10th english

bihar board 10 class english note – ACCEPTANCE SPEECH


bihar board 10 class english note

class – 10

subject – english



The Author : This is a speech delivered on behalf of Aung San Sun Kye by her Son Alexander Aris while accepting Noble Peace Prize on behalf of his mother in Oslo on December 10, 1991.
Mrs. Snu Kyi is a social leader of Burma who is under house arrest in Rangoon [ Yangoon ] since a long time. She rose against the military regime of Burma for restoring civil rights to the people of Burma. She has expressed her sentiments in her speech by saying. This Novel prize is for Burma’s long struggle for peace, freedom and democracy.

Summary In English : Para 1 to 5. Your Majesties, your excellencies , ladies and Gentlemen. I stand before you today, to accept this peace prize on behalf of my mother Aung San Sun Kyi. You know, the circumstances do not permit my mother to present herself in person here today but I will try to do my best to convey her sentiments.
She is accepting this nobel prize for the people of Burma. This prize belongs to all the men, women, and children of my country who continue to sacrifice their lives for freedom of their country and for making Burma a democratic country. By her own dedication and personal sacrifice she has become a symbol of the suffering and plight of the people of Burma. The plight of the people in no way should be understated .
The plight has many angles and faces. The people are under constant distress in towns and villages living in poverty and hunger. The young generation of Burma have been denited their rights to survive and are hiding in jungles and are dying of malaria.
The Buddhist works are beaten and are deprived of a honourable living. There  are so many leaders who are under prison besides my mother. At least the world has recognized their plight and they can hold their heads high.
We have to remember that lonely struggle taking place in heavily guarded compound in Rangoon is part of a much larger struggle. It is a matter of great satisfaction that this caremony in Oslo is taking place on International Human Rights Day which is being celebrated throughout the world today.
Para 6 to 10 : Mr. Chairman the whole International community has appreciated your choice to award this prize to my mother. A few days ago the United Nations has passed a resolution welcoming the statement of the Secretary General signifying the importance of this award and making an appeal for an early releases of my mother from detection. Now the coming generation will stand by us for our thoughts and values of humanism depicted through this peace prize of today.
Mr. Martin Luther king Jr. has rightly said that Humanity can no longer be tragically found to the starless midnight of racism and war.” Let our efforts prove that Mr. Martin Luther king was not just a dreamer and his words and sentiments were so true and justified. He had said that the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace are more precious than diamonds , silver or gold.
Let a new era begin and a new age dawn.   Thanks  you !

