
5 . I fell flat on the stage and started crying .
6. Suddenly the audience burst into peels of laughter .
7 . I had become so confused that I didn’t know what to do .
Ans . 1. वह जो चश्मा पहनता था , मुझे उसकी क्षमताओं के बारे में प्रभावित करने के लिए पर्याप्त था ।
2. अपने अँधे माता – पिता के लिए श्रवण कुमार जहाँ पानी ढूँढने जाने वाला था , वहाँ एक बाल्टी में पानी रखा हुआ था ।
3. इनमें से एक बोध राज , जो माँ की भूमिका में था अपनी माँ की साड़ी पहने था ।
4. मैंने तीर को बिल्कुल सीधे , छत की ओर जाते हुए देखा ।
5. मैं मंच पर चित गिरकर रोने लगा ।
6. अचानक ही दर्शक ठहाके मारकर हँसने लगे ।
7. मैं भ्रमित हो इतना घबड़ा गया था कि मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि क्या करूँ , क्या ना करूँ ।

        Different communities wear different dresses or clothes . Name some important dresses worn by different communities . Also draw their pictures .

Ans . In India , different communities live together . Their dresses are differ ent . Generally , Indian women wear sari , blouse , petticoat etc. In the northern states , women wear salwar – Kameez , ghagra – Choli added to a dupatta . In Sikkim , women wear long skirts . They are known as baku . In South India , women wear half sari , that is a long skirt worn with a duptta . In Kashmir , women wear long woollen Kurti called phiren .
Indian men generally wear pant – shirt , suit . Dhoti is the traditional cos tume of Indian men . In Tamilnadu it is called Vesthi , in Kerala , it is called mund – Lungi is also wore by many Indian men to fell ease at home .

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