9th english

bseb class 9th english notes | BISMILLAH KHAN


bseb class 9th english notes





Introduction:Bismillah Khan is known to be legendry figure in the field of music. He was  born on March,1916 in a family of musicians of Bihar. His family belongs to Dumraon a small place in Bihar situated between patna and varanasi. Khan Saheb was born in Dumraon. He moved to his maternal uncle’s house in Varanasi as a small child and remained there till his death on 21st August 2006. Recognise his value service to the Indian classical music, he was conferred with the highest civilian award of ‘Bharat Ratna’ in the year 2001.

1. Aurangzeb the emperor during Mughal period had banned the playing of a musical instrument called pungi in the royal residential area. The sound produced from this instrument was not at all shooting to the ears. A barber sound produced by this instrument more melodious and acceptable. He made some changes in the body of the pipe of the instrument making seven holes of different sizes in it produce rhythmic notes which gave melodious sound.
2. The instrument was played in the chamber of shah, the king. This time it was highly appreciated. The instrument was played by a nai[barber] , so it was named as shah + nai i.e shehnai. Shehnai become a ‘mangal vadya’  [ auspicious instrument ] as it become a part of the wedding ceremony as well as temple music. It was recognised as one of the nine instruments [ Naubat ] allowed to be played in royal courts. Till that time it was just a ‘lok vadya ‘ or folk instrument. Bismillah Khan turned this instrument into an instrument in which classical music notes could also be played and produced. So the credit of elevating this instrument goes to ustad Bismillah khan.
3. As a small boy Bismillah Khan used to visit the Biharijee temple situated in his village. This temple is having the presiding deity of Maharaja of Dumraon. As young boy Khan Sahab used to get a big laddu every evening after evening pooja. He used to accompany his father Paigambar Bux was also a shehnai player and followed the footsteps of his father. In this family of musicians, Bismillah Khan was born on 21st March, 1916.
4. He migrated to benaras for further training in shehnai under the guidance of his maternal uncle Ali Bux. His maternal uncle was employed to play shehnai at Balajee [ vishnu ] temple of Benaras. Bismillah Khan started practising the steps on the bank of Ganga near the Balajee temple.
5. At the age of 14 Bismillah Khan had the first public appearance on stage in 2 music conference where he accompanied his uncle on shehnai. His performance ( accompaniet ) was highly appreciated by Ustad Faiz Khan. Bismillah Khan also played on the first independence day of India at the Red port.
6. From that time Bismillah Khan started giving performances both inside and outside country. His first performance outside India was in Afghanistan. Film Director Vijay Bhatt recognised his talent and made in film which Bismillah Khan prominently played on the instrument Mr. Bhatt named his film as ‘Goonj Uthi shehnai’. Similarly another film  Kannada entitled ‘Sanadhi Apnna’ featured Khan shaheb’s shehnai After this. Popularity of Bismillah Khan started travelling throught out the world. He performed at the famous Lincon Center Hall in USA in the Cannes Art festival and in osaka Trade Fair. An auditorium in Tehran was named after him Tehar Mosiquee Ustad Bismillah Khan.
7. Subsequently national awards like padamshri, Padma Bushan and Padma Vibhushan were conferred on him. In 2001, he was honoured with the highest civilian award of ‘Bharat Ratna’.
8. Though Bismillah Khan had the opportunity of the visiting all over the world, he had special love for Benaras, Dumraon and the Ganges. He never liked to miss Benaras and the Ganga.
9. Once he was asked after partition of India that as to why he and his family not moved to Pakistan? He replied I would never think of leaving Benaras. He said that once he visited Pakistan across the border for few hours. He went there said. Namaskar to the Pakistanis and ‘salam walekum’ to the Indians there and came back.
10. Ustad Bismillah Khan was a true patriot‌, a great musician a devout Muslim and over and above a perfect human.