                 पाठ  का  सारांश
पारा 1 से 5 : महामहिम ! रासायनिक गुण ! भद्र महिलाएँ एवं गणमान्य नागरिक ! आपके सम्मुख आज मैं औंग सान सु की ओर से यह नाॅबेल पुरस्कार ग्रहण करने के लिये उपस्थित हुआ हूँ। आप जानते हैं कि मेरी माँ स्वयं पुरस्कार को प्राप्त करने के लिए चाहकर भी यहाँ उपस्थित नहीं हो पायीं क्योंकि हमारे देश की परिस्थितियाँ उन्हें यहाँ आने की की आंख अनुमति नहीं देती।
मेरी माँ आत्म बलिदान एवं समर्पण भाव के कारण पूरे देश के दुख , पीड़ा एवं दर्दनाक स्थितियों की अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम बन गयी हैं। देश की दुर्दशा को किसी भी तरह कम करके नहीं देखा जितना चाहिए। देश की पीड़ा के कई एक आयाम हैं। देश के लोग गरीबी एवं भुखमरी में जी रहे हैं चाहे वे शहर के वासी हों या गाँव के रहने वाले। बर्मा के युवावर्ग को उनके अधिकारियों से वंचित रखा गया है।
बौद्ध भीक्षु प्रताड़ित होकर जी रहे हैं और उनके जीवन में सम्मान का बिल्कुल अभाव है। मेरी माँ के अतिरिक्त देश के अनेक नेता जेलों में कैद हैं। उन सभी लोगों की ओर से जो मेरे देश में यातनाम जी रहे हैं। मेरी माँ को दिये इस सम्मान के लिए मैं आभार प्रकट करता हूँ। कम – से – कम विश्व के लोगों ने उनके दर्द को समझा है और वे अपना सिर गौरव से ऊँचा रख सकते हैं।
हमें समझना होगा कि इस संघर्ष का शीध्र अंत होने वाला नहीं है। और रंगून के एक कम्पाउण्ड से एकाकी रूप में लड़ी जा रही यह लड़ाई काफी दिनों तक चलने वाली है। यह अत्यंत संतोष की बात है कि यह सम्मान ओस्लो में आज अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार दिवस के सुअवसर पर प्रदान किया जा रहा है। यह दिवस पूरे विश्व में आज के दिन मनाया जा रहा है।
पारा 6 से 10 : अध्यक्ष महोदय! पूरे अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय में मेरी माँ को यह पुरस्कार प्रदान करने की आपके चुनाव और भावना की अंतस्मन से प्रशंसा की है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र के महासचिव ने इस अवसर पर दिये गये अपने वक्तत्व में इस शांति पुरस्कार के महत्व पर प्रकाश डाला है और मेरी माँ को बंधन से मुक्त होने का अनुरोध किया है। आगे जाने वाली पीढ़ी इन मानवीय मूल्यों की स्थापना हेतु हमारे साथ खड़ी होगी और जिसकी अभिव्यक्ति, इस शांति पुरस्कार के माध्यम से विश्व – समुदाय के सामने प्रस्तुत हो रही है।
मिस्टर मार्टिन लुथर किंग , जुनियर ने ठीक ही कहा था कि अब मानवता इस बात को कदापि स्वीकार नहीं कर सकती कि आज का मानव जाति, सम्प्रदाय और युद्ध के तारा- विहीन मध्य रात के अंधकार में भटकता रहे।
मार्टिन लूथर किंग ने कहा कि सच्चा भाईचारा और शांति मानव जीवन के लिए हीरा , सेना और चाँदी से ज्यादा मूल्यवान है।
हमारी कामना है कि एक नये युग का आरंभ हो और नये सूर्य का प्रभाव सबको आलोकित करें । धन्यवाद !
Majesties (noun): महामहिम । Excellencies (noun): राजनायिक गण। Pursuit (noun): अध्यवसाय, नियोजन। Eventful (Adj): मूल्यवान। Underestimate (verb): मूल्य से कम आँकना। Incarcerated (verb): बंदी बनाना।  Heeded (verb): सुनने की क्रिया ।
Tyranny (noun): क्रूर शासक। Subjection (noun): नियंत्रण।  Applaud (verb): प्रशंसा। Unanimous (Adj.): एकमत से। Endorse(verb): सम्पुष्ट करना। Indifference (noun): उदासीनता। Encapsulates (,verb): सुक्ष्म अभिव्यक्ति।  Striving (noun): संघर्ष करना।
A. Work in small groups and discuss the following :
Suppose you are given the best student award at your school function. What would you speak on the occasion? What points would you include in your speech ?
Points :
1.  First of all I would thank  the school administration for selecting me as the best student.
2. Thanking the teachers who helped him to achieve this honour.
3. Pay regards and express gratitude to the parents for their incentive in prosecuting my studio in proper way.
4. Give some tips to follow students as to how they can do well in their life.
5. Answering all that he would try to up keep this achievement in future too.
B.1.1. Write ‘ T ‘ for true and ‘F’ for false statement.
1. Acceptance speech was delivered on September 10,1991.[F]
2. On the occasion of the award of the Nobel peace prize in Oslo, Alexander Aris made a speech.[ T ]
3. Alexander Aris is one of the brothers of Aung San Sun Kyi.[F]
4. Alexander Aris thanked from his heart for this honour .[T]
B.1.2. Answer the following questions very briefly :
Q.1. Why had Alexander Aris accepted the Nobel peace prize on behalf of his mother ?
Ans. Because his mother who was given the award could not present herself to receive the award as she was under prison under the military regime of Burma.
Q.2. Who was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1991?
Ans. Aung San Sun Kei social and political leader of Burma was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1991.
Q.3. Who were incarcerated in the struggle for peace, freedom and democracy ?
Ans. The speaker refers regarding his mother Aung Sun Snu Kyi and a number of senior and highly respected leaders who are incarcerated in his Country for the sake of Freedom of their country.
B.2.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson.
1. The prize is also intended to honour all these engaged in this struggle.
2. Mr. Chairman , the whole International community has applauded the choice of your committee.
3. Let a new age dawn.
B.2.2. Answer the following questions very briefly :
Q.1. Why has the whole International community applauded Mr. Chairman ?
Ans. Because the prize is intended to honour not only Anung Sun Kyi but through her to those who are in one way or the other are engaged in this struggle for the emancipation of the human Spirit from political tyranny and Psychological subjection.
Q.2. Who is the Chairman of the committee.
Ans. The chairman of the Nobel peace prize Committee is the Head of the state of Sweden who is the king of the country.
Q.3. What are more precious than diamond or silver or gold ?
Ans. The act of genuine brotherhood and striving for peace are more precious than diamond, silver and gold. Independence of a country is even more valuable than all the previous metal of the world.
C.1. Long Answer Questions :
  Q.1. ” And no one must underestimate that plight ” which plight Aris refers to ? Explain.
Ans. The speaker refers through this, ” The light of those in the countryside and towns living in proverty and distribution, those in person, battered and tortured the plight of the young people, the hope of Burma dying of malaria in the jungles to which they have fled, that of the Buddhist monks, beaten and Dishonored.”
Q.2. Peace, freedom and democracy are essential for human being. Do you agree? Give your own opinion.
Ans. Yes, I do agree with this statement. Man is a social animal and for the development of humanity and making peace, freedom is an easy part and this can be only achieved through democracy and democracy in the country and restoring of civil rights which have been deprived by the military regime.
Q.4. ” The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace being more precious than diamond or silver or gold. ” Why does Aries claim so ? Do you agree with him.
Ans. Yes, I totally agree with his statement and through this I endorse the expression of sentiment of the mankind. The man wants to live in peace, harmony and freedom. This is a natural urge of the man. Brotherhood is the key to social learning living and peace is essential for the development of society.
