class 9th english notes | SOUND
class 9th english notes
class – 9
subject – english
lesson 5 – SOUND
— Rajani Parulekar
About the poetess : The poet, Rajni Parulekar is originally a poet of marathi and has received
maharastra state Award for her contributions to marathi literature.Her three collections of poems in marathi have been published and have received praise from the records.
This poem entitled ‘Sound’ has been taken from ‘Indian Literature’ and has been translated in English by suhas Sooryakant Limaye.
There are three stanzas in the poem. The poet has tried to express the agony of a tree which has been cut in two pieces. The branches of the tree are separated from the tree and what remains are two logs of wood separated from each other and lying side by side. Now they talk to each other in a meak voice. Their talks are in the from of sound. They remember their old days with broken heart and crying with pain.
They say, they remember the old days when they were tossed by severe wind and the rain drenching them from top to toe. Wind blowing with sound knew that those are the songs of life. From spring to autumn the changes are natural.
But many people can not appreciate these songs because they are blunt (कुन्द बुद्धि वाले ). Even they can’t understand the agony suffered if expressed in simple words. How it is possible to expect from such people to understand the songs expressed in sounds. The poet says through these lines that sounds are more expressive and powerful means of communication than the words. The words actually kill the inner sentiments and the value of sentiment is totally losses in the words and sentences.
कवियित्री परिचय : ‘ साउंड शीर्षक इस कविता की रचयिता रजनी पारूलेकर मूलतः एक मराठी कवित्री एवं रचनाकार हैं। मराठी में उनकी तीन काव्यकृतियाँ प्रकाशित हैं। मराठी साहित्य के पाठकों और बुद्धिजीवियों द्वारा इनकी रचनाओं को सराहा और आदर दिया गया है।
यह कविता ‘ इंडियन लिटरेचर’ से ली गई है जिसका अंग्रेजी अनुवाद सुहास सूर्यकान्त लिमये ने किया है। रजनी पारूलेकर का जन्म सन् 1945 में हुआ था।
कविता का भावार्थ :
1.जंगल के एक पेड़ को काटकर टुकड़े-टुकड़े
कर दिया जाता है
इस पेड़ की डालियाँ भी टूटकर अलग हो जाती हैं
फिर इस वृक्ष के बने दो टुकड़े आपस में क्या बातें करते हैं ?
ये फुसफुसाई करहाते , सिसकते दर्द बाँटते हैं
और फिर अतीत की यादों को एक-दूसरे के समक्ष
प्रकट करते हुए ये अपने अलगाव पर जार- जार होते हैं।
( जार – जार होना = असीम दुःख प्रकट करना )
2. क्या उन्हें याद है कि तेज हवा के झोंके उन्हें
वर्षा की बूँदें उन्हें कैसे सर से पाँव तक भींगा देती थीं ?
और फिर वसंत के आगमन के साथ ही वे खिल उठते थे
पर पतझड़ उन्हें पत्र विहीन कर देता था।
यह सब तो हवा की क्रीड़ा थी।
हवा को कौन रोक सकता है भला !
वे तो सब स्थानों पर पहुँच कर जीवन का यह गान गाती है।
3. पर सच तो यह है कि जीवन का यह संगीत
सबको पसंद नहीं होता
बहुत से लोगों की बुद्धि मंद और कुंद होती है
वे तो उस दर्द को भी नहीं पकड़ पाते जो सीधे- सादे शब्दों के माध्यम से व्यक्त की जाती है।
4. तो फिर इन गीतों का क्या जो मात्र ध्वनियाँ हैं ?
ध्वनियाँ में निहित यह जीवन – संगीत अगर
शब्दों और वाक्यों का माध्यम बने तो उसकी
आत्मा ही मर जायेगी।
उनका दम घुटकर रह जायेगा।
वास्तव में शब्द मर जाते हैं पर ध्वनियाँ जीवित रहती हैं।
[ जीवन के संगीत को ध्वनियों के माध्यम से कवयत्री ने अभिव्यक्ति दी है। ]
[ हिंदी अनुवाद : विश्वनाथ पाण्डेय]
Glossary : शब्दावली
Hacked (v): काट देना। Halves (n): आधा का बहुवचन प्रयोग । Log (n): लकड़ी का कुंदा। Reminisae (v): बीती हुई यादों में खो जाना। Forlorn (Adj.): परित्यक्त । Agonies (n): पीड़ा, दर्द। Script (n): पाण्डुलिपी। Whisper (v): फुसफुसाना।
A. Discuss the questions given below :
1. How trees help us ?
Ans. Trees are the life line of human being. They give us food, flower and fruit. They keep the atmosphere clean by soaking carbon and in return giving oxygen which is vital for human life. Trees do not allow the erosion of soil and thereby protect floods. Trees provide fodder to animals, shelter to birds and are good source of energy.