भूमिकाः संगीत की दुनिया में बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ की‌ अपनी‌ एक खास पहचान है। उनका परिवार डुमराँव का‌ निवासी हैं। यह एक छोटा‌ सा कस्बा है जो ‌पटना‌ और वाराणसी के मध्य में बक्सर के पास सिथ्त है । बिस्मिल्लाह खां का जन्म अपने गांव ‌डुमराँव में हुआ था । बाल्यकाल में ही खाँ साहब अपने मामा के घर बनारस आ गये और जीवन के अंतिम दिनों तक वाराणसी में रहे। उनकी मृत्यु 21 अगस्त, 2006 को वाराण में हुई।
संगीत की क्षेत्र में उनकी कीर्तिमान सेवा के फलस्वरूप भारत सरकार द्वारा मई, 2001 में उन्हें ‘भारत रत्न’ ‌की सर्वोच्च नागरिक उपाधि से अलंकृत किया गया था।

1. मुगल सम्राट ने‌ अपने राजशाही क्षेत्र में पुंगीनामक वाद्ययंत्र के बजाये जाने पर रोक लगा दी थी। इस वाद्ययंत्र की ध्वनि ककंश थी और कानों को अप्रिय लगती थी। एक नाई उस राजघराने का अत्यंत आत्मीय जन बन गया था और राजमहल में वह बेरोकटोक आया जाया करता था। उसने इस वाद्ययंत्र में परिवर्तन लाने का विचार किया और इस दिशा में काम करने लगा। उसने लकड़ी की एक लम्बी नली चुनी जिसका मध्य भाग खोखला था। यह नली पुंगी से अपेक्षाकृत बड़ी भी थी। उसने उस नली के ऊपरी हिस्से में सात छोटे-बड़े छेद कर दिये। अब जब उसने अंगुलियों के संचालन से इन छेदों को नियंत्रित करते हुए उत्पन की तो उससे कोमल और कर्णप्रिय संगात की उत्पत्ति हुई ।
2. अपने इस नये वाद्ययंत्र को उस नाई ने राजदरबार में बादशाह के सामने इसकी प्रशंसा की । चूँकि यह वाद्ययंत्र पहली बार शाहंशाह के सामने एक नाई के द्वारा बजाया गया था, इसीलिए इसका नाम ‘ शहनाई ‘ रखा गया ।
शहनाई शादी-ब्याह एवं मन्दिरों में बजायी जाने लगी। अतः इसे मंगल वाद्य का दर्जा दिया गया और इसे दरबारी संगीत के रूप में भी स्वीकृति मिली। ‘ नौबत ‘ में बजने वाले वाद्ययंत्रों में शहनाई को भी स्थान मिल गया। इस कारण यह एक लोकवाद्य से ऊपर उठकर एक अधिकारिक वाद्ययंत्र के रुप में गिना जाने लगा।
बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ साहब को यह गौरव प्राप्त है कि उन्होंने शाश्त्रीय संगीत के स्र्वरों को इस फूँक- वाद्ययंत्र पर उतारा । यह अत्यंत कठिन कार्य था क्योंकि शाश्त्रीय संगीत के रागों को फूँक के माध्यम से किसी वाद्ययंत्र पर उतारना अपने -आप में कठिन एवं दु: साहस का कार्य था। इस प्रकार इस वाद्ययंत्र को शास्त्रीयता का आधार मिला । इसका श्रेय खाँ साहब को जाता है ।
3. जब बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ बालक थे तो डुमरांव स्थित बिहारीजी हैं जो डुमरांव के महराजा के आराध्य देव हैं। खाँ साहब के दादा रसूल बख्श खाँ डुमरांव रियासत के दरबार में शहनाई बजाते थे। अतः खाँ साहब की रुचि भी शहनाई वादन में जागृत हुई । इसी संगीत परिवार में बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ  का जन्म 21 मार्च ,1916  को हुआ ।
4. बाद में बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ की माँ अपने बेटे को लेकर बनारस चली आयीं और अपने मामा के संरक्षण में बालक बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ शहनाई वादन का प्रशिक्षण लेने लगे । उनके मामा का नाम रसूल बख्श था और बनारस के बाला जी मंदिर में शहनाई वादन के लिए नियुक्त किये गये थे। बाद में बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ  के लिए बालाजी मंदिर और मंगला माई का मन्दिर आकर्षण का केंद्र बन गया। गंगा के तट पर सीढ़ियों पर बैठ कर वे एकांत में घंटों रियाज करते थे और नीचे बहती गंगा जी की पवित्र धारा उनकों प्रेरणा देती थी ।