Diamond, silver and gold have no use if one is deprived of peaceful living and is unable to create brotherhood in the social living.
C.2. Group Discussion :
C.2.1. The survival of the human society depends on the peace and harmony of the Society.
Points for discussion :
(a) Man is a social animal. (b) The Society heads peace for progress and good living. (c) Good  virtues are essence of a man and harmony helps in achieving those virtues. (d) Peace provides harmony. (e) A country or a society at war can never make progress.(f) War destroy the very existence of mankind. (g) Harmony and peace is the music of life.
C.2.2. The greatest service to socity is to stablish  peace and harmony.
Points for Discussion:
(a) Society is a bigger body of family . Family is constituted by individuals. The social setup of a land makes a nation is formed to project and protect the citizens of that country who are individuals. On feels protected under the umbrella of the nation. The nation and nationality gives privileges, protection and power to its individual citizens.
(b) Peace and harmony are essential part for the development of the socity.
(C) The lack of peace and harmony disturbs the progress of society and thereby the progress of the country gets a total set back.
(d) If one serves the Society that is the greatest service and demand of time because as said by Dr.S. Radha Krishnan, the great philosopher and Former president of India ” Freedom can’t function. The Society has to choose between the two either freedom or fraction.
C.3. Composition :
Q. You are the You are the Secretary of the cultural society of your school. You want to organize an award giving function in your school. Write a letter to the Mukhiya of Your Panchayat and the chairman of your Zila Parishad inviting him to attend the function.
Ans. A Letter
Gandhi Uchha Vidyalay
At+ P.O. Nabinagar, Aurangabad
Respected Mukhiya jee,
You will be glad to know that you school is organizing a cultural function on the occasion of its annual day on 14th November, 2010 children’s Day at 6.30 pm. In the school promises. On this occasion prize will be given to the students who took part in the various competition like drama, group song , Light music , classical music and won individual and group prizes. The chief guest of this function will be District Education officers of Aurangabad and the Principal of the school will preside over Annual Day meeting.
We the students that of this school honourable of you make it convenient to attend this function. We are also extended this invitation to the chairman of the Zila Parishad. He has at ready given his verble consent to be present on this occasion. Thanking you,
Respectfully yours
    Sd – Binod
Secretary Cultural Society
Gandhi Uchha Vidyalay
D.  Words Study
D.1. Dictionary Use :
Examp. Correct the spelling of the following words:
Incorrect                        Correct
1. Circumstanse      Circumstances
2. Permitt                         Permit
3. Struggle                    Struggle
4. Selfisness              Selfishness
5. Gennune                  Genuine
6. Precius                     Precious
7. Destitusion           Destitution
8. Tyrranny                 Tyrranny
Examp.2. Find out the words from the lesson which have the following meanings :
1. Act of dedication= Sacrifice.
2. Extreme bodily pain = torture.
3. Society = Community
4. Freedom = Eanicipation
5. To put one with the other = brotherhood
6. To set free = release.
Examp 3. March the words given in Column ‘A’ with their meanings given in column ‘B’.
A                           B
(a) Detention          (i) Isolated (e)
(b) Plight.                (ii) Cause (f)
(c) Tyrrany              (iii) Valuable (d)
(d) Worthy               (iv) Delay (a)
(e) Lovely                (v) Condition (b)
(f) Reason               (vi) Cruelty (c)
D.2. Words Formation :
Great — Greatest , Personal— Personally ,Nation— National , Child — Childhood children.
We see the ‘est’ , ‘ly’ Al, hood , ‘in’ are added to make new words . Add suitable suffixes to the words given below and make new words.
Heavy          Heavily
Bright          Brightest
Clear            Clearly,
Brother       Brotherly,
Pray             Prayer
High             Highest
Love             Lovely
Hard             Hardest
Slow            Slowly
E. Grammar :
[ Subject verb- Agreement ]
Look at the following sentences.
(i) Circumstances do not permit my mother to be here in person.
(ii) Children continue to Sacrifice their well being.
Note : A verb must agree with its subject in number and person.
Subject         —        Verb
(I) Colour             —         is
(ii) Oil and water —        do
(iii) nothing          —         is
Some important rules :
(i) Two or more singular Nouns or pronouns joined by ‘and’ require a plural verb;
He and I were playing there.
Are your brother and sister at home ‘?
(ii) If the suggest one idea to the same person or thing, the verb is singular.
The poet and singer is on the stage.
Two and two makes four.
(iii) Words joined to a singular subject by with, as well as , together with etc, are parenthetical. The verb should, therefore , be put in the singular: The teacher with all the students has gone.
English as well as Hindi is taught here.
(iv) Two or more singular subjects connected by ‘either…….or’ ‘or’ require singular Verb.
Ravi or Vinayak does not know how to swim.
(V) Either, neither, each, everyone, many a, take a singular Verb.
Each oby and each girl sings well
(Vi) ‘ A number of’ takes a plural verb ‘ the number of’ takes a singular Verb.
A number of students are in the hall. The number of students is eighty.
(Vii) Some nouns which are singular in from but plural in meaning take a singular Verb:
The news is good. Politics is harmful.
(Viii) When a plural noun denotes some specific quantity or amount considered as a whole, the Verb is singular.
Sixty miles is a long distance.
(ix) A team of, a set of, a bunch of, a flock of, a pair of etc. Take singular Verb.
A team of player has come. A set of books has been sold.
(X) Nothing but/ everything but takes singular Verb.
Nothing but car is sold here.
Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets :
(i) Truth and honesty…….. the best Policy (is/are)
(ii) Pooja, Rani and Mona……..good
friends (is/are)
(iii) Smoking and drinking…… is injurious to health (is/are)
(iv) Eachof the boys……been given a book (have been/has been)
(V) A committee…… been appointed to study the situation.(has/have)
(Vi) They jury…….. divided in their opinions (is/are)
(Vii) Measles ……. a serious disease (is /are)
(Viii) Seventy rupees…….. enough for this work (is/are)
(ix) A bunch of keys…….been lost (have/ has)
(X) The rest of the books ………. published (was/were)

Ans. (i) is, (ii) are,(iii) is, (iv)has been (v) has, (vi) is, (vii) is, (viii) is, (ix) has (X) were
1. Do a project work on Nobel prize. Mention the field for which the Nobel prizes winners from Asia.
   Translate the following sentences into English :
1. दो और दो चार होता है।
Two and two make four.
2. मेरे शिक्षक ने कहा कि ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी नीति है।
My teacher has said that honesty is the best Policy.
3. सच्चाई एवं ईमानदारी कभी परास्त नहीं होती।
Truth and honesty never gets defeated.
4. सूर्य अभी पूरब में उग रही है।
  The sun is rising in the east.
5. पेड़ों के अलावे वहाँ कुछ भी दिखाई नहीं देता है।
Nothing is seen there except the sun sets.
6. सूरज के डूबने के पहले मैं घर आ जाऊँगा।
    I will reach home before the run sets.
7.  बेईमान कभी भी लाभदायक नहीं होते।
     Dishonest can never be advantageous.
8. टहलना एवं हँसना स्वास्थ के लिए लाभदायक है।
   Walking and laughing is good for health.
9. डॉक्टर ने ध्रूमपान मना किया।
The doctor has advised against smoking.
10. क्या पृथ्वी सूर्य का चक्कर लगाती है।
    Does the earth move round the Sun ?

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