2. Should one cut trees ?
Ans. No, not at all — rather we should plant more and more trees.
3. Name the trees which you have in your school garden.
Ans. There are two types of trees in my school garden and premises. There are fruit bearing trees as well as trees which are decorative and flowering. The fruit bearing trees are Mango, jackfruit, guava, coconut trees. The other type are teak seesham, mahogany, Saal etc.
4. Have you planned tree in your locality ?
Ans. No, it is not possible because in our locality the land belongs to the government.
B.1. Answer the following questions very briefly :
1. What happens to a tree in the woods ?
Ans. Either they are cut down when they grow stronger after some year or they fall down due to hurricane and Strom. They dry up on attaing some age and are cut to make fire wood.
2. Do the halves express their grief.
Ans. This is poetic expression on cutting of trees. Actually cutting of trees bring to man ecologically. The halves express their grief on Bering cut and departed .
3. Do they make sound because they are in pain ?
Ans. This is again a feeling of the poet as expressed In the poem.
4.Where do the logs go ?
Ans. The logs are sent to the saw mill where they make timber and sell those for making furniture.
5. Who knows the predicament of trees ?
Ans. Only the wind feels the agony of the trees because big their association.
6. Can all men sence thae agonic of tree ?
Ans. No, all men are not so sensitive to grasp that that feeling.
7. Why does the poet call the songs not song but just sounds.
Ana. Sounds are inherent parts of songs. There can be no song without the combination of sound. Sound always vibrates and last long.
8. What will be the ultimate end of such sounds ?
Ans. Sounds would be locked to death if combined in the coil of words.
1. The poetess has given touching account of a tree which has been cut down. Don’t you think that this is a sad poem in the memory of a falled tree ?
Ans.Of course this is a sad poem in the memory of the falled tree .The agony of the felled tree has been vividly expressed by the poet in this poem.
2. Why has the poetess indulged in reminiscences ? Has anything ever compelled you to reminisce ?
Ans. The poetess has compared the life of a tree with that of a man here. Whenever one faces bad days, the good old days naturally flash back. We also do sometime go into the past and recall the nice time spent may be in the family or outside.
3. What does the wind know and what the wind blowing a din suggest ?
Ans. The wind has been a life long companion of the tree. He has been the witness to all the good and bad time of the tree. The din sound of the wind suggest that the wind shears the agony of the tree after it has been hacked.
4. ” Many a man is so blunt and they can not appreciate the simple words “. Explain the lines.
Ans. The poetess say that some people and blunt and they can
not appreciate the suffering of other person. They fail to catch even the simple words of agony and pain expressed.
5. Justify the title of the poem.
Ans. The poetess wants to establishing that only the sound service. Songs are also sounds. Sounds carry the words. The words can die but the sound of pain and pleasure will last for ever. Hence the title of the poem as ‘sound’ , sounds justified and apt.
6. A lot of people are insensitive to the agonies of trees. Comment.
Ans. Yes, it is ture that a lot of people are insensitive towards the agonies of tree and they cut the tree ruthlessly. It is perhaps because they are unable to evaluate the importance of tree in human’s life.By doing this, they are harming detba own cause.
7. What is the theme of the poem. Could you suggest another title ?
Ans. The main theme of the poem is to protect the trees from dying unnatural death. The cutting of trees disturbs the ecological balance (पर्यावरण संतुलन) on the earth. Man and nature must co – exist, live together otherwise the life of man, animal, birds and all creatures will come to an end one day.
The poetess has tried to give a message to the mankind through this poem.
The title ‘sound’ is a symbolic one (प्रतीकात्मक) and for this theme and treatment of the subject the title is quite suitable.
8. Do trees have souls ? Give your opinion.
Ans. Yes, I feel the trees have souls. They have senses and are sensitive. They smile when cared nicely and weep when neglected. The musical sound gives them pleasure and they bear more furit on listening music. It is true that they can’t speak but they are expressive. One has to each that expression. It comes through experience.
9. Imagine yourself to be a branch which has just been backed out. Describe your feelings to your parents tree.
Ans. O! my mummy ! today I have been cut from your body. You know, some cruel hand did this. I was crying but it had no effect on him. He was bent upon separating me from my mother.
Mum ! after some days I will dry out and the person may put me in fire or I may be sold out to a carpenter who will chisel my body with his axe. So I am now going to some unknown destination. You just pray for me. Forgive me if I have hurt you anytime.
C.2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups :
1. Trees are our friends, we must not cut them.
Points :
(a) Trees are man’s life long friends.
(b) Man cannot service without tree.
(c) Trees are source of life saving oxygen.
(d) They provide us food , fodder, flower.
(e) They are vital source of energy.
(f) They save us from the havoc of flood.
(g) Without tree the earth would be converted in full desert because the trees attract clouds to give us rain.
So it is an established fact that we should not cut trees.
2. Save trees today for better tomorrow.
Points : 1. A tree planted today will bear fruit after few years which may very according to the variety.
2. Money, food and the necessities of life are saved for better future. This is just like insuring yourself for a secured future.
3. Trees are essential part of life. Man cannot service on earth without trees and plants .
4. The cutting of trees blindly is just like cutting the branch on which we are sitting.
C3. Write a paragraph in about 100 wards on :
(a) Utility of tree for birds and animals.
Ans. Flora and fauna are part of ecology. Birds and animals are the nature’s beauty and service only in natural environment of jungle. Birds take shelter on trees by making their nest. Similarly animals find themselves secured inside dence forest. Again the availability of water is ensured inside woods and this helps in survival of animals and birds. Hence it is very much essential to preserve forests and plant more and more trees around us.
(b) Preserving Environment.
Due to cutting of trees aimlessly we are bringing imbalance in the environment. The natures ecology has been disturbed. The summer days are becoming hotter day by day. The winters are colder and at places the rainy season goes dry or there would be heavy rains which causes floods and life and property of thousand and thousand people are badly affected. Survival becomes difficult. This is happening all due to environmental changes around us.
Now what is the remedy. The only remedy is to establish proper balance between man and nature. Both are creations of God and why should man destroy the nature’s existence for self material benefit. Let us be careful so that our own survival is not put to extinction.
C.2. Word Study
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words given in the bracket. You can change the forms of verbs where necessary.
1. When I left home it was raining.
2. I had neither a rain coat not an umbrella, so I was drenched from head to foot.
3. If winter comes can spring be behind.
4. Be want to the woods to collect some firewood.
5. The criminal was hacked to death.
6. The headmaster praised for his courage.
7. He perhaps sensed that I wasn’t telling him the whole story.
8. The mother was moauing on a lot about the loss of her child.
D.1. Dictionary Use
Correct the spelling of the following words :
Incorrect Correct
Reminise Reminisee
Automn Autumn
Chocked Choked
Blosoms Blossoms
Use the following words in sentences of your own :
1. Groan : He was groaning in pain.
2. Log : The log of the wood was cut in two pieces.
3. Rain : It rained heavily today.
4. Sense :It sensed some fohl game in their plan.
5. Confine : I was confined in my room for the whole day.
6. Script : The script was simple and lucid.
D.2. Word Formation: By adding suffix ‘ly’
Noun Adjective Adverb
Man Manly —
Heart — Heartily
— simple simply
Cost Costly
Day daily
Friend friendly
Home homely
Order orderly
Fortnight fortnightly
E.1. Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs.
1. The tree was hacked down.
2. The soldiers was confined in the cell.
3. The setup is broken.
4. The drains are choked ..
5. The wind is blowing.
6. Flower blossoms in spring.
7. He tossed the coin.
8. The wind was blowing.
9. The old lady was moaning for her loss.
10. People were thoroughly drenched in the rain.
E.2. Change the given sentences from passive to active.
Tennis is played by me — Passive
Ramu plays tennis — Active.
(a) The tree was hacked down by men
Men hacked down the trees.
(b) The cousins teased her.
The cousin was teased by her.
(c) The branches of the tree were being tossed by the wind.
The wind tossed the branches of the tree.
(d) Oxygen is provided by the trees.
The trees provide oxygen.
(e) A car is being driven by the driver.
The driver is driving the car.
(f) The tree in the woods is hacked.
The tree is hacked in the woods.
(g) The house was built in 1995.
In 1995 the house was built.
E.3. Study the following sentences :
1. The poet asks the reader, ” what do the halves whisper to each other ?”
2. The poet asks the reader what the halves whispered to each other.
In the first sentence above , the part of the sentence in the inverted commas [” “] has been expressed as it is told by the speaker. This is an example of Direct Narration.
The second sentence is an example of example of indirect narration of the same sentence above.
Now change the following sentences into Indirect Narration:
1. The teacher says to the students, ” The earth is round.”
The teacher tells the students that the earth is round.
2. She said to me, ” I am asking you this questions.”
She told me that she was asking this question from you.
3. You said to Muskan as to “What are you reading ?”
You asking Muskan as to what she was reading ?
4. The master said to the servent, ” Bring a glass of water.”
The master asked the servent to bring a glass of water.
5. He said to you, ” what a beautiful flower this is !”
He told and exclaimed about the Beautiful flower with him.
F. Activities :
[ To be organised by the teacher in the class]
G. Translation :
Translate the poem into your mother tongue.
Ans. The translation of the poem in Hindi has been given in the beginning.