5. 14 वर्ष की आयु में बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ को सर्वप्रथम  इलाहाबाद की एक संगीत सभा में अपने मामा के साथ बजाने का सुअवसर मिला । कार्यक्रम की समाप्ति पर उस्ताद फैय्याज उस बालक को अपने पास बुलाया और उसकी पीठ ठोंकी । ” खूब अभ्यास करों तुम्हारा बड़ा नाम होगा।” भारत की आजादी के पहले वर्ष पर बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ को लालकी में शहनाई बजाने का सुअवसर मिला था  जिसमें पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू स्वयं उपस्थित थे ।
6. उसी समय से खाँ साहब देश-विदेश में अपना स्वतंत्र कार्यक्रम करने लगे। विदेश में उनका पहला कार्यक्रम अफगानिस्तान में आयोजित हुआ था। उनकी क्षमता और ख्याति से प्रभावित होकर प्रसिद्ध फिल्म निर्देशक विजय भट्ट ने ‘ गूँज उठी शहनाई ‘ नाम से एक फिल्म हो बना डाला । बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ की शहनाई पर आधारित इस फिल्म का गीत ‘ दिल का खिलौना हाय टूट गया ‘ को सर्वाधिक ख्याति मिली । इस फिल्म में  बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ की शहनाई का सफलतापूर्वक प्रयोग हुआ । इसके बाद बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ  की चारों ओर पुरस्कार बरसने  लगे। उनके शहनाई वादन के कार्यक्रम का आयोजन अमरिका  के लिंगन सेंटर हाँल में हुआ । उन्होंने मान्टियल में शहनाई का कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किया। केन्स के कला समारोह तथा ओसाका (जापान ) के व्यापार मेले में भी अपना कार्यक्रम पेश किया जिसे सराहना मिली । तेहरान में एक प्रेक्षागृह का नामकरण उस्ताद के नाम पर ‘ तहर मौसुकी बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ ‘ रखा गया ।
7. भारत सरकार द्वारा उन्हें क्रमशः पद्मश्री , पद्मभूषण , पद्म विभूषण की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया गया ‌। वर्ष 2001 में उन्हें भारत का सर्वोच्च नागरिक सम्मान ‘भारत रत्न ‘ से विभूषित किया गया।  यह भारत की दौलत और विरासत हैं। ” अब तो पश्चिमी देश के लोग भी भारत का संगीत सीखनें यहाँ आ रहे हैं।
8. यद्यपि खाँ साहब ने देश – विदेश की सर्वाधिक यात्रा की थी पर बनारस और डुमरांव के प्रति उनका विशेष आकर्षण था । वे कहा करते थे कि जब भी मैं विदेश जाता हूँ तो मुझे बनारस और गंगा की याद आती है और जब बनारस में रहता हूँ तो डुमरांव का ‘ मट्ठा मुझे खींचता है।
9. एक बार किसी ने उनसे पूछा, देश के विभाजन के बाद आप सपरिवार पाकिस्तान क्यों नहीं चले गए ? उन्होंने कहा कि एक बार वे सीमा पार गये थे । वहाँ पहुँचकर उन्होंने पाकिस्तानियों को ‘नमस्कार ‘ कहा और हिन्दुस्तानियों को ‘सलाम वालेकुम ‘ और एक घंटा रहकर अपने देश वापस आ गया ।
10. बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ एक सच्चे  इन्सान, एक सच्चे मुसलमान और एक सच्चे देशभक्त थे। वे हमारे देश की विशाल सांस्कृतिक परम्परा की धरोहर थे । ऐसी ही धार्मिक आस्था वाला सच्चा मुसलमान प्रतिदिन सुबह काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर में शहनाई  बजाकर अपने दिन की शुरुआत खुदा की इबादत से करना पसन्द करता था ।
Glossary : शब्दावली

Generic name (n)= एक जाति या वर्ग का नाम। Reeded (Adj) = वाद्ययंत्र जिसमें रीड का प्रयोग हो जैसे बांसुरी, शहनाई , क्लारिओनेट । Auspicious (adj)= मंगल सूचक  Indispensable (adj)= अविभाज्य। Ensemble (n)= वृन्द समूह जैसे वाद्यवृन्द । Souvenir (n) = स्मारिका।
Celluloid = चलचित्र, सिनेमा । Venture= साहस । Coveted = इच्छित ।


A.    Work in small groups and discuss the following: As in the Text book.
[ To be organised by the class teacher in the school.]

B.1.2. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements:

1.  Bismillah Khan belongs to a family of musicians from Uttar Pradesh.                   [F]
2.  Bismillah khan’s ancestors were also great  shehnai players.                                             [T]
3.  The flowing water of the Ganga gave inspiration to Bismillah to create ragas.   [T]
4.  He learnt shehnai from his parents and grand faster.                                     [F]

B.1.2. Complete the sentences on the basis of unit you have just studied:

1. The pungi is a musical instrument.
2. The pungi became the generic name for reeded noise makers.
3. The instrument which is so different from the pungi is called Shehnai.
4.  Seven holes were made on the body of a pipe.
5.  Rasool Bux Khan was the Shehnai Newaj of Bhojpuri king’s court.
6.  He was Bismillah’s grandfather.
7.  Bismillah accompanied his maternal uncle to the vishnu temple of Benaras.
8.  Bismillah played at the temple of Balajee and the banks of Ganga as a young apprentice.

B.1.3. Answer the following questions very briefly:

1. Who banned the playing of the pungi?

Ans: Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of the musical instrument called pungi.

2. What generic name did the pungi came to acquire?

Ans: Pungi became shehnai after certain innovations made by a barber.

3. Who revived the pungi?

Ans: A barber of a family of professional musicians who had access to the royal place decide to improve the tonal quality of the pungi.

4. Where was the Shehnai played for the first time?

Ans: It was first played in the Royal Chamber of the shah.

5. Who played the instrument for the first time so different from the pungi?

Ans: It was played by the nai who had developed because it was played by the nai and it was played in the shah Chamber, it was named shehnai.

6. What is naubat called?

Ans: Naubat is the assembly of different musical instruments which were played in royal courts. Normally it has combination of nine instruments.                                          

7.  Who brought the instrument Shehnai on the classical stage?

Ans: The credit of bringing this instrument onto to the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan.

8. Which sport did Bismillah Khan played in his childhood?

Ans: In his childhood, Bismillah Khan used to play ‘ Gilli–Danda’ a rural sport which is still played in villages.

9. Where did he play the sport?

Ans: He used to play the sport near a pond in the ancient estate of Dumraon in Bihar.

10. Where did he go to sing Bhojpuri Chaita?

Ans: He used to go to Biharijee’s temple to sing the folk song of Chaita.

11. What is the highest civilian award in india?

Ans: The highest civilian award in India is ‘Bharat Ratna’.

12. Who was Bismillah’s father?

Ans: The name of Bismillah’s father was Paigambar Bux.

13. Who was Bismillah’s maternal uncle?

Ans: Bismillah’s maternal uncle name was Ali Bux.

B.2.1. Complete the sentences on the basis of the unit you have studied :

1. At the age of fourteen Bismillah Khan accompanied his uncle to Allahabad Music Conference.
2. In 1983 came Bismillah’s first break with the opening of All India Radio in Lucknow.
3. His father trip abroad was to Afganistan.
4. Film Director Vijay Bhatt named his film as ‘Goonj Uthi Shehnai’ after being impressed by the Shehnai.
5. National award like the Padmashri, padmabhushan and the Padma Vibhushan were conferred on him.
6. Bismillah Khan also referred to as Khan Shaheb.
7. An auditorium in Tehran named after him is called Tahar Mosiquee Ustad Bismillah Khan.

B.2.2. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements:

1. An auditorium in Tehran was named after Bismillah Khan.                                        [T]
2. Bismillah Khan was fondly called Khan shaheb.                                                      [T]
3. Khan shaheb was Shehnai player of international repute even then no national award were conferred of him.              [F]

B.2.3. Answer the following questions very briefly:     

1. When was Bismillah Khan awarded the highest civilian award?

Ans: The award was given in the year 2001.

2. Of which two cities was the most fond of?

Ans: He was most fond of Benaras and Dumraon.

1. Which emperor banned the playing of the pungi? Do you think that it is against the right to expression?

Ans: Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of pungi a musical instrument which had a shrill and unpleasant sound. In monarchy the right  to expression has no ecistance. It is the will of the emperor which prevails.

2. Ustad Khan refused the calluloid world after two films.was it a loss to the cinema world or gain to Hindustani music ? Discuss.

Ans: It was perfectly again to Hindustani music. To play classical music on wind instruments like shehnai is very difficult. Only a genias like Ustad Bismillah Khan would have done this. It was a god gifted music and no other musician could have produced that miracle on shehnai as Bismillah Khan.

3. Capture in word that feeling of the Ustad Khan when he received Bharat Ratna?

Ans: He said: I wish and would like that the rich tradition music is maintained and this is possible if we teach our children music particularly the Indian classical music. Even the western countries have started learning our Indian music. Why should we he left behind.

4. Only in India it is possible that a devout muslim like Khan shaeb can very naturally play the shehnai every morning at Kashi Vishwanath temple. What light does this statement throw on India’s cultural heritage ? Discuss.

Ans: Khan shaheb was a true devout muslim. He had faith in Allah, God, Ishwar. He felt god is one. Only we call him through different names. Music is a prayer to God. We reach to the some almighty through our prayer. India is a multiracial, multilingual and a multicultural country. We are so many but one and the Indian music find our nation in unity against diversity.

5. Describe the incident of Ustad  Khan visiting pakistan?

Ans: Bismillah Khan once narrated that once he visited Pakistan that too for an hour, when he reached there he said Namaskar to the Pakistanis and the Salam walekum to the Indians and came back. He said that he can never think of having Benaras.

6. How did shehnai get its name? Describe in your words the process how the pungi became the Shehnai?

Ans: A barber, who belonged to the family of musicians decided to convert pungi into a melodious instrument. He took a pipe longer in size than pungi which had natural hollowaess and made seven holes on its body of different dimensions to produce seven ‘swears’ of musical notes. The pipe produce melodious sound. It was played in shah’s chamber and was invented and played by a nai so it got the name’s shehnai.                      

Discuss the following in group of pairs:
1. Composite culture of our country.
2. Musical instruments of your area.
To be arranged by the class teacher.

1. Imagine yourself as young Bismillah and write in 10 lines about your attachment to varanasi.

Ans: Vanarasi is situated in two rivers—Varuna+ Asi. Asi is on the bank of great river Ganga. This is on of the ancient cities of the world which is called the cultural capital of India.
Bismillah Khan is a small child moved to the city of his maternal uncle. He started learning shehnai under the guidance of his maternal uncle who loved him very much. He got so attached to the city that no allurement could move him out of the city. He developed as a great musician in this city and Khan shaheb was known through Varanasi and Varanasi  was known for so many things including Bismillah Khan Shehnai’s.

2. Write in about 100 words the achievement of Ustad Bismillah Khan.

Ans: Ustad Bismillah Khan was known to be a great musician. The credit of elevating Shehnai from a folk instrument to a recognised music instrument of Indian classical music goes to only Bismillah Khan. Even today the morning session of All India Radio starts with his Mangal Vadya Shehnai. He visited the length and breadth of our country and enchanted the audience with his music. He performed at as so many music conferences abroad and got honoured by the high dignitaries of the country he visited. Due to his service to the nation particularly in the file of music, he was conferred with the highest civilian award of ‘Bharat Ratna’.

D.1. Dictionary use: Correct spelling of the following words:
    Incorrect                                        Correct
Musisal                                           Musical
Awardeb                                         Awarded
Conapnoun                                    Conference                                                  
Audetorium                                    Auditorium
Instrunment                                   Instrument

D.2.1. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of the following words:

1. Impressed              Influenced, creating                    good and effect
2. Traditional              Old culture, something age old
3. Favorite                   Dear, preferred
4. Auspicious              Good omen, Good time
5. Ancestor                 Forefather, linage of a family
6. Coveted                  Aspiring, to long time  something
7. Hentage                 Traditional, which can be inherited
8. Hollow                    Empty hole cavity
9. Prestigious            Honourable, reputable

D.2.2. Word formation:
There is a word called ‘Indispensable’. This word has been made on of verb dispense by adding prefix ‘in’ and suffix ‘able’. So, many word can be  made by this process.
Let us make some words by adding suffix ‘able’ to different verbs:
Verb    +     suffix
Eat       +       able      =       Eatable
Use      +       able      =       Useable
Work    +      able       =       Workable
Count   +      able      =        Countable
Read     +      able      =        Readable
Select   +      able      =        Selectable
Adapt    +      able     =         Adaptable
Walk      +      able     =         Walkable
Understand + able   =         Understandable
Negotiate    + able   =          Negotiable

D.3. Word Matching:
Match the word and phrases in column ‘A’ with the meanings given in column ‘B’.
A                                                     B
1. Promising to give good              Auspicious
2. Things considered as a group    Ensemble
3. Beloving strongly in religion        Devout
4. Given a tittle, degree etc.             Conferred
5. Something that remainds
One place, ocassion or event         Souvenir

D.4. Phrases
Find out 10 sentences in the lesson in which phrases have been used? Use these phrases in your own sentence.

1. Fond off: He is fond of listening to good music.
2. Thick and fast: Glory and fame in one’s life come thick and fast.
3. Come to terms: He came to terms after great persuasion.
4. Big Break: Sachin Tendulkar got a big break in cricket at a very young age.
5. Often heard: This song was often heard in her voice.
6. Pour one’s heart: He poured his heart to bring success.
7. Turn out: He turned out to be a great genius.

There are different kinds of punctuations which are used in between the framing of sentence. The punctuation are:
Apostrophe              [ ‘ ] Bismillah khan’s
Colon                         [ : ]
Comma                     [ , ]
Dash                          [– ]
Full stop                    [ . ]
Hyphen                      [ – ]
Question mark         [ ? ]
Quotation mark       [ ”  ” ]
Semi colon               [ ; ]
For details and uses read grammar portion of the Text book.
F. Activities:
[ To be done under guidance of the teacher ]

G. Translation

Translate into Hindi in your mother language

Bismillah Khan has gave many memorable performances both in India and abroad. His first trip abroad was to Afghanistan where king Zeher Shah was so taken in by the maestro that he gifted him priceless Persian carpet and other souvenirs. The king of Afghanistan was not only one to be fascinated which Bismillah’s music. Film Director Vijay Bhatt was so impressed after hearing Bismillah play at a festival that he named a film after the instrument called Gunj Uthi Shehnai. The film was a hit and one of Bismillah khan’s composition, “Dil ka khilona hai toot gaya……..”, turned out to be nationwide chartbuster ! Despite this huge success in the celluloid world, Bismillah
khan’s success in film music was limited to two: Vijay Bhatt’s Gunj Uthi Shehnai and Vikram Srinivas’s kannada venture, Sanadhi Apanna ” I just can’t come to terms with the artificially and glamour of the film world,” he says with emphasis.

उस्ताद बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ ने कुछ यादगार संगीत कार्यक्रम देश और विदेश में किये हैं।
अफगानिस्तान की यात्रा उनकी पहली विदेश यात्रा थी । वहाँ इनके शहनाई वादन में वहाँ के सम्राट जहीर शाह इतने अभिभूत हो ग्रेड थे कि उन्होंने खाँ साहब को अमूल्य पारसी कारपेट  एवं अन्य स्मृति चिन्ह उपहार में दिये । बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ  के शहनाई वादन से प्रभावित होने वाले अफगानिस्तान के शाह मात्र अकेले व्यक्ति नहीं थे। फिल्म निदेशक, विजय भट्ट ने बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ की शहनाई वादन को एक संगीत समारोह में सुना और इतने आकर्षित हुए कि उन्होंने अपनी फिल्म का नाम ‘ गूँज उठी शहनाई ‘ रख दिया । इस फिल्म में खाँ साहब की संगीत रचना ‘ दिल का खिलौना हाय टूट गया ‘ ने देश भर में धूम मचा दी। फिल्म जगत में इस सफलता के बावजूद खाँ साहब ने मात्र दो फिल्मों में अपना संगीत दिया । वह था विजय भट्ट कृत फिल्म ‘ गूँज उठी शहनाई ‘ और विक्रम श्रीनिवास की कन्नड़ फिल्म —’ सनधी अपन्ना ‘ । बिस्मिल्लाह खाँ ने एक बार स्पष्ट रुप में कहा — ” मैं फिल्मीं दुनिया की चकाचौंध और वहाँ के कृत्रिम जीवन से कदापि समझोता नहीं कर सकता। ”